《'My Lavender' (On-going)》27⚡(pt. 9)


"Hey kids, we're all gonna go for a little ride."

By instinct, Colt tried to kick Mr. sumo but he grabbed Colt's ankle making him flip upside down

Lavender sighed, Rocky facepalmed, and Tum-tum crossed his arms

"Would you like me to drive?" Colt offered

They didn't say anything else and just walked out the door... with Mr. Sumo still holding onto Colt's ankle

The other men that stayed grabbed Lav, Rocky, and Tum-tum

"Let me go!" Lavender squirmed in the hands of the guy carrying her out the door

"Hey! don't touch her!" Rocky said but another guy started dragging him out

"EMILYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY" Tum-tum screamed as he was put on a man's shoulder

She heard it and went out the house

She saw her friends being taken/dragged into a car


She approached the car and tried to stop the men from putting Tum-tum inside the car but she was pulled away buy another man and Mr. Brown approached her

She tried to get away but the guy holding her was too strong

"You, little kid, need to shut your mouth and give this to Mr. Douglas." He said and gave her a piece of crumpled paper

"Let's go, Snyder is waiting for us." He said sternly to the man holding Emily

He walked away and the man pushed her to the ground before walking towards the vehicle waiting for him

She groaned and got up to chase the car but it was already gone

Sighing, she went back to the house and saw the lady getting out the house.

"Ma'am! Please! don't run away!" She said as the lady had sprinted across the street

She immediately went to her house and called the police



"This is your fault Rocky." Colt said as he looked out the window

"How is it my fault?" Rocky whisper shouted as he was getting stressed at the situation

"Guys, please. Not now." Lavender said as she was tired and a bit cranky


"Are we never gonna see mom and dad again?" Tum-tum asked whilst leaning onto Lavender's shoulder

"Tum, don't say that.." Rocky said to his brother

"What if he's right? Rocky. You got us to this situation!" Colt said

"Oh please! YOU were the one who said to fight those burglars! Look where it got us now!" Rocky argued

"Rocky, Colt, will you please shut up? My patience is running thin because of you guys.." Lavender scolded

No one spoke a word after that

To Be Continued...


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