《The Joker's Daughter》Talk or Fight


Arika's Pov

"Why do you speak about your father like he's a bad thing and then a good thing!" screams Artemis

Everyone in the room stare at me. Robin was sweating and i didn't know what to say. I just stay quiet. "If you don't talk then i challenge you to a fight." Everyone stared at Artemis.

"But Artemis she barely got here and i don't th-"

"It's ok Aqualad. I'll take the challenge." Artemis smile. She look really excited.

I smile back. "But if i win, you have to tell who your father is and if you win, which i hardly believe you'll beat me, I'll leave it alone. Deal?" She said.

"Deal." I said.

We shook each others hand.

"Are you sure about this Arika." Said Robin

I Smile at Robin. "Trust me Robin i'll be fine."

Everyone is in the arena. Batman, Black Canary, Robin, Aqualad, Miss Martian, Super Boy, A green skin looking guy which is probably related to miss martian, a red robot, and a tall buff looking guy with a lighting bolt on his chest. They all stood in a room. Probably the control room. In the middle of the arena there stood fake weapons and arrows that look harmless. "Rules: Do not kill each other, first to tap out losses, and no real weapons." Batman said into the in intercom. We both look each other in the eyes and nodded.

We both grabbed our weapons. Artemis (of course) Grabs a bow and arrows. I grabbed rubber crescent moon knives. We both went to the opposite side of the arena. The weapons disappear and i was confuse but quickly got rid of it. The arena transform into a jungle. The trees are huge bigger than buildings. Vines hanging from tree to tree. I quickly look around and saw some pebbles. I pick up 10 pebbles. I climb a tree nearest to me in 4 seconds. I jump to tree to tree silently trying to not give away my position. I quickly found Artemis cautiously walking through the jungle. She had an arrow intact to her bow. I grab a pebble from my pouch and threw a pebble on the other side of the jungle. Artemis heard and ran towards the sound. I follow quietly not making a sound. Jumping tree to tree. She stop and look around. I saw the pebble near her foot. I quickly threw another pebble at the same direction. She took off again making me jump again and again. She was near the side of the arena walls and i knew i had to think of a plan and quick. I then thought of something. I jump ahead of her. I rip part of my shirt and hang it where she would find it. I quickly went back and luckily she hadn't move. I threw another pebble towards where i place part of my shirt. Once more she took off running. She ran about 3 to 4 feet. I then knew she found my piece of shirt. She aim the arrow and shot. I follow the arrow and saw that she hit it. Artemis took off running. I don't know why though. She got the target. The piece of cloth was only 10ft away. When she got there she only saw part of the cloth. She smile thinking she was close. She was at the edge of the arena the white wall behind her. I threw a pebble near her foot And jump to another tree trying not to be found. She withdrew another arrow and stood there looking.


I threw another and another moving each time i threw a pebble. When i was finally out of pebbles and Artemis annoyed she took out 4 arrows. They look different and i got a little worry. she shot the first two trees quickly and orange smoke came out. I quickly and quietly jump off and went behind her. I ran towards her and she slowly turn. Her eyes widen and i hit her with the hilt of my knives. She gasp and try to reach for another arrow but i quickly grab her wrist and flip her on her back. I grab her bag of arrows and took her bow. I then aim it at Artemis who is now shock and confuse on what just happen.

"I g-g-give up." Said Artemis a little too stun. I drop the bow and arrow and help Artemis up. Everything was back to normal and everyone is walking towards us.

"That was amazing!" Shouted Wally. Artemis look a little annoyed. She rolled her eyes but then smile.

"Let me guess your father taught you that." Said Miss Martian. I look down flashbacks came into my mind. He would put me in bad situations and if i didn't figure it out i would get badly injured or beat the living life out of me.

"I kinda don't want to talk about that." I said looking up. "I-I-I'm going to my room." I slowly pass through everyone and walk to my bedroom.

I saw in the corner of my eye that Robin wanted to follow me but soon got stoped by Batman, which i'm grateful for.

When i got to my bedroom i slip off my shoes and went to bed. I lay there looking up at the ceiling. I slowly fell into a deep slumber.

I saw my 6 year old self into the bed strap into it. I was bruised and beaten. My bottom lip open and my cheek cut. Blood seep through my clothes and down my cheek. "Now Arika, there's cops everywhere and you on top of a building and there's no way to climb down, what do you do?" I saw my father holding a bloody 3 inch knife.


"Um..um.um I don't know I..I-" "WRONG ANSWER!" He went up to me and remove my shirt.

He slowly made a small cut on my stomach. "AAAAGGGGHHHHHH!!!" My old self clutch her teeth shut.

Not trying to make a sound. Then it was dark. Then a 10 year old me was on the floor crying. "please,please i just want it to end." I said.

I had a necklace no a shock collar around my neck. "Not until you figure the riddle." He laugh at my struggle.

" I turn polar bears white, And make you cry, I make guys have to pee, And girls comb their hair,I make celebrities look stupid, And normal people look like celebrities. I turn pancakes brown,And make your champagne bubble. If you squeeze me, I'll pop. Can you answer this riddle?" My ten year old look at my father dumbfounded.

"I don't know." Then darkness came again. All i could hear is me screaming in pain. I cover my ears my eyes widen. "STOP STOP PLEASE. STOP THE SCREAMING, PLEASE!!!!" But all i could hear is me screaming.

I curled up to a ball and rock back and forth. Tears fell off my cheeks and all i wanted was the screaming to stop.

I woke up and quickly sat up. I was sweating and my hands are shaking. My eyes probably widen in fear. My breathing is fast and i look down to my lap. A blanket is covering my lap. Probably Robin or someone else put this on. When i calm down i stood up and went to the kitchen. My throat is dry and it feels like i can't speak. When i enter the living room everyone but Wally look confuse. "Oh hey Arika want to solve a riddle? It's really hard." He said.

I shrugged. "It's really hard even Robin can't figure it out." Said Aqualad.

I look at Robin. He looks embarrassed. "OK shoot" I said a little surprise i could speak now.

" Ok here goes, I turn polar bears white and make you cry-


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