《'My Lavender' (On-going)》After the movie #1



So today is a very special day for this book because today is the 1st year anniversary for 'My Lavender' 🎉🎉🎉

I wanted to write a chapter today but I just got home from school and need a rest.

BUT I can't leave you guys hanging since today is a special day, so I wrote an 'after the movie' shot for you guys to read during My Lavender's anniversary..

This is my first 'after the movie' shot, so I hope you guys like it!

no more talking, LET'S GO!!!!

Prompt: Rocky goes downstairs to make some Hot Chocolate for him and the other kids when he sees Lavender helping Tum-tum with his homework.

It is now Saturday, which means it had been 4 days since the incident happened.

Saturday meant 'Hot Cocoa Night' for the kids.

"Lav?" Tum-tum asked as he approached Rocky's bed, holding his notebook and pen

"Yeah?" The girl said closing her book

"Can you help me with my math homework?" He said sitting on the side of his brother's bed

(Author: For context Lav is sitting on Rocky's bed cuz he has a lamp on his bed which can help her read)

"Yeah sure! Where's your book?" She asked

"it's downstairs" He said getting up

"Ok." She said also getting up

They walked towards the door but Lavender stopped and asked a question

"Who's making Hot Cocoa tonight?"

Making the boys turn to her and point to Rocky.

"I'll do it" He said looking up from the book Lavender was reading a minute ago

She gave him a thumbs up and followed Tum-tum out the door.

1 Hour Later~~~~

Rocky came down to make the promised Hot Chocolate.

He saw Lavender tutoring Tum-tum his Math assignment.

"I'll go make the drinks now!" He said to the pair


"Ok!" both of them said in chorus

He went off to the kitchen to make their drinks.

Some time passes~

(Author: I don't know how long it would take to make hot chocolate since i've never made one for myself... so yeah)

Rocky was almost done with the Hot Cocoa, all it needed was the marshmallows.

He grabbed the jar of the last and one the most important ingredients in the drink and started to place them perfectly into each cup.

As he was doing that, he heard laughter coming from the living room.

It was both Lavender and Tum-tum's.

Weird. He could hear both of them laughing, yet his ears only focus to one sound.

His Best-friend.

He looked at her with a strange feeling in his stomach, but it was good?

Soon, he snapped out of his trance and went back to what he was doing, only to realize that he had put of the marshmallows in one cup.

He started to remove the marshmallows that hadn't sunk to the chocolate and put them back in the jar.

Finished, he took two of the cups and placed them in front of his brother and best-friend.

"Here's your order, ma'am, sir, two cups of delicious Hot Cocoa." He played as a waiter

"Why thank you, kind man." Lavender played along

"Hey, why does she have more marshmallows than I do?" Tum-tum asked looking at the mallow difference in the cups

"Oh come on Tum, it's fine, you can just get more of your marshies in the kitchen." She said

"Tsk, favoritism." Tum-tum scoffed as he grabbed his cup and went to the kitchen to get more mallows

Lavender shook her head at their youngest.

"Hey you ok?" She asked Rocky, seeing he's as red as a strawberry


"Yeah, I better get going now, Colt's probably waiting for his drink." He said while putting his head on his nape

"ROCKY" an echoed voice called Rocky

"You should probably get going." She said to him

"Ye-" He got cut off

"Yeah, you should" Tum-tum said while entering the living room area

"TUM!" Lavender said

"What?" he asked

"That's too much marshmallows! might as well call it 'Hot Mallows'! That's not Hot Chocolate anymore!" She scolded seeing his cup had a 'mountain' of marshmallows on top

"You know what? we're going back in the kitchen, uh-uh, you are not gonna consume this much." she said while taking the cup out of his hands and went back to the kitchen

"NO! Lav!" The youngest boy said

They started arguing on the way and Rocky followed them.

"Oops! gotta go! Byeeee" Rocky said as he grabbed his and Colt's drink, leaving the two to argue about the amount of marshmallows they should consume

"HEY! ROCKY! HELP ME!!!" Lavender yelled for Rocky to help her convince Tum-tum

Rocky just whistled his way up to their room.


"Colt! open the door!" Rocky said as his hands were full

The second oldest Douglas child opened the door.

"What took you so long?" He asked his brother who placed their drinks in the coasters of their table

"Tum and Lav are fighting about the marshmallows again.." Rocky sighed

"Oh.." Colt remembered the last Saturday they had Hot Cocoa and he made the drinks

Both of them took a sip from their lovely drinks while hearing the muffled fighting downstairs.


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