《Breaking Friend Zone》Chapter 25: The Santorini's
I thought dad was annoying, but Auntie Enna outdid him. She's genuinely sweet, but her straightforward playing as a cupid is quite irritating. Really.
"It's good to see you," GP murmured then released me from his embrace. He peeked over my shoulder and grinned mischievously, oblivious of his mom's as big as the Pacific ocean's smile. "So you and Alex are already friends?" he leaned closer, so close almost touching my cheeks as he whispered the words, teasing. I didn't care about his words. I looked at Auntie Enna and she gave me a knowing smile and my face heated up upon realizing she overthinks what just happened. I didn't even want to think what malicious things probably playing in her head.
She didn't see the whisper that happened. She probably thought GP gave me a kiss, that's for sure. That smile that was plastered all over her face says it all.
Smile of victory.
"Hey man!" Alex's gruff voice from behind me drifted my attention away from Auntie Enna. He pulled GP in for a brief hug, rather squeez-y hug. His face were dark. He doesn't look happy hugging GP, so I thought he maybe wants to squeeze him to death.
Oh boy! Was he also thinking the same thing as Auntie Enna?
"That was pretty intense hug," Lucas commented as he stood next to me, causing my mind to drift away.
"Hi again, Clara Bell," he grinned.
I should have known this will happen. The Santorini's are a family of wickedness.
I sighed inwardly.
"Mother nature is really unpredictable, isn't it?" he commented and I gave him a hard look.
He's not really commenting about the weather, is he? I ignored his innuendo.
"You're acting weird," I cocked my eyebrow at him.
His shoulders lifted in a shrug. "Am I?" he asked good-naturedly which made me want to strangle him. "Maybe I am," his lips parted to a grin.
I narrowed my eyes at him.
"It's nice seeing you, too!" I heard Alex said to GP, and I drifted my eyes away from Lucas and watch GP and Alex with my brows knitted together.
Alex patted GP's shoulder in not so gentle, too before pulling away.
"Come, Clara Bell," Auntie Enna's voice dragged my attention away from them. "Let's leave the men alone," she beamed at me as she hooked her hand under my inner elbow and then started heading inside.
I peered at Alex, he was staring at me with a grim face.
"I'll be with her," I mouthed then turned my head and let Auntie Enna dragged me away.
"I'm so happy you came today. GP probably heard you're coming," she giggled. Of course, I know she's trying to pair me with one of her boys, but none of them really interest me.
"I don't think he did, Auntie," I smiled at her.
"I see... but he's here," she grinned. That signature Santorini's grin. Teasing with a hint of wickedness.
"I'm so glad he came. You know, he rarely come visit us? I guess it's not a secret that he hates me for playing cupid. I just want to see him happy. He's too serious and I'm afraid he'll end up single all his life." She prattled on, then heaved out a deep sigh. "Oh, how I hate that genes getting wasted," she rambles dramatically. "Don't you find him attractive?" she suddenly asked and I stared at her, half frowning half smiling.
"Hmm," I swallowed and beamed at her with no malice. I know she's fishing some hints. "He's very handsome, Auntie. I'm sure there's a lot of women out there who wanted to mother his genes, but he hasn't found yet the right one," I beamed at her. "Love can't be rush, Auntie," I added.
"It can be learn," she grinned at me as she pulled her hand free.
"Yes, but it doesn't apply to everyone," I grinned back at her.
"True," she shook her head.
"How's your work?" she asked. We ambled along the wide hallway towards their back.
"Just done the campaign, waiting now for another project," I replied.
"I hope you can come visit us more often while you're on vacation?" she smiled at me. We reached the back of their house, she turned and I followed her. We walked along the brick path into her garden.
"Did you had anything this morning?" she asked.
I shook my head. I just realized I'm hungry.
"Good. We are about to have breakfast... Actually brunch. It's a nice day. The breeze is cool. I'm sure you'll enjoy eating in the garden," she said and I nodded my head in approval.
I grew up always having a picnic in our huge backyard when we have a nice weather. Mom and dad loves the outdoor.
"It's perfect, Auntie," I beamed at her.
"Gio!" Auntie Enna yelled from the back door.
I caught Uncle Giovanni's head peeping out through the door and then moments later, he came out with his magazine and coffee mug.
"Bambolina!" he exclaimed and met his wife with a kiss. My lips involuntarily curled into a smile. A scene I was so familiar with. The excitement on his face resembled of my father whenever he sees my mom.
And it is what makes me reluctant, possibly the reason why I waited for so long to get serious to any man. Not that I felt certain with Alex. He's too involved with too many women before, what makes me different? He may have told me too many times I wouldn't be like them, but what would be my assurances?
"Clara!" Uncle Gio's elated voice pulled me out of my thought.
"Hello, Uncle. You never aged," I beamed at him. He moved closer to me and leaned down, then gave me a peck on my cheek, very carefully not to tip his mug filled with steaming coffee.
"My wife keeps me young," he chuckled then winked at me good-naturedly as he moved away.
"I'm glad you paid us a visit," he said as he stepped back and stood beside his wife. Then he carefully took a sip of his coffee, eyes fixed on me.
"Just taking a break, Uncle," I smiled.
He chuckled, a few lines wrinkled under his eyes. I was like seeing GP's older face. They look so much alike.
"I hope you'll have fun then with my boys. I'm so happy that you guys can get together. It's been awhile," he remarked. I could sense a pang of longings with his tone which made me smile.
"I'm sure I will, Uncle," I grinned switching my gaze between them.
Auntie Enna was looking pleased. I didn't entertain the negative feeling kicking in as I looked at uncle Gio. He lifted the magazine he was holding and stared at it while he carefully took sips on his coffee.
"DADDY!" a shrieking woman's voice came from behind us and we all turned to witness what was it all about.
Bambi was charging towards us wearing a look of a scorned woman.
I smiled as I watched her approaching us. 'The Santorini's prodigal Princess'.
Sometimes I wonder where did she inherited her character. She's all the opposites of the Santorini's men.
Recklessly lavish while Lucas and GP are thrifty.
Party animal unlike her brothers who likes to hide from everyone including the parents.
And she loves to stir scandals.
"What?" uncle Gio asked. His voice strict but held tenderness he can't conceal no matter how much he tried.
I smiled. Bambi is the youngest of the Santorini's and the only girl. It's not surprising she had every Santorini's men wrapped around her dainty finger.
And her name Bambi came from his endearment to his wife, 'Bambolina'. And Bambi hated her name. Everyone knows since she never failed to mention it.
"GP won't give my car key!" she cried out as she stomped her feet. I just watched as the scene unfold.
My eyes subtly raked her up and down. She's wearing a soft pink chiffon dress with a plunging neckline. The skirt was just enough to cover her asses, but if she bend over, she'll most likely give a good show.
Well, she's Bambi. She likes to give a show. And who Am I to judge her? She must have her reasons why who she is or why she's acting that way.
(I'm picturing Sarah Grey as Bambi.)
"And did he take your car key?" her mom asked.
"I don't know," she shook her head.
Her curly blonde hair swinging everywhere. Her pink bow headband was still in placed, and it matches her dress. It actually looks like it was cut out from her dress.
"There must be something," Auntie Enna replied, her tone gauging.
"He doesn't want me to attend Rick's party," she bit out. Auntie Enna rolled her eyes at her causing her to huff and turned to her father who was just watching them with suppressed smile.
Everybody knows that only GP whom she can't dare defy.
"Why wouldn't he let you go?" Uncle Gio finally spoke. He beckoned her to come closer. He pulled her to his side with the arm holding the newspaper while the other balancing his mug, carefully not spilling a single drop of his coffee.
Antie Enna shook her head. I know she never tolerates her.
"Come on, guys! The food will get cold," Auntie Enna said, and my attention drifted to her. "Let's go, Clara Bell," she smiled at me and led me to garden.
"I'll talk to GP," I heard uncle said as we left them.
"She's not going anywhere," I heard GP which caused us all to turn and watched him striding towards us with Lucas and Alex trailing behind him.
"Let's go. Let's leave them," Antie Enna said and I just nod my head. We walked side by side towards the table. I could hear Bambi's voice raising as she spoke vehemently.
"Why do you treat me like a five years old, for crying out loud?!"
I couldn't help but smile.
"I don't know what Am I gonna do with her," Auntie Enna sighed.
She looked defeated. When she met my eyes, she forced out a smile. "Just ignore them, sweetheart," she said after.
I just smiled at her.
"Come, let's sit and eat. And I want to hear all of your adventures," she cheerily exclaimed. I sat on the chair next to hers as I thought of all the things that had happened in the past months. Things just escalated so quickly, I don't even want to think about it.
"So..." she began as she took the plate filled with bacons and held it close to me. I took a couple, and put it in my plate. "Are you and Alex dating?" she asked causing me to look at her and met her perusing eyes.
I swallowed hard and fumbled for words to explain why we are together today. It's not a secret that Alex and I doesn't get along well ever since.
"Well..." I trailed off. My brain just decided to freeze, I couldn't think of any safer explanation. She beamed at me causing me to feel that heat rising up to my cheeks.
"I understand, Clara Bell. I just wish my sons are fast. They didn't get their father's charisma," she shook her head as she clucked her tongue. "Tsk.. tsk..."
"What charisma?" I heard GP's voice approaching us. He took the chair in front of me. Alex sat next to me. Uncle Gp took the center close to Antie and Lucas next to GP. Bambi didn't come.
"Where's Bambi," Auntie Enna asked looking directly at GP.
"She's sulking in her room," he replied nonchalantly, shoulders lifted in a shrug as he started filling up his plate with food. I was just watching the Santorini's expression, entertained with all the drama.
It's not new to me. My family is worst when we are all together.
Just my mom and dad, they could have a reality tv show.
"Lucas can accompany her if she really wants to come," Auntie Enna commented and GP gave her a look like, "really mom?".
"That Ricky was caught using pot in his condo, mom," GP said in a controlled tone. "You want her to hang out with that guy?" he asked incredulously.
Auntie Enna fell into silence.
"I don't care if Lucas hang out with those guys, but not Bambi. She's a woman," he commented causing me to smile.
"My friends are all nice," Lucas countered, grinning at his brother.
"Alright, boys. Clara Bell is here. Let's not scare her," Uncle Gio said and I just smiled.
"It's alright, Uncle. I'm used to it," I smiled at them, and Lucas grinned like a Cheshire cat.
I was eating quietly as I watched the family bickered.
"You should eat more," Alex said to me.
"I am," I replied looking down at my plate with two untouched whole wheat toast, some raspberries and a bacon. I finished my two eggs already and I feel full already.
"Two eggs and a piece of bacon is not enough. You'll get hungry before we even start riding horse," he murmured before he popped a piece of ham in his mouth.
I was about to respond when Uncle Gio spoke. "How's your dad, Alex?"
I shifted my gaze towards him. His plate was already empty, and he's leaning on his chair, still sipping his coffee.
That coffee is probably as cold as GP's heart. I smiled at the thought. GP is very private and known for his coldness. He's still a mystery to me even though I grew up with him.
"...enjoying his new hobbies," I heard Alex replied missing most of his words.
Uncle Gio laughed boisterously, his shoulders shaking.
"Like playing candy crush?" he laughed more. And I laughed when I heard about the candy crush. I know he called dad one day to download the candy crush and give him a life.
"How did you know he was playing candy crush?" Alex laughed, too.
"He called me to download it and give him a life," Uncle Gio laughed even more. The two Santorini's then joined them.
"Yeah, mom got nuts most times. He's hiding in his office playing candy crush. Now, he's in his laptop, watching car shows and arguing with commenters. Drives mom crazy," Alex chuckled.
"When old man has nothing to do," he shook his head as he sat upright and grabbed his water.
"Oh, look who's talking!... Auntie Enna exclaimed in a mocking tone. She's beaming teasingly at him. "So you are admitting it now that you're old?" she added and her face alight with mirth.
Everyone now was looking at Auntie and Uncle as she teased her husband.
When I looked at Uncle Gio, he's face is already flushed.
"What are you talking about?" he said, looking a bit defensive. He downed his water and now he looked a bit mortified.
"So you mean dad was playing candy crush, too, mom?" Lucas asked. He grinned at his father who look like he wanted to hide.
"I just tried it," he bit out, and everyone burst into laughter, including me.
I saw Bambi approaching, now wearing a black short short paired with a white crop top. She was on her phone. She wasn't looking as she headed towards us. Her eyes fixed on her phone.
Everyone stopped laughing when she got closer. And then a moaning sound filled the silence.
Ah yes, right there, Gio. Faster baby... ahh... *moaning loudly* Fuck yes, bambolina. You are an amazingly tight, baby... Yes, cry out my name. ...
Suddenly, everyone was looking at where the moaning sound was coming from, and GP realized it was his phone, ringing. He fumbled over the phone with haste. His face dark as he pulled the thing of his pocket.
The sound kept going...
Beg it, bambolina... Ahh.. yes.. fuck.. *panting and breathing raggedly*
Soon it dawned on me what was it and my eyes landed to Auntie who was staring at Uncle Gio, livid. She's all red.
"I told you to delete it!" she gritted out in a barely suppressed anger.
"I did!" Uncle Gio respond, and directed his eyes at GP who was finally got his phone and ended the call.
"Who change my ringing tone?"GP hissed as he stared at Lucas. He then looked at his father and met his angry eyes. "Don't blame me!" he hissed and shifted his gaze at Lucas then at Bambi who sat on the chair next to Lucas like she didn't care.
"Don't look at me!" Lucas growled.
"How did you get that in the first place?" Uncle Gio asked, annoyed. He was avoiding Auntie Enna's eyes.
GP narrowed his eyes at Lucas. "I didn't even know about it, dad! And why should you record something like that?" he spat as he still fixed his angry eyes at Lucas.
"I admit, I got it at dad's old laptop, but I swear, I didn't put it in your phone, nor touch your phone!" Lucas growled back at GP.
I felt so embarrassed, I couldn't even meet Alex's eyes.
They all looked at Bambi. "You did!" GP and Lucas exclaimed, but Bambi just raised her brows.
Bambi shot her an exasperated look. "Do you have any proof?" she gave GP a challenging look.
GP narrowed his eyes at her even more. "If I found it was you, say goodbye to your car and your allowances," GP threatened and Bambi stared at him with horror. She looked at her father and Uncle Gio for the first time didn't show any compassion.
Bambi huffed and sulk at her chair, pushing her plate away. "I saw it at Lucas phone," she admitted and uncle Gio stood up abruptly.
"Bambi, in my office!" he exclaimed and strode off.
Auntie Enna then also excused herself and followed them.
When I looked at Alex, he was staring at me. There was fire on those eyes. I looked away, and at that moment, nothing is more enticing than the food on my plate. I avoided to look even at the two Santorini men. I could feel their embarrasment even without looking at them.
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