《Debut or Die/ If I fail to debut I'll get a killer disease》[Debut or Die Chapter 019]
To be honest, I was pretty nervous until I checked social media and websites on my phone to see the reaction to the first episode.
"I thought they would take it as a bad joke..."
But to my surprise, viewers responded more favorably than derisively. When I danced the chorus of "POP ☆ CON'', the public opinion had already completely changed.
Their comments had an undertone of sympathy towards me.
It's so funny
He's so focused and he looks so cuteㅠㅠ
Be honest and confirm if he really auditioned with this song hahahahahaha
Since he appeared on TV, he will have to try harder to improve. I like him very much
No, he is not the same guy who was interviewed, he is different lol
He is very cute
"Why do they think I look cute?"
My strategy for selecting songs for evaluation was very good, although I thought I would be at the level of being judged as a boy who tried hard and thus became accepted, but I had a windfall.
Wasn't it the national rule for viewers of survival shows to look down on the very talented?
I was a little confused, but I soon understood the situation.
"It's because before dancing, I sang very well."
As a singer, I was able to live up to the expectation of being good at singing, so my dancing was acceptable, although it was embarrassing.
From what before they could have judged me as "a not very emotional person", now it seems that they have added one more characteristic to me, leaving me as "a not very emotional person, who causes laughter".
Being identified like this now is... very embarrassing.
"I wonder how I could have ended up like this, when I myself thought I made the best choice."
In itself, I had chosen that song and used that strategy so as not to have many negative reviews. In addition, I also emphasized that my talent points more to me being the main vocal and I managed to make the public have no doubts about that.
In the interview, I did not mention any personal opinion and only gave concise answers so that they see me as a calm and neutral person who does not have ideologies or attitude that clashes with the tastes of the public.
"But... I didn't expect to be taken as an arrogant and selfless person."
Anyway, even if I go to Moro, I'll have to get to Seoul. I could take the KTX bullet train, but I don't mind getting there using a bus.
"I did a good job on this first stage of the program."
It was clear that I had managed to make the public recognize me. It was not a hunch, but a tangible result. This is because the status popup appeared while I was watching the stream.
10,000 people have noticed your existence
You have been recognized!
You have won: +1 Point
50,000 people have noticed your existence
You have been recognized!
In a single broadcast, I managed to be recognized by 50,000 people.
"This doesn't look real."
I decided to look later at the rewards that popped up and instead opened the search bar and entered keywords.
The results came out immediately.
Oh God.
"...Wasn't this supposed to be the first episode of the most disgraced and cursed television show?"
I think it resurfaced well, although it didn't have an incredibly high rating.
However, the fact that 100,000 people remembered me meant that I made a significant impression regardless of whether they liked me or not. Just in case I will look at the number of likes or dislikes.
After reviewing the general public opinion of the first episode, I immediately opened my evaluation video.
Reading the title, I felt my body become translucent and begin to disappear.
"...I'll have to get that title out of my head soon."
I started reading the best comments.
Eh? Anyone else craving popcorn around here too? haha ( 7326 👍/ 181 👎)
I was falling asleep until I saw you. MoonDae, I'm going to invest my shares in you until I have no more money (4522 👍 / 294 👎)
Yes, this season's main vocal is Park MoonDae (2061 👍/ 372 👎)
To tell the truth... it was a good sign that comments from people who liked my embarrassing performance were posted to the top of the comment board. It was kind of embarrassing, but he was grateful.
However, I also had a risk factor, which was a fairly high percentage of "dislikes" compared to other participants who were favorably edited.... For example, my number of dislikes were almost double (1.5) of those that Cha YooJin got.
That meant that there were quite a few people who were opposed to me appearing on the air. Maybe it's because I was unsociable.
So what could I do right now to change my negative image? It's inevitable that this kind of image has been created, but there are many idols just like me who miraculously manage to make their audience laugh.
Thinking about it... Hmm, there are always one or two members in every idol group who are like that.
I will have a new goal that I must achieve starting at the next program meeting.
"I must look friendly."
I immediately thought of the following search term.
The next shoot of the show will be to shoot PR videos. As it will be in 3 days, for now I will look for the best PR examples.
The day came soon when the PR videos for "Idol Corporation" would be made...
They used to be videos recorded with humorous situations to entertain the public and were shown in short segments included in the classification ceremony to increase the content of the program.
-Guys! Are you ready?
The contestants responded enthusiastically to the MC's voice
"...Isn't this the same scene you see every time we're filmed on the show...? Or am I just imagining it...?"
In short, the important thing is that the participants seemed more desperate to stand out in the recordings.
-I'm glad everyone was okay! Now, do you know what we're getting ready for today?
-PR videos!
-To introduce ourselves!
-That's right!
Everyone must have seen the reactions of the first episode and must also have realized that no matter how the cameras are on all the time, if you don't do anything remarkable, your recordings will never appear on the air.
"So no matter what you do, you can't help but be desperate for a PR video."
In fact, it was never a fair competition.
The live PR competition was held after the first episode, just when the public had already chosen their favorites among the most recognized contestants that were shown on the broadcast, so it felt as if the result had been decided halfway. .
However, there was always a person in the previous seasons who, although he had not been paid attention to in the first episode, managed to change his situation thanks to his PR video. Because of that, everyone seemed to be desperately preparing for the video without saying anything.
It was a live broadcast of 77 trainees and of course it generated all kinds of controversies... but none of them will pay enough attention to those problems because they must believe that they can do so as long as they are not controversies that affect them; on the other hand, the production team will like the increase in the number of rumours.
-You'll be hosting a live show exclusively for each of you on Tnet's global WeTube channel tonight at 8pm!
-I'm really nervous.
Due to the rankings, Keun SeJin was close to me. He was a bit quiet, but he didn't look nervous at all.
He can't fool me.
-Oh, wait a minute. I think I misinformed you!
-It will not be just a video to introduce yourself to the public!
The contestants shouted in frustration and confusion, while the MC, who seemed to enjoy his reactions, waved his arms to calm them down.
-What do you think is the dream of every celebrity?
-Have an affair...?
-It's making a commercial, guys!
The MC spread his arms wide
-Everyone must choose a collaboration item to make a PPL! Thus, you will be able to promote not only the article, but also yourself!
These bastards are determined to use us for free. It was a good idea that we promote a brand at the same time as ourselves, but I bet my left arm that they are products of T1, an affiliate company of the Tnet channel.
It doesn't matter if you get a viral effect on the networks that increases your popularity or they give you a gift set with the product you promote, I'm sure they have another goal.
It was capitalistic enough to be counted among the crazy tactics of "Idol Corporation".
"I feel like I was quickly stabbed by those above."
They thought the show was screwed, when all of a sudden they got a good response, so they put their spoon on us.
Anyway, what the MC said was a good thing for us.
-You may not like to promote these products, but remember that you can also use them as an opportunity to show how charming you are to the public.
The participants seemed to be quite convinced. It was a wise attitude to say that they should not refuse, because it would benefit all those who did not understand the real reason for the situation.
-So how will they get the opportunity to promote these products?
-Winning races?
-Play rock, paper, scissors?
-Getting the highest scores in karaoke?
Examples of games that were used in past seasons and similar programs were heard everywhere. The MC, with a sad expression, shook his head and yelled the correct answer.
-It's... A treasure hunt!
-The staff have hidden treasure balls with "products" throughout the accommodation. You have 15 minutes to find them!
Keun SeJin nodded with a faint look of admiration.
-Don't you think this will be a little fun?
Viewers may also think that it will be funny. It's nice that the contestants compete with each other, but they would be offended if 77 people were rummaging through your house...
Of course, this content did not seem to be very serious because it would ease the tension of the next ranking ceremony episode. It was one of many ways to get rid of the negative features of the program.
"I think it's because of all the speculation and rumors that must be on the internet."
-Oh! Just like this program, the treasure balls have degrees of classification. Keep that in mind and watch the balls carefully!
I'm sure they must be gold, silver and bronze colored balls.
-Now, on your marks, ready...
Everyone got ready to run.
Most of the participants rushed screaming to the front door of the lodge, while I slipped to the back of the lodge.
"I'll go in the back door."
No matter how much I thought about it, there was a high probability that if I went in with the others through the front door, I wouldn't be able to find any balls, so I turned around and entered through the back side door, I had less competition compared to the others. other contestants.
Although Keun SeJin and Gold 1 had followed me and were smiling pleased.
-Thank you MoonDae. Because of you, we are more comfortable.
-He is very smart, hyung-nim.
It was just those two people but...somehow, I was getting angry.
Seon AhHyun and Gold 2, who were a bit apart from us, were swept away by the crowd and entered the front door.
Life is about using the opportune moments. I'm sorry for them.
* * *
-Oh, MoonDae~ You found it right away.
As soon as I walked in the back door, I found a ball on the door sill. It was silver in color.
"Just as expected."
Keun SeJin looked at the ball and nodded.
-It seems to be divided into BSilGol degrees, right?
-Hey, don't use slang! Use our beautiful Korean language! Gold, silver and bronze! That sounds prettier!
-Ah~ What a patriot you are.
If you keep talking, I'll throw yo u in the trash.
-Why don't we search fast? The other boys will soon be here too.
-I'm relieved that you're very realistic.
I hurried to start the search and they, to my surprise, followed me in silence. We started checking the warehouse.
-It is better to think of this backwards. What place would the production team choose to hide...? -Huh, here?
Keun SeJin smiled and took out a dark beige ball from the case in front of the camera.
-Oh~ Is this bronze?
-Ugh, damn it. My bad hands don't get what I want.
Surprisingly... being with them will be worth it. These guys are fast, so we divvy up the area without saying anything and search the warehouse right away.
-Oh, I found another silver one! Shall we leave the warehouse?
They are also quick to judge the situation. Without further ado, we hurriedly moved on to the next area.
-Where are we going?
-Let's start with the dining room. There's a camera.
-You have good eyes.
-Sure, if he was the one who thought to enter through the back door.
It would have been better if... he hadn't mentioned it like that.
We did not waste time in the dining room. The three of us implicitly started looking around the area where the cameras were set up, and when I opened the cutlery box...
-I found it.
-It's made of gold.
I got a gold ball.
-Why did MoonDae find a golden ball?
-I can't help it. I guess I was born with good luck.
-Yes, MoonDae. There is nothing better than being born with good luck~
-The others have arrived.
I finally figured out how to keep these guys' mouths shut. I needed to be given a break from their conversations. Anyway, after hearing hurried footsteps, we quickly left the dining room.
-Shall we go upstairs?
We went back to search the second floor, it was efficient.
-Guys~ It's great that the three of us came.
-Yes! MoonDae is also okay with that, right?
-Of course.
To be honest, I have benefited from these two guys. Since the three of us searched together, we had high efficiency. Both were fast and observant, so they searched while moving nimbly. His judgment was also very good
We finish our search and distribute the balls equally, we are not stubborn in not sharing our findings.
-So we have... 4 gold, 2 silver and 4 bronze, right?
Keun SeJin handed over a palm-sized plastic ball to him. Gold 1 also spoke carefully.
-Yes. Hmm... Let's take a ball of each color and, as MoonDae guided us, let's give it one more gold instead of silver.
The cast was good, but I don't want viewers to continue to think I'm a bad person. Also, the editors could make me look bad and that made me uncomfortable.
-Oh, then I won't take the bronze ones. Take 2 each.
-Oh~ Thank you!
As we put away our balls, we heard an announcement from the lodge.
-200 seconds left~
FYI, we were now holed up in the storage room by the back door we had originally entered through to avoid the crowd of other participants.
Although it seems ridiculous, there was no rule that prevented the stealing of balls.
-Hey, a bunch of guys are coming!!
-Oh no! Let's run!
We ran out the back door and headed to the rendezvous point.
-Ah~ We did very well.
-Sure, we did great teamwork. It's good we're out now.
The boys seemed to have eased their tension, so they started talking again.
At the meeting point, the contestants who had already found one or two balls were opening them. Fortunately, no attempt to steal the balls has been seen, it must be because we are surrounded by cameras, so they were reluctant to openly steal in front of them.
-So, do we open them now?
-Yes, it's alright~
We sat down and began to spread our balls. Keun SeJin and Gold 1 had so many on their hands that the other contestants looked at them enviously.
I only had two balls, but they were high grade, so they were the best. If I had more balls, it would have been difficult to choose the product that I would like to promote.
I opened my two golden balls and stiffened.
Let me think for a moment.
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