《Breaking Friend Zone》Chapter 24: Horse Riding
"Sir," Langdon called out. His voice filled with hesitance and at the same time, determination.
I slowly turned to face him. He was just standing there the whole time I was having a conversation with Cornick.
He stood upright, shoulders stiffed as he faced me.
Frowning at him, I waited for him to speak.
"If you may," he began. I shook my head in permission. "I can help," he offered. Cocking my head and right brow at the same time, I waited. He tilted his head slightly and continued. "I'll find out anything... if not everything about Mr, Hemmings," he clarified.
"Are you sure?" I scowled.
That didn't deter him. He met my eyes with confidence and determination.
"I've worked with the CIA before, sir. I'm sure I could find something that would help, whatever you need to know, sir." He tilted his chin slightly and I stared at him for a second.
I forgot he's one of the best CIAs, one of the reasons why I hired him.
"Then get to work!" I agreed, then whirled towards the door.
I went to my room and got undress, leaving just my boxer shorts and my white shirt. I took my latest laptop and sat on my bed. With my back propped against the headboard, I unfolded my laptop on my lap.
I started digging about Mrs. Ratskin. Time flies by, my eyelids starting to feel heavy, yet I didn't care. I was already consumed about the missing heirloom.
Since spying on Claire's activities becoming a hobby, I found out every piece of information about her, or so I hope. God help me if my PI's missed something. Which link to that man named Jonathan Hemmings who sold the jewelry to Clara Bell.
I have a feeling Claire planned this all out. God forgive me if she will use it against her.
I was disappointed at the information I gathered. It wasn't as useful as I wanted. I finally gave in to exhaustion and decided to sleep.
The next morning, I woke up early. I showered and got dressed. Blue jeans and a gray polo shirt.
I started making calls as I headed to the dining room for breakfast. I was greeted by my parent's butler. I just gave him a brief nod and sat down. Food then came pouring in front of me. I started drinking my coffee.
"Anything?" I began as soon as Cornick answered the phone.
"Driving now to Hard Rocks. I'll check the surveillance camera, maybe it will help trace him."
"Should you have done this before?" I snapped.
"Yes..." his voice dropping low, "I should," he answered. He sounded guilty and apprehensive.
A sense of frustration and disappointment washed over me.
I thought I'm paying the best Private Investigator. "I'm paying you good, Cornick. You better give me your best," I stated disappointedly.
"Yes, sir!"
Just as I ended the call, my phone rang. It was Quinn Lucas.
"What's up?"
"Busy?" he asked.
"Somewhat," I replied shortly.
"I see..." he punctuated. "Well, I just thought you might like to join me, horse riding," he added.
I thought for a second. I've called every person I know of, and now was waiting for an update. I don't know what else to do. I guess horse riding would be a great distraction until I heard some good news.
Maybe Clara Bell wants to come, too.
"Can I call you later?" I asked.
As soon as he hung up, I called Clara Bell.
"Hey," she answered.
My heart suddenly leaped to my throat. She sounded sad and it breaks my heart hearing her non too happy tone.
Since I realized that I cared for her so much than just a kiss, everything I believed in had changed.
"Hi," I croaked. I felt that thick lump in my throat. I swallowed it down but it only went back up. "Are you still upset?" I hesitantly asked.
"No," she replied. "I...I'm so sorry..." she sighed, then paused for a second. "I...I acted like a brat—"
"No. Of course not!" I replied all too quickly, involuntarily interrupting her words. "I understand. I might have acted the same way if I'm on your shoe." A sense of overprotectiveness over her flowed within me.
"No, no. It's not fair I vented it out on you my frustrations. I—" I shook my head as if she can see me. I'm already too consumed of her presence, I forget about my coffee and the food served in front of me.
"Let's forget it, okay?" I said, hoping to change the topic. I don't want her to feel guilty nor blaming herself.
"Okay," she murmured softly.
I remember Lucas and his invitation. "I'm getting bored here..." I said, hoping she'll get the sense of it. "Can I see you?" I asked.
"Do you wanna do something?" she asked which brought a big smile on my face. Suddenly, the room got brighter than the sun outside.
"Lucas is at home, he just called. It's a nice day for horse riding if you're up to it?" I asked. My voice got livelier, too.
Her answer was the cherry on top.
Bouncing up from the chair, I strode towards the door. "I'll pick you up in an hour," I said, ignoring the butler asking me if I'm done eating. As soon as I got to the door, I remember she probably just had her breakfast, or maybe just woke up. "Is an hour enough for you to get ready?" I asked after.
"I'll be ready by then," she replied cheerily which made me smile brighter. "See you soon," she said then hung it up before I could respond.
I head back to my room and change into my riding clothes. A brown breeches and top it with a black polo shirt. I was just changing my shoes into my riding boots when I heard a rap on my door.
"Come in!" I yelled then sat on the chair over by the window then put on my boots. It's been a while since I wore it. Perhaps I've just used it twice, it still looks new. A black over the knee boots exclusively made for riding.
I shifted my eyes from the boots to the door and saw mom strutting in with a big smile plastered on her face.
"Horse riding," she commented, and I nodded my head and continue working on the zipper on the side of the boot. "Is Clara Bell coming?" she asked which caused me to look up and gave her a meaningful smile.
"I just hope you won't let us down," mom said causing my smile to fade.
"I never let you down, mom," I frowned, rising up from the chair and feel the boots. It felt comfortable.
Mom paced towards me. "I'm not talking about work, son. I'm talking about these women. I hope Clara Bell will be the last," mom crossed her hands over her chest as she stood in front of me. "I kept my mouth shut about these women, but... "mom heaved a sigh. "This is Clara Bell. She's a family. I—"
"Mom!" I interrupted, sounding almost a shriek. "Don't say that," I cringed at the sound of it. "It makes me shudder thinking about it," I stated.
Mom just narrowed her eyes at me. "What's shuddering about?" she spat out. Her tone hardening.
I shook my head and took a deep breath. "When you say a family, it makes me thinks about sisters. It gave me that incest feeling," I explained good-naturedly. She swung her hand and landed it on my shoulder. I burst into chuckles after seeing her face.
"You know what I mean!" she widened her eyes at me.
"I mean it, Alex," mom glowered at me.
"I thought you believed that I'm serious about her?" I shook my head. I can't believe we are talking about this. I thought she knew it that I'm serious.
"I'm just reminding you," she said defensively, and I just shook my head incredulously.
"I'm dead serious, mom. I'm ready to get married if Clara Bell agrees to it," I said and she beamed at me with pride.
"Oh, I can't believe you're so grown up..." Mom randomly exclaimed and suddenly became so emotional. And in a second, she's already hugging me. "And soon will have its own family," she mused. I embraced her back, my chin resting on the top of her head.
"And I hope you'll stop babying me," I chuckled, and her hands around me tightened.
"Even if you have kids, you're still my baby," mom stated and I just shook my head as I let her go. There's no point arguing.
"I gotta go, mom. Clara must be waiting for me now," I said and mom chuckled, ducking her eyes away from me. I knew she was crying.
"Go, go..." she shooed me, hand waving off while the other free hand surreptitiously wipes her eyes.
I kissed the top of her head and muttered I love you before walking away.
Just as I got to their place, Uncle Rafael and Auntie Tati just arrived, too. The couple looked like they went for a walk.
"Alejandro!' Uncle Rafael excitedly exclaimed as he jogged towards me. His Spanish accent so prominent, it made me smile. "Alexander, babe!" Auntie Tati corrected.
"It's the same," Uncle Rafael insisted and Auntie Tati just chuckled as she shook her head.
"Good morning, Alex," she greeted as soon as she got closer.
"Morning, Auntie," I replied.
"Does my princess knows you're coming?" Uncle Rafael asked. That darkness looming over him last night was gone. I felt a little relieved.
"Yes, Uncle," I answered back as I watched him reached out for the towel Auntie Tati gave to him and he wiped his face dry. "In fact, I'm here to pick her up. We will go horse riding at the Santorini's," I replied.
"Great! She loves horse riding," he nodded his head in agreement as he turned his head to look at his wife.
"That's a fabulous idea," Auntie Tatie seconded and I just nodded my head. And then as I look at uncle Rafael, I suddenly felt that urge to tell him about the news.
For a moment, I thought about it. But I know that Uncle Rafael had so many connections than my father. I met Uncle Rafael's eyes. He read my eyes.
"Maybe call on Clara Bell, babe. I'll just talk to him for a moment," Uncle Rafael said, smiling down at his wife.
Auntie Tati scowled at him. "You are not talking about this marriage again, right?" she asked, her tone sharp with disapproval.
I shook my head. "No, no, Auntie," I replied.
Auntie Tati nodded at me, but her eyes were filled with warning. "You two should stop controlling people around you," she stated firmly and Uncle Rafael just chuckled as he disapproved it.
"Of course, not! Don't worry, mi esposa. We are not controlling anyone," he chuckled, then gave his wife a peck on the cheek before telling him off to see Clara Bell.
As soon as she's out of sight, Uncle Rafael faced me with a stony face. "What's up?" he scowled.
I swallowed thickly and force those words out of my mouth. I don't really ask people to help me, especially Clara's dad, but this is about her, my world. These people I paid wasn't the best. "It's about Mrs. Ratskin's heirloom. It's missing, and—"
Uncle Rafael cut through my words, his face as grim as the grim reaper. "I have some people working on it. I should know what jewelry is missing today. I'm just waiting for Tristan to get back to me. For now... I need you to distract her and keep her away from her phone as much as possible until my men cleared out all those pesky posts about the missing heirloom," he declared and I nodded my head. While waiting, I'll do my best to distract her.
"How did you know about it?" I stupidly asked out of nowhere.
Uncle Rafael stared at me like I just lost my sanity. "Just as much your father knows about you," he replied with sarcasm, one brow went up high, "or more than what he knows about you." he added.
I scowled, but my head involuntarily bobbed up and down.
I shouldn't be surprised.
"Will you let me know about it," I asked gravely.
Uncle Rafael stared at me for a second before giving me a tentative nod.
Just as I was about to say 'thank you', Clara Bell showed up in her riding outfit. And just like last night, when I saw her in her dress, I was tongue-tied. I lost my tongue. And everything around us dispersed and there's only us.
She looked like a princess in her white riding outfits. She's wearing an knee black boots in contrast to her white breeches. She had her hair tied in a bun, no loose strand, it reminds me of that strict professor way back in my university days. Only that, she rocked that style, it made me want to let her dominate me and do whatever she wants with my body.
What Am I thinking?
Suddenly, all those inappropriate thoughts evaporated when I heard her dad's stony voice.
"You look great, mi princesita!" he exclaimed with pride in his voice. Clara Bell smiled but then vanished as quickly as it appeared when Uncle Rafael opened his mouth again. "Did you gain, mi princesita? That outfit looks too tight, there's nothing left for his..." as he turns his head to me briefly then back to her, " I mean to these men?" he asked.
I almost choked after absorbing what he meant. I almost lost that respect I have for him.
Good grave! I know he's bloody blatant, but never experienced it, first hand.
"You're kidding, dad! You saw me in these already when we went to visit, Dedushka," she scowled. She puts on her white Fedora hat with black lining on the rim, and it made her look even lovelier.
Uncle Rafael made a cough before responding.
"I didn't notice. I should buy you another one," he said before turning his head to me.
"Take care of her," he said, and with the kind of tone he uses me, I know there's more to it than what he just asked me.
"I will, Uncle," I replied, holding his eyes with the same firmness.
He nodded his head and approached her. He kissed her on her cheeks. "Do you have your phone with you?" he asked as he moved back.
Clara Bell's eyebrows narrowed. "You know I carry it with me anywhere," she replied. She sounded suspicious.
I smiled.
"My phone just shuts off on me. I ordered one, but I won't get it till later," he explained. He gave me a brief glance and Clara Bell just stared at him with a hint of suspicion.
"We have a telephone, dad," she reminded him and Uncle Rafael let out a soft chuckle, sounding almost a snort.
"I know, mi princesita. I won't ask you if I can use the home phone," he replied smoothly. I need to call someone and I needed a personal phone, it's highly confidential," he murmured.
Her left brow lifted up, her face filled with doubt. "Are you.... Dad?" she ground out, her voice filled with warning.
Uncle Rafael chuckled louder. "Of course not!" he laughed. "What made you think I'll cheat on your mom? I'm way past that time. I'm already too old and too tired to deal with another woman in my life. Your mom already exhaust me," he joked causing me to chuckle and Clara burst into laughters.
"I'll tell mom," she laughed and Uncle Rafael's laughters simmered down.
"I'm just joking, mi princesita," he quickly said and Clara just shook her head.
"Seriously, dad. How about mom's phone?" she asked.
"She said, she needs it. I don't think Sid would be happy to lend me his phone, too," he explained further.
"Are you expecting a call?" he asked afterwards.
"No, no!" Clara replied instantly.
"Well, you won't mind without a phone for a day, would you?" he asked again.
"No, dad. But I'd like to check on my twitter once in a—"
"That's alright, I'll just wait for—"
"Okay, okay!" Clara Bell snapped. "Your making me feel guilty."
She pulled out her phone from her black sling bag, and it made me wonder how the heck that phone fits in that slim, tiny bag. And that LV in gold letterings almost fits the whole front space.
It's too shiny, it is blinding.
My head involuntarily shake as I stared at the ridiculous metal letterings in gold.
"Why are you shaking your head?" I heard her ask. I didn't even felt her coming closer. My eyes snapped up to meet hers and shook my head.
"Nothing," I replied as I leaned to her and was about to give her a kiss when a loud cough from behind her stopped me. Drifting my eyes to her father, he shook his head.
I straightened myself when he signalled me no.
"Dad!" Clara snapped.
"¿Ningún padre quiere presenciar a su hija siendo besada por un hombre?" No Father wants to witness their daughter being kissed by a man. He frowned at her.
"Mom is and waiting inside," Clara stated grimly.
Uncle Rafael reluctantly turned to leave. Clara Bell sighed when his back disappeared.
"We should leave before he decided to come back and stalled us," she chuckled as she shook her head.
I laughed.
"Yes, yes. Lucas must be waiting for us," I replied and then remembered to call him for confirmation.
"That reminds me to call him. If you'll excuse me for a second?" I asked, pulling out the phone out of my pocket. I motioned her the car waiting, and my new driver — a temporary one — was waiting at the car.
She nodded her head and we walked side by side as I dialled Lucas number.
"Yes," he answered after a couple rings.
"We are coming," I said.
"Great. We'll wait for you," he replied, causing me to frown. I thought he was alone?
Before I could asked who's he with, the phone already dead.
My temporary driver held the car door until we got inside. Clara smiled at him and mumbled thank you. I just noticed that he was taller and buffier than me.
I scowled at him.
We arrived at the Santorini's and Lucas was already waiting at the door with his mom, Auntie Enna.
She had that huge smile plastered on her face when we got of the car.
"Clara!" she exclaimed as she approached her and pulled her into her arms in an embrace. Clara Bell giggled and hugged her back.
"I missed you," I heard Auntie Enna said as I gave Lucas a brief hug.
"What's up?" I asked as I stepped back and watched the two women excitedly exchanging words.
"Nothing much," Lucas replied. His eyes were too fixed to Clara and his mom.
I looked around for another company and frowned. Did I just misheard him?
I guess I misheard him.
"I'm glad you came today. GP is home," she excitedly remarked. Just then the devil appeared from the front door with a phone close to his right ear.
"GP, look who's here!" Auntie Enna cried out and GP's eyes landed on Clara Bell and his face lit up.
"Are you okay?" I heard Lucas asked. My eyes drifted to him.
"I didn't know he's home?" I frowned.
Lucas chuckled. "What's wrong? You used to hang out with him?" he asked pointedly.
He was right.
When I looked at GP, he was already hugging Clara Bell.
I finally finished this chapter. Typing it on my phone while breastfeeding. So if ever you find errors, just overlook it.
Thank you for standing by. I know it's been a while.
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