My heart thumped with every anxious step I took. My notebook was clutched to my chest, my glasses sitting at the brim of my nose, my hair in a slick neat ponytail and my body dressed in a professional grey, knee-length dress. A dark blue blazer on top.
I swallowed a gulp as I glanced around the building, not knowing what to think of it. The walls were a cream color, the high ceilings a plain white and the ground a dull light grey. It wasn't something out of the ordinary, in-fact, it was the complete opposite.
"Miss Moore, we've arrived." The kind guard announced. I glanced at him, my eyes skimming over his facial features. He looked around the age of thirty-five, a small, friendly smile playing on his lips, his nose slightly long, and his eyes a welcoming green. He was fair for his age.
"Thank you," I choked out, clearing my throat when noticing how quiet and dry I sounded. He sent a curt nod my way, before turning on his heels and going back to his job. A deep breath left my lips, my eyes stuck on the door in-front of me.
A cheap gold sign hung on it. The name was plastered on in big, fat, bold letters. I swallowed nervously, knowing that the person behind the door probably held a lot of authority and power in this prison.
Mustering up all of my strength, I reached out and gently knocked on the wooden door. There was a short silence until I heard someone shout; 'Come in'. A small breath escaped my lips and fighting back my nerves, I turned the door open.
When I stepped inside, the mint-green colored room welcomed me. My eyes raked over the room, taking in all the furniture and lay out. There was all sorts of trophies, degrees and shelves holding books, on the wall.
As I looked further, I noticed the medium sized desk placed in the middle of the room, two chairs across it. Behind the wooden desk, sat an elder aged man. He looked to be in his late forties, or early fifties. But that was merely an assumption.
I glanced at the man, pulling on a polite smile. His brown eyes were already locked on me, what looked like a natural scowl on his lips, jet black hair with small streaks of grey and his moustache covering the top of his lips.
"Hello," I finally said, making him arch a brow. He nodded in response, gesturing to the empty seats in-front of him. I walked towards the chair, pulling it out and sitting down on it. My legs felt a slight kick of relief from finally being able to rest.
"Miss Moore, if I'm correct?" He questioned, his eyes on the black folder he flipped through. I nodded, putting my notebook down on my lap.
"Yes, yes that's me. And call me Belle, if you like." I suggested, trying my best to sound confident and polite at that same time. I didn't want to give a bad impression after all.
He hummed, offering me a small smile.
"Belle, it is then. I'm Mr Jones, it's nice to finally meet you." His eyes bored into mine.
"It's nice to meet you, too. Thank you once again for the job." I smiled.
"That's quite alright, Belle." He replied, his eyes skimming over my face. I tried my hardest not to grow nervous. He cleared his throat, his focus returning back on the folder in-front of him. I let out a small breath, pushing my black glasses up.
God how I hated wearing them. I couldn't wait till my contact lenses finally arrived.
"And I couldn't pass the opportunity up to hire you. After reading your online resume, I must say; I'm impressed." He spoke sternly. I tried my hardest not to blush, but whenever someone were to compliment me, I'd find myself burning with red cheeks.
"You're only twenty-one years of age and you've managed to complete a degree in medicine and psychology. That's incredible, Belle." He smiled, once again, his eyes skimming over my face. I flushed, smiling lightly.
"T-Thank you, Mr Jones." I quietly said, wiping the palm of my hands across my thighs. He held a lingering glance, before looking over to his right. I curiously followed his gaze, seeing a window covered by cream colored blind.
"Anyways, I'm greatly happy you have chosen to accept the job offer, but there are a few things I'd like to go over." He suddenly said, standing up from his smart chair.
"Oh. What would that be?" I asked with a confused frown. He glanced at me, before he began walking around slowly. A shiver ran down my spine, growing uncomfortable from his lingering stare and glances.
"Well, you're now working in a prison. You're surrounded by criminals, and they're all male. You need to be weary of your surroundings and know how to treat the prisoners." He paused, his eyes darting to me, as to see if I was listening or not. I bobbed my head at him in response.
"You'll be given a taser and a call button, tomorrow, as your first day will start then. If anyone tries anything or makes you uncomfortable - simply use the two. But I don't think there will be much need for that, as we have a CCTV camera running and guards, just not where your office will be." He grimaced at his last sentence.
"Office?" My ears perked up at the word.
"Yes, as you are now the prisons health adviser, you will need a place to work and have all your belongings. Aside from your room, of course."
"Room?" I repeated, in confusion. He nodded, swiping his thumb across his black moustache.
"Yes, Belle. You will be needed here daily and I think it will be easier for you if you live here, of course you'll not be the only one. Guards, other colleagues live here too." He told me, as if it was supposed to make me feel better.
"Well...um, okay. B-But will I not be able to leave the prison at all?" I asked with a frown. A chuckle left his lips and he watched me with amusement.
"Of course not. You're not the prisoner here." He joked and I mustered up a small smile.
"Is this temporary?" I continued to ask. He nodded, rubbing a thumb across his upper lip. His eyes narrowed as he examined me. I tried not to shudder under his intense stare.
"Yes, only until we find another nurse which is up to our standards. God knows how long that will be." He chuckled once again. I forced myself to smile along. His laughter faded and he looked deep in thought.
He came around, going to the back of his desk. I watched in curiosity as he fiddled around a draw for a second, before appearing with keys in his hands.
"Your room keys. I'll have Daniel show you around." He handed me the keys, his hands slightly lingering. I slyly retracted them, acting as if I was memorized by the two keys. One had the number '20' engraved on it, while the other was plain and I presumed it was the one to my office.
My heart jumped as I thought about the word - Office!
I had to be dreaming.
"Thank you." I politely said, putting the keys inside of my blazer pocket. He sent me a curt nod, picking up a walkie talkie. He pressed a blue button down.
"Daniel, please appear to my office." He spoke into the device. I chewed on my bottom lip, pushing my glasses up once more as my eyes gazed over the room. It was a smart office, I had to give him that. It was well organised, with a small trashcan by the door. And another desk drawer pushed against the wall.
I patiently waited for this 'Daniel' to appear as I fiddled around with my notebook, occasionally glancing around. A knock sounded on the door, slightly startling me.
"Come in," Mr Joan's deep voice commanded. The door turned open and in stepped a young man. His dark brown, curly hair was sat on the top of his head, brushed back in a messy way. His skin was slightly tanned, and his green emerald eyes pooled out his features.
"Daniel, my man." Mr Joan's said nonchalantly. I raised a brow at his strange tone. Daniel sent him a small nod, his eyes glancing at me for a second.
"Belle, this is Daniel. Daniel, this Belle." He introduced, coming around to put an arm around Daniel's shoulder. I noticed Daniel tense and purse his lips. He didn't look like he was exactly fond of Mr Joan's.
"It's nice to meet you." I chirped. He smiled in my direction.
"Nice to meet you too, Belle."
"Anyways, I need you to show Belle here, around the prison." He told him. A look of annoyance crossed Daniel's face.
"But today's supposed to be my half-day. I finish up early on Saturdays so I can take a day off on Sunday. I have a woman at home waiting for me, kids too." Daniel argued. I noticed Mr Joan's grip on Daniel tighten slightly.
"Well, too bad. I was going to let you have Monday off, but since you decided to be a little baby about it, you'll have to wait until next week." He gave him a squeeze, before snaking his arms away. I bit back a frown.
That was a little harsh.
A look of defeat crossed Daniel's face.
"Fine," He muttered. A smirk was etched onto Mr Joan's face and he nodded.
"That's more like it. Now go and do what I asked." He demanded. Daniel sighed, his eyes landing on me. He motioned for me to stand, I didn't hesitate, not wanting to upset the man any further. After all, I couldn't help but feel like there was a part of me to blame. He was staying for my tour.
"Have a nice day, Belle. I look forward to seeing you around here everyday." Mr Joan's called and something about it unsettled my stomach.
"Uh, you too, Sir." I replied with a false smile. I stepped out the door Daniel held open for me, murmuring a small 'Thank you'. I waited for Daniel to close the door, before he began walking. We walked side by side in silence.
"Fucking dick head, who does he think he is? Just cause he's got an office doesn't mean he's all that. Thinks he's the shit..." I heard him mutter to himself.
"I...I'm sorry," I blurted out, frowning at his words. He paused, making me mimic his action.
"Why?" He asked, arching a brow. I nervously shrugged, pushing my glasses up.
"Because...well, it's my fault that you won't be able to go home today. I'm sorry you have to give up your day and show me around instead."
A sigh left his lips and a small amused smile grew onto his lips.
"There's no need to apologize, Belle. I should have known not to argue back, the little fucker was just testing me." He regretfully said, and resumed with his walking, making me follow along.
I shrugged, chewing down on my bottom lip.
"Still, I'm sorry." Which earned a soft chuckle from him.
After our few words which were exchanged, we continued walking. Daniel showed me around the dark, dull building. I tried not to frown at the depressing vibe radiating off from the walls. But when I thought about it, it made sense.
It was a prison after all.
Daniel did as he was told, informing me of all the prison rooms and whereabouts. We entered the 'Inmates' (what they seemed to call the prisoners) cafeteria. He showed me around there, my eyes grazing over the sight.
Men from different age and all sorts of race, were dressed in orange jumpsuits. While others wore sweat suits and some wearing brown nurse like scrubs. Interest and curiosity grew inside of me, but so did the unwelcoming feeling of discomfort.
All eyes had turned to face me, men perking up at the sight of me. And I only understood why, when a man shouted an absurd, sexual comment my way.
"We better leave." Daniel sighed, glancing at me. With red flustered cheeks full of embarrassment, I could only nod in response. We continued on with the tour, the more we walked further inside the building, more inmates came into sight.
"This is your room." Daniel told me as we stopped outside a cherry brown colored door. The door held a cheap '20' glued to it. I nodded, informing Daniel I already had my keys, but I'd wait till tomorrow to see the room I'd be staying in.
Daniel continued showing me around the massive prison. We passed the 'Free room', where I learnt the inmates would spend their time not working. I was informed that the prisoners did little labour jobs - but nothing exceedingly hard. He showed me the two, large bathrooms, where I saw inmates walking into.
He showed me the staff room, where I could be during my breaks. It was a warm, fuzzy kind of room. The only place I had seen until now, that brought little comfort. It was empty at the time being because it was work hours.
The last room he showed me, was my office. It was...nice. A small desk and a chair behind it. Another long lounge type of chair, across it. Health posters were stuck on the light brown walls, a small window hanging on the wall. It was alright, but I couldn't help but find the urge to lighten it up with some decorations.
When I finished examining my office, Daniel led me outside. The cold, January air, caressed my bare skin, which was only my face and hands. But it was getting through my black tights. As we walked outside, more and more inmates suddenly came into view.
Men were lent up against the building brick walls, some in groups, other talking to one another. I found myself shivering, not knowing if it was from the cold weather or rather the various amount of eyes on me.
I suddenly understood the need of my safety.
"This is the courtyard, kind of like the inmates playground...if you could call it that." Snorting to himself. I glanced around, pushing up my glasses as I stood by Daniel.
"What do you think about the prison so far?" He asked as we walked a little further away, distant sounds of rude comments being thrown our way. I tried my best to block them out and shrugged a reply out to Daniel.
"It's...nice." I quietly said. A soft chuckle left his lips, making his green eyes glint a little. I simply smiled in response. His walkie talkie sounded, and he excused himself, turning slightly away from me. But not too far.
I pushed my glasses up as I glanced around the outside, shivering from the wind. I helplessly pushed my notebook closer to my chest. It was when I looked around more, I felt my heart pause.
My eyes landed on a breathtaking sight. His head was covered by a hood of his grey sweatshirt, what looked like a dark grey beanie, over his hair. A sharp jawline outlining his face, a perfect face structure and God, his eyes. The most beautiful shade of golden hazel I had ever seen.
He was breathtaking.
I stared like a fool, my mouth parting slightly as I took in the sight. He looked young; he had to be in his early twenties. My eyes trailed over him a little more, taking in his body. He was dressed in simple grey sweats, his white T-shirt underneath.
My eyes followed him as if they were magnets, watching him bounce with every step he took. He was running, a look of determination and focus playing on his face. I pushed my book a little closer to my chest, pushing my glasses up once more.
"That's Sam Blake." Daniel suddenly said. I jumped slightly, startled from his sudden presence. I glanced at him, his eyes already on the beautiful male I was staring at just seconds ago. I followed his gaze, an odd tingle erupting in my stomach.
"He's a great guy. A little misunderstood, but I respect him." He spoke with a stern tone. It was sort of like admiration.
"So, you're friends with him?" I asked, curiosity getting the better of me. The corner of Daniel's lips quirked into a small smile.
"You could say that." He simply replied. I didn't say anything after that as I continued to watch the astonishing human being.
For the rest of the night - hazel was the only colour I saw.
Hey guys!!! So, this is my Brand New story; 'FALLEN! This was just Chapter One, and I hope you liked it. What did you guys think? I'm super excited for this story!
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