The next day arrived sooner than I would have liked. I entered the prison building, a suitcase on its wheels, trailing behind me. My heart was thumping loudly with every step I took. This was it. This very minute I entered the prison - every aspect of my life would change.
A change I wanted.
I had nothing left for me out there. I was nothing more than an Orphan...with a fallen heart. My parents were dead, in a better place along with my unborn sister or brother. I had nothing left for me. My only family left was my Auntie Rosie.
I was only twelve when the tragic death of my parents took place. My mom and dad, they were both only in their mid thirties, my mother pregnant with a child. Sadly he or she, never got to witness life. Only because the three of them died in a fatal car accident.
I'll never forget the day I received the heartbreaking news. I was just an ordinary, happy, twelve year old. However, my happiness shortly died the day they did. I didn't cry, nor did I shred a single tear. I was just too in shock and years later I still reminisce about that day.
It's simply because I'm hurting inside. I've lost my sense of living, yet I still carry on. Only because it was my parents wish; the last words they uttered to me, before their hands fell limp in mine.
"Do something with your life, Belle. When you g-grow up, make daddy and I proud. Make us proud."
My mother's words are still with me to this very day. Whenever I woke up, I thought of them. I was living my life for them. Sadness tugged on my heart as my throat churned. I shook off my thoughts, swallowing the bile in my throat as I reached the receptionist.
"Isabelle Moore." I quietly said to him. The man was bold, caramel skinned and a beard of facial hair on his face. When he got up to press a button to open the well locked doors, I noticed he was wearing the same clothes as the guards wore. I guess he was a guard, too.
"Go on in." He motioned over. I smiled at him in thanks, before taking a deep breath and continued my walk into the prison. Warm air brushed against my skin, making the cold fade from my body.
I made my way down the hall, remembering where the guard from yesterday, showed me. The sound of my suitcase's wheels echoed in my ears. The further I walked inside the building, the faster my heart pumped.
"Belle!" I heard a voice call. I snapped my head in its direction, pausing on spot. Daniel stood by a water machine, a plastic cup in his hand as his eyes were on me.
"Daniel, hi." I smiled at him. He returned it, walking towards me with an arched brow.
"Where are you headed?" He asked, his eyes darting to my maroon suitcase for a second.
"My room...I guess you could call it." I bit down on my bottom lip, shrugging at him. A glint of realization crossed his eyes and he nodded at me.
"Alright, well, if you need any help just let me know. I'm guarding the cafeteria later on." He warmly told me.
"Thanks..." I trailed off. Just as he was about to turn on his heels, I called out for him to stop. He arched another brow.
"Could you maybe show me my room...I sort of forgot." I nervously asked. He chuckled, nodding his head.
A small conversation passed between us as he guided me to the room I'd be staying at. A small pat of me tingled with excitement while the other battled with nerves.
I had mixed feelings about it all.
Eventually, we reached outside 'my room', the familiar cherry-wood colored door in view for my eyes.
"Here we are." Daniel said, stating the obvious.
"Uh, thank you." I smiled. He shrugged,
"See you later, Belle." He shouted as he began walking away and back to do his job, I presumed.
"See you." I softly whispered back. My eyes darted back to the closed door, awaiting to be opened. With a low sigh, I rummaged through my pocket for the set of keys I had put in there. My fingers landed on the mental, a clinking sound occurring as I picked them up.
Swiftly, I unlocked the door and gently turned it open. With a deep breath, I stepped inside, dragging my suitcase with me. My eyes widened as I took in the room. It had red walls, a clean twin bed in the middle of the room. A desk was pushed up against the wall and two white doors were stuck on the wall. I presumed one was for a closet and the other for a bathroom.
Sighing, I closed the door behind me.
Time to unpack.
After at least an hour, I had finished putting my things away. My clothes were now inside a medium sized closet and all my appliances and necessities were put away. I took off the scarf around my neck, since the prison had heating.
I also changed my hair, pulling it into a smart ponytail. And lastly, I cleaned my slightly fogged up glasses. I took a seat on the bed, which was exceedingly soft. I bit down on my bottom lip, absentmindedly toying with the ring on my finger.
It was given to me by my mom. It was a family generation thing, it would be passed down as years went by. My heart twisted at the thought of having a daughter to pass it on to. First I'd need to find love, which was impossible.
Shaking off my thoughts, I let out a deep breath. I picked myself up from the bed, taking my notebook from the desk. I pursed my lips as I flipped through the empty book, blank white pages flashing up at me.
Soon, they'd be full of notes and thoughts on my patients. The 'inmates', if you'd like. I was a nurse/therapist; I was their health adviser and a part of me danced with excitement and curiosity, whilst the other stood with nerves and fear.
I just hoped they wouldn't try anything.
Putting all of my thoughts and emotions to aside, I made my way over to the door. I glanced around, before opening the door and stepping outside. I wasn't sure on where to go, but I had sort of remembered the prison. Well, briefly.
I followed the path Daniel had shown me. And soon, I found myself standing in the hallway where I saw Daniel. Only the water machine he was using, was empty. I pushed my glasses up, glancing around for him. That's when I remembered he would be at the cafeteria.
A soft sigh left my lips as I glanced around the hallway I was in, absentmindedly chewing down on my bottom lip. I didn't know where to go, since I didn't have the best memory. I guess you could say I was lost.
A frustrated breath left my lips as I tried my hardest to think back to the short tour Daniel gave me. Pursing my lips, I found myself taking a small step forward and with uncertainty, I continued the path I was walking; not knowing where it would lead me.
It was as if God had heard my prayers, when I found myself standing by the familiar open doors, leading into the cafeteria. A small breath of relief left my lips and I walked right in, hoping Daniel would be near by.
The sound of various amount of voices entered my ears. They were all deep, masculine voices. Some with an accent of a sort, but I couldn't specifically place what they were. My brows knotted in determination as I glanced around, absentmindedly attracting the attention of others.
"Look at that everyone! A fresh new pussy - I call dibs!" A man yelled, making my cheeks burn red in embarrassment. Snickers and snorts sounded throughout the cafeteria, and I felt even more embarrassed as well as flustered.
I bowed my head, frowning at the absurd comments.
"Hey there, sexy... What's your name?" The same man spoke. I felt a tinge of fear float in my stomach. I didn't dare reply.
"Don't be shy, now, sweetheart. I won't bite...well, unless you want me to." He flirted, terribly. I pushed my glasses up, still not daring to glance up. Yesterday when I was with Daniel, people were throwing comments like this at me - however, today I was alone. It was hard not to notice.
Swallowing, I tried to block out their comments. It was when I heard someone whisper dangerously close into my ear; I froze. My eyes snapped open and my head shot up in alarm. When I looked up, I saw the prisoners watching with amusement, some men with disgusting smirks on their lips.
"Get in there, Mark!" A pale man yelled, looking to be around the age of fifty. I gulped, not daring to look to my right, well aware of the man beside me. A low chuckle sounded in my ear and I let out a weak breath.
"Look at me, sweetheart." The voice cooed in my ears. I inwardly cringed, not hesitating as I shook my head. A rumble of 'ooohs' sounded from the crowd of audience.
"Inmates! What is going on over here?!" A familiar voice suddenly yelled. I snapped my head in the direction it came from, seeing an angered looking Daniel. Relief flooded inside of me and I found myself taking a step towards his direction.
But my heart dropped when I felt a rough hand hold a tight grip on my arm.
"Piss off, Daniel. I'm about to have some fun." The man beside me grumbled. My mouth parted and I felt tears of discomfort prick my eyes. I watched Daniel with desperate eyes, begging for him to get this man away from me. A low sigh left Daniel's lips.
"Inmate, get your hands off her, now." He lowly warned, walking towards us. The man didn't remove his hand, not even loosen his grip on me.
"Make me," He childishly replied, earning laughter from the audience watching. Daniel clenched his jaw, swiftly removing the grip of the man from me. I let out a loud breath of relief.
"Touch her again and I'll give you a punishment you won't be too happy about." Daniel muttered nonchalantly. I stood cowered behind him, holding my wrist that was touched by the man. I felt...violated.
"The same goes for the rest of you. She's not a toy, or here for your perverted asses. She's a woman - treat her with some respect." He turned his attention towards the crowd. I still stood behind him, shyly bowing my head. There was a silence, before the chatter began again.
I let out a deep breath.
"Thank you." I softly whispered to him, reluctantly glancing up at him. Daniel shot me a weak smile, his brows furrowed.
"Are you okay?" I nodded, mustering up a false smile.
"Why are you here?" He suddenly asked, not rude, more curious and confused.
"I...I was looking for you... I don't know where to go or what to do." I shrugged with a nervous chuckle. He hummed in response.
"Well, sorry about that. It won't be like that for long, just give them a week or two. They eventually learn their place." He told me, making me feel slightly better. I nodded in response.
"Oh and Jones' said to go to his office. He's got your schedule ready and all of that." He said in a grumble.
"Alright, thanks." Trying my hardest not to shudder at the mention of the man. Strangely, he scared me. He just had this weird vibe radiating off from him...he seemed creepy and made me feel uncomfortable.
"Could you take me there? I kind of forgot." I sheepishly smiled. Daniel chuckled, glancing down at the watch strapped on his wrist.
"I can't now, but in ten minutes it's my break. I'll take you then." He said. I nodded in response, pushing my glasses up.
"So, how'd you like the room?" He asked with arched brow. I shrugged, biting the inside of my cheek.
"It's nice...I guess. Who else stays here?" I questioned with a curious frown. But when he opened his mouth to reply, he clamped it shut, his eyes glancing behind me. My curiosity getting the better of me, I followed his gaze.
I swear my heart sped up faster when my eyes landed on him. It was the same breathtaking inmate I saw running outside. He was dressed the same, but his hood was down, his head covered in a black beanie. He held a can in his hand.
Same Blae.
His name echoed in my ears.
My breath hitched in my throat, finding myself foolishly staring at him. However, as I watched him walk forwards, taking a sip from the can, an inmate in an orange jumpsuit walked past him, purposely brushing his shoulder against him
The liquid inside of the can, split over his white shirt, staining it. I gasped, noticing how all the cafeteria suddenly fell silent. All eyes were on him, his sharp jawline clenching as his brows furrowed in anger.
"Oh, sorry, Blake. I didn't see you there." The inmate in the jumpsuit said. Yet you could tell it was sarcastic. A humourless chuckle left Sam's lips as he slowly turned around, facing the orange inmate.
I took a quick glance at him. He was bold, not a spec of hair on his head, with a strange tattoo printed on his skin. It was proudly plastered on his left cheek. He was the same height as Sam, both staring each other in the eye.
"Oh, you didn't? Do you see me now?" And suddenly, Sam swung at him. A powerful curled up fist, pounding against the bold man's face. An inaudible gasp left my lips as the crowd of inmates 'Oooh'd in response. Only provoking it further.
The bold man, spat out some blood. And a deadly look crossed his face. Just as he was about to swing back, Daniel strode over, breaking them apart. I didn't even notice him walk across the room.
"Stay back, Inmate!" He yelled, pushing him back. I watched as he tried to fight back, but he was soon held back by another guard, which appeared from behind.
"Motherfucker, let me go! I need to teach the son of a bitch a lesson!" The bold man yelled, trying to pry the guards arms off of him.
"Calm the fuck down, Inmate!"
I watched as he was slowly dragged out the room, probably to be calmed down or something. However, I didn't really care. I'm sure he was one of the disgusting men smirking and provoking the man who was standing beside me. Or he could be the same man who put his hands on me.
Shuddering, my focus went back on Sam and Daniel. I didn't dare move, although my eyes were locked on them. Well, Sam more specifically. He was heaving, his side profile in view for my eyes. His jaw was clenched as he slowly nodded his head.
My eyes darted to Daniel, who was muttering some words. I think to calm him down. And then a gorgeous grin cracked onto Sam's lips. My heart stuttered. I snapped my eyes away, feeling myself strangely blush from his action.
What was wrong with me?
Inhaling a deep breath, I found myself glancing back at them, only to find myself looking at a sympathetic Daniel. His mouth opened and a few words left his lips, but I couldn't read from this far.
It all felt like slow motion as the figure in grey, slowly looked up and turned to face me. My heart stopped beating for a second. His powerful golden orbs, looked at me. I felt nude, completely naked for his eyes.
That's how intense his stare was.
I knew for a fact a deep red blush was burning on my cheeks, probably making me look like a fool. I didn't look away. Instead, I watched as his eyes skimmed over me, ever so slowly, from head to toe. He took me in as I did to him.
Suddenly, he turned away and said something to Daniel. I watched as they both grinned, doing a little surprising man handshake. I was only surprised at the level they were on with one another. I never knew a Guard and an inmate could be friends.
I bowed my head for a second, pushing my glasses up.
"Hey, Belle." The familiar voice belonging to Daniel, called. My head shot up and I pulled on a small smile.
"Ready to go? I'm on break." He asked. I nodded.
"Let's go." I manged to go. I didn't glance back, but as Daniel and I walked out, I had this odd feeling, which made my stomach bubble with tingles.
I could still feel his eyes on me.
Hey guys! What did you think of chapter two?! I'm enjoying writing this book, I've got some ideas for it and I hope you guys are liking it so far. So, Sam finally saw Belle, what do you think his thoughts are? You'll get to see a bit more of that in Sam's point later on. But what did you guys think? Also, thanks for the support ♥
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