《'My Lavender' (On-going)》16⚡(Pt. 3)



The door opened and we saw Rocky...


"hey." both Emily and Lavender spoke at the same time

"Morning." Rocky said to the both of them

"Morning Girls!" Mrs. Douglas greeted

"Morning Mrs. Douglas!" the girls said

"you guys ready?" Lavender asked

"yeah. COME ON!" Rocky yelled at his brothers

Jessica put the boys' lunch in their backpacks

"you got everything?" Lavender asked

"you got it!" Rocky answered with a wink

Emily felt something weird about the two.

"Colt, Tum-tum let's go!" Rocky rushed

"alright, you catch!" Jessica said throwing Rocky his lunch

"Bye Jessica!" Lavender said before leaving

"have a nice..." Jessica started

"day.." her voice softened once she noticed that the kids were gone

The garage door opened and we biked our way out

I've always had fun riding with them to school but they were.. reckless!!

They pedalled around the sides while Emily and I stayed on the road

"see you at school!" Colt said

I see this man coming out his house with a garbage bag

oh no..

"HEY! LOOK OUT!" I yelled at him

But it was too late

The boys already went past him and completely tore open his trash.

"sorry mister!" Tum-tum apologized while catching up with his brothers

"are they always like this?" Emily asked behind me

"wouldn't you like to know?" I said to her

"hey." I said

I didn't hear anything

"wanna race?" I challenged

"what?" she asked

"like Colt said SEE YOU AT SCHOOL!" I pedalled faster

"hey! not fair! LAVENDER!" I hear her far away

I laughed without a care in the world




We cheered passing by a blue van


I feel weird.

"dude! there they go!" number 2 said waking up his buddies

He pointed at the five children in front of them

"Awesome! Mr. Muffin Man catch ya' later!" number one said throwing his food to the back seat

He started the engine and went after them.


"guys let's go through here!" Rocky said

They went through the "KEEP OUT!" zone

"be careful guys!" Lavender yelled

"Emily!" she said looking back to her

"I'll go first you catch up okay?" she said to Emily who looks like she's having a hard time

"okay.." the girl said

'I knew it! she won't be able to keep up!' lavender thought

"GUYS?! WAIT UP!" she said to the boys

"bummer.." number 1 whispered

"go around that way!" number 2 said

The two older douglas siblings did some jumps and flips on their bikes

but the youngest chose to stay on the "safe" side.

Nonetheless it still impressed the 3 idiots watching all their moves.

"cool." number 1 said

"slow down.." number 2 reminded also being fazed by Rocky and Colt

"slowin'.." number 1 said

"slow down.."


As both Rocky and Colt did their final stunts

"sloooww doww-"


Their van had crashed into a car

not just any car...

a policeman's car!

"uh oh.. tender bender.." number 1 and 2 said synchronically

meanwhile number 3 is still dizzy from the crash

"ooohh someone's got a ticket!" Colt teased

"SHUT UP!" number 1 said

The officer who was writing their ticket looked up to them and raised an eyebrow

"not you...kids" number 1 said


Rocky and Lavender both stopped at the same time.

"Rocky, what are we stopping for?" Colt asked


*sigh* "where's Emily?" Rocky asked

"who cares? she's slow." Colt said

"yeah, she's slow." Tum-tum repeated

Lavender gave them a glare

"I'm gonna go back for her." Rocky said as he started biking back

"Rocky loves Emily" Tum-tum and Colt started to chant

"Stop teasing him. Catch up with us, he might need help." Lavender said as she left too

"she's just jealous.." Colt said

"really?" Tum-tum asked

"yeah, she-" Colt was interrupted

"BOYS! LET'S GO!" Lavender's voice echoing through the empty streets


Emily was catching up to the boys and Lavender

She had encountered a group of bullies who were also in their bikes

"nice bike." bully 1 said

(the names of people I don't like are SO forgettable trust me..)

"yeah, looks like it'd fit my little sister perfectly." bully 2 said

Emily looked around and screamed


The 4 children heard that and fastened their pace

but when they got there it was too late.

All they saw was a grumpy emily and echoes of laughter around the area

The bullies took away her bike

"are you okay?" Rocky asked worried they had hurt her

"nice job show off" she said to him

'it isn't his fault your bike got taken away..'

'why are you blaming him?'

'be thankful we even came back to check on you'

'it's not like you did anything to prevent them from stealing your bike.' thoughts clouded inside Lavender's head

"look i'll get your bike back." Rocky promised

Emily turned to look at Rocky but turned back around as a sign of disappointment

"trust me!" Rocky said

"ooohh busted!" Tum-tum said with him and Colt laughing at the back

"i'll give you a ride to school." Lavender offered

"get on." she said

Emily got on and they went to school without saying anything

'oh boy' Lavender thought



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