I closed my eyes, in hopes for them to rest. My tongue swiped out, wetting my dry lips, still tasting the faint flavour from the delicious pasta I had the fortune to eat. And I found my stomach clenching as I thought about her.
Selfless, so damn selfless.
Caring, always showing concern and worry.
And beautiful. Truly beautiful inside and out.
Those were the three words I'd think of automatically if I were asked to describe her. She holds all three of those qualities that people in this world lack. But that was not to say that there weren't any other words to describe.
Because, sexy, enticing are definitely two I could use.
I felt a shoot of arousal shoot down towards my dick as I thought about her lips.
Soft, pink, luscious, plump lips. And I was a lucky bastard, able to feel them against mine. At first I thought she'd reject me when I kissed her in her office for the very first time. But needless to say, I was surprised, and carried out my actions when feeling her kiss back.
And don't let me get started on her body. That's just a whole other story.
I ran a hand through my hair, trying to shake off all of these thoughts about Belle.
I wanted her.
I wanted to feel more of her touch. Wanted more of those arousing kisses. I wanted to feel her, every fucking inch. And I wanted her heart.
I wanted all of her.
Not just that, I needed her.
There was no easy way to say this, but I felt this odd feeling of comfort around her. I saw...guidance in her eyes. She was sort of like a miracle...that just happened to walk into my life. I felt content around her, warm. She was the only one who was patient around me and so understanding.
I needed her in my life.
And because of all this, it gave me the perfect reason to carry out my goal.
I'd make her mine.
The sound of the door opening, caught my attention. The familiar Mexican guard, which I had no interest to know the name of, stepped inside. He held this smug look on his tanned face, looking down at me like I was a piece of dirt.
Little fucker.
"It's your lucky day, Blake. You're free from here." He gestured around the room I was in. My heart paused for a second, almost stupidly believing he was talking about the prison as a whole. But I knew that was too good to be true.
"On your feet." He commanded. I rolled my eyes, slowly standing onto my feet. An ache occurred at the back of my thighs, from standing on my feet after so long. There was nothing to do in the cold, dark, segregated room. I had spent the past two days on my the ground, just thinking of all the bull around me.
Mark, being the first piece of shit flashing across my mind.
I let out a groan, stretching my legs and arms.
"Come on, we don't have time for you to be doing that. Hurry up." He cocked his head over towards the door. Holding in a few curse words I'd loved to hit him with, I followed behind him, thankful that I no longer had to stay in that room any longer.
His all too familiar hand gripped onto my bicep. As if I had planned or was planning to run away.
I gritted my teeth together, clenching my jaw as I tried to control my anger. I closed my eyes for a brief second, allowing the little fucker to lead the way since he was gripping onto me so tight. When I opened my eyes, I unfortunately ended up looking at the ugliest prick to be known.
I found myself tensing, trying my very hardest to hold myself back from running up to him and pounding the shit out of him. But I found myself smirking when I examined the noticeable purple eye, as well as his fucked up jaw, a red bruise printed on the side of his face.
He deserved that shit, in-fact, he fucking asked for it.
I stormed out of Belle's office, not hesitating as I left the prison building and stepped outside into the courtyard. Fresh air instantly flooded my lungs, doing only little to calm me down. I was pissed, so extremely pissed about Jaxon's phone call.
"You're not my brother."
"You died the day...the day he did."
"You're nothing but a sick motherfucking murderer."
I found myself running across the green field of grass, trying to find a center of peace. A way to calm down and forget his fucking words.
"Jaxon, bro, you don't know what you're talking about." I had stuttered.
"I know enough." Was his reply.
I let out a loud growl, running a hand across my head. I paused on spot, panting as I tried to control myself. And automatically, I found my mind thinking about her. The sound of her soft voice echoing in my mind. That warm smile of hers.
I was so close to controlling myself until the fucker appeared.
"Well, well, well, won't you look at who it is?" He taunted. I let out a loud breath, clenching my jaw as I straightened up. My eyes narrowed at him, instantly feeling my hands ball into fists.
"Fuck off, Mark. If you know what's good for you, you'll walk away." I lowly muttered, showing him how uninterested I was to deal with his ass. His hands raised into the air, amusement flooding his dark eyes.
"Calm down, Blake. I will, will..." His ugly cackle laughter sounded in my ears. I held back from punching the fucker in his face.
"But, you win, I guess." He arched a brow.
"What?" I questioned, furrowing my brows.
"You fucked the whore first."
The second the sentence left his lips, I didn't hesitate to go after him. He was caught off guard, I could tell. Definitely wasn't expecting a reaction like that, in-fact I believed he wanted a cocky smirk from me or something.
But he had another thing coming talking about Belle like that.
Relief and triumph welcomed me as I smirked at him, not caring if a guard or anyone saw. I did that. I did that to his ugly face, and God, I wouldn't hesitate to do it again. He glared at me with those beady eyes of his, and I could tell he was holding himself back from breaking off the guard's grip and coming for me.
I only found that more amusing.
Come at me then, motherfucker.
He'd only get his ass handed by yours truly.
I winked at him, knowing that would only tick him off further. His body tensed and he opened his dry lips to mouth something, but lucky for me, I was dragged out of the isolation cell corridor.
I smirked to myself.
Now onto more important matters.
As soon as I saw Belle, I'd take the chance and do it.
Make her mine.
I nervously chewed down on my bottom lip, the familiar feeling of nervous butterflies dancing around in my stomach. I was anxiously waiting for dinner to finish so I could make my way to my office and start my next session with my patient.
Two days were up since Sam had been in isolation, and I believe he had served his time and would be able to be back on prison grounds. I absentmindedly, tapped my hand against the table, my patience wearing thin.
"Calm down, B. You look like you need to take a shit or something." Daniel muttered, licking the back of his spoon which had custard on it. I scrunched up my nose, glancing away for a second.
"One, shut up. And two, learn some manners." I rolled my eyes at him. He shrugged his shoulders, cracking a grin. I bit down on my bottom lip, my eyes locked on the large clock plastered on wall. Just one more minute.
"I'm gonna go head to my office. Better early than late." I smiled. He nodded, narrowing his eyes.
"See you." I hurriedly got out, picking myself up.
"Later, B." I heard Daniel call, as I walked away. I left the loud cafeteria, letting out a breath as I walked in the direction which led me to my office. I had this bubble sitting at the pit of my stomach, hoping Sam was really out.
I reached my office shortly, taking out my keys and quickly turning the door open. However, as I placed a handle on the door, it was already open. A confused frown danced onto my lips, but I pushed it aside. I probably forgot to lock it or something.
Shaking off my thoughts, I turned the door open. It was when I stepped inside, shock hit me.
"Sam?" I uttered, confused as I stared at the figure sat on the lounge like chair. His head shot up from the ground he was staring at, and his eyes softened when they landed on me. The corner of his lips curled into a small smile and a faint dimple peaked out.
I couldn't control myself as I found my feet leading me over to him, my mouth parted in awe and surprise.
"Hey," He rasped, slowly standing on his feet when I stood an inch away from him. The intense feeling of his eyes on me made me blush and bite down on my bottom lip, feeling like a little school girl.
"Y-You're back." I whispered, daringly darting my eyes up at him. He stared back at me, nodding his head.
"I'm out." He licked his lips, holding a steady gaze. I couldn't help myself as I took small footsteps forward, inching closer towards him. I then hurriedly wrapped my arms around him, feeling his toned chest against my upper body.
My heart fluttered when I felt him return the gesture, wrapping his arms around my waist. I exhaled softly, tingles beginning to dance on my back from his touch. We stood like that for a second, in each others embrace. Until, I pulled back, ready to question him.
"W-Why did you beat him?" I softly asked, my face inches away from his. He glanced down at me, his eyes glinting.
"He provoked me, so I gave him what he wanted. He should have known not to mess with me." He lowly told me. I frowned, taking a step back. I could already feel a blush creeping its way up to my cheeks from being so close to him.
"It's not a big deal, Belle. He was in isolation too, it's not like he didn't try fighting back." He shrugged, stuffing his hands inside his pocket, whilst he stared at me. I pursed my lips.
"But...but please don't go do anything stupid like that again. I don't...I don't want to see you like that again." I whispered, thinking back to him in the isolated room. He looked hesitant, before he nodded.
"I'll try my hardest to ignore him, but I won't make any promises." He truthfully said. But the bubble of confusion grew inside of my stomach.
"What did he say to provoke you?" I quietly asked, biting down on my bottom lip. His eyes darkened as they flickered to my lips, before they traveled back up to my eyes.
"You." His raspy voice uttered. My heart twisted as I raised a surprised brow.
He exhaled, keeping close eye contact with me.
"He called you a whore." His blunt words made me wince.
"Said that I fucked you and I win." He continued, slowly taking a step forward towards to me.
"He's been talking so low of you, Belle. Ever since you stepped inside of this prison, he's been aiming for such cheap and disgusting things. Things he said he'd do." He muttered, his face inches away from mine.
My breath hitched inside my throat.
"So, I beat him. Only to remind him of his place. He shouldn't be able to speak about you like that and get away with it. He needs to realize that his thoughts, they aren't right." He sternly told me. I swallowed, my eyes glancing down at his lips.
For some strange reason, to hear that Sam defended me, made my heart flutter.
"Thank you," I whispered, our foreheads touching. He didn't say anything, instead we both looked each other in the eye. His golden orbs stared back at me, and this strange feeling continued to bubble up in the pit of my stomach.
It wasn't something negative, in-fact, it was a nice feeling.
"Why did you kiss me, Sam?" I breathed out, the question I thought so much of, leaving my lips. The corner of his lips twitched into a half-smile, and he then stepped forward, wrapping an arm around my waist. I blushed.
"Because, I find you attractive, Belle. You're enticing." He rasped, our eyes locked. I couldn't stop the smile from growing onto my lips.
"You're h-hot too, I mean good-looking, n-no handsome." I rambled on, embarrassing myself. Amusement gleamed in his eyes and he softly chuckled. My lower region tingled at the sound.
However, I inwardly cringed at my choice of words.
"You're all three." I chose to say, pushing up my glasses. A grin curled onto his lips as his eyes suddenly glinted and his brows furrowed slightly.
"Belle, it's not just that..." He sighed. He reached out cupping my cheeks in his hands. My brows knotted, trying to not grow nervous.
"I feel warmth, comfort, care and...I just know you were purposefully sent my way." He breathed. I stared back at him.
"I see guidance in you. You're a damn miracle in this prison, Belle." He continued to say. I swallowed, with shaky hands reaching out to place my hands over his which held my face.
"I'm here to understand you, Sam. I've told you this before." I softly said to him. His eyes glinted and he gently caressed his thumb across my cheek, rubbing small circles.
"Belle, I want you to be mine." He uttered. My heart paused as I stared at him confused and shocked eyes.
"Y-You what?"
"If you can accept me for who I am, take me for the man I am today, living a life as a prisoner - I want you to be mine." He whispered, my pulse suddenly beginning to speed up.
"I'm sure there are more men out there, probably better than me. And they could probably give you the world - but, I want you to be mine."
I gulped, trying to control my breathing.
"Y-You want me?" I breathed out, feeling a smile quiver onto my lips. He nodded without hesitating, leaning forward to press his forehead against my forehead.
"Every single inch of you." He rasped. I didn't think twice before I leaned up and pressed my lips against him, feeling him instantly kiss back. His hands slowly left my face and traveled down to my waist, where he wrapped his arms around and pulled me into him.
His tongue swiped out and meshed with mine, my heart beating rapidly. We both pulled back, panting, as we stared at each other.
"I do, too." I shakily left out. His eyes gleamed and a grin curled onto his heart-shaped lips.
"Good. I'm so happy to hear you say that." He exhaled softly, before he leaned down and kissed me again. I whimpered in surprise, his grip on me tightening slightly. It only made me grow even more aroused.
"But just so you know, Belle. Now that you're mine, I won't let anyone touch you. You're mine." He possessively said. I nodded along.
"And you're mine." I replied, earning a grin from him. He then leaned down again and captured my lips with his again.
Never before had my heart fluttered so much.
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His woman|| KTH [Completed]
Би бол дэлхий даяар алдар нь цуурайтсан Ким Тэхёны бүсгүй.Нэр хүндийг нь сэвтээхгүй гэсэндээ сүүдэрт нуугдах өрөвдөлтэй нэгэн.Түүнийх гэх тодотголтой ч хайраар дутсан Ким Тэхёны бүсгүй.
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The Couple Test
Join me in the journey of Avinash Nanda and Aadhya Chopra ! Not every rich family out there are arrogant n rude. There are exceptions everywhere and even here. Dr. Aadhya Chopra felt the most comfortable in her scrubs and Mr. Avinash Nanda associated himself with tuxedos and armanis. Families wanted them to settle down with their soulmate but what did our lovely Aadhya and Avinash want from their marriage ? Lots of romance , eye locks, flirting and possessiveness coming your way. Wait no more if you likes these kind of stories.! Take a peek in and I hope you will not regret their journey :)If you want drama, let me know with your comments and you will be treated with drama as well ! Thanks for taking interest in my first story.
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The Mafia Stalker (Crazy Mafia series Book 3)
"Do you have any idea how dangerous I am?" The old white haired man sneered at me with his yellowish teeth quite on display.Eww, Colgate should take him for the experiment!"I don't. How it is even related to what we are talking about? Being dangerous is another of your secret?" I wondered loudly, trying the best of my ability to understand what exactly is the old man's problem."F**king hell, where did you idiots get her from?" He yelled out loudly at the men surrounding me.Bambina Fae Black is an amazingly lucky person you could ever meet. She is lively yet silly, crazy and has love for challenges and extreme sports. How will the young twenty two year old meet the hero of her life who is nothing but dangerous and cruel?Faustino Ale Diaz is the Mafia leader of the greatest known Spanish organization. He is cruel, dangerous, arrogant, conceited and most importantly, damn handsome. How will his life take absurd turns when a troublemaker like Bambina crashes in?Follow the journey of Bambina and Faustino and see what twists can make the formidable Mafia bend how Bambina wants.~*~*~*~*~*~
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"You broke my first rule," I whispered in her left ear as I pulled down her underwear under the table slowly with my hungry fingers. "Why are you wearing underwear around me?" "Behave, Please..." Her voice quivered by the pleasure between her legs, begging her throat not to let out deep moans in front of her parents. "I'll punish you later." In her parents' eyes, I'm the perfect kid. In their daughter's bedroom, I'm the worst criminal. Dark secrets, critical past. My dirty wishes are her nightmares.{ #4- Chicklit }{ #9- Young Adult }{ #4 - New adult }{ # 40 - Teen Fiction}{ # 1- Sexual }{ # 7- Short-story }{ #28- Romance }{ #8 - Teen Romance }{ #1 - Teenagers }
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A Gentle Breeze Of Love
Completed story♥️✓Vicky, currently nineteen years old, had lost his parents in a cruel murder when he was just six years, an age where life should have been filled with laughter and happiness was painted by tears and tragedies for him.Fortunately, he had a helping hand to pull him up from his miseries. It was Thikshitha, currently twenty-six, a girl who is seven years elder than Vicky. While she was in the ninth standard, he was in the second standard. They both pursued their studies in the same school and their houses were on the same street too. She always walks him to school and back home from his lower kindergarten age. Thikshitha considered him a naughty child and had an immense adoration for him.Also, after his parent's death, Thikshitha, afraid of Vicky being poorly treated by his guardian as well as due to Vicky's displeasure to stay there, took him into her house with his legal guardian's permission and poured him all the love in the world to the point that he forgets that his parents are no more. As Thikshitha is kind of Rich, she was able to provide him with almost everything he asks for...But will she be capable of providing the romantic kind of love he craves from her? Vicky didn't know when his feelings for her took such a drastic turn, yet, he is damn sure about wanting her all in his possession. Will Thikshitha give in? What would be her reaction when she learns about his love?Let's join in their journey to witness it❤️
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