《Malec one shot》family


After bottling his last orders of potions for clients, Magnus decides to call it a day. Alec came home half an hour ago and walked in to say a quick hello before letting Magnus back to his work. But now the warlock is ready to spend the evening with his favourite man. And when he steps outside his workroom, he hears Alec’s voice coming from the balcony. He’s making a call. At first Magnus isn’t really bothered and he doesn’t mean to catch anything from the conversation, but when he hears his name fall, he cannot help but start listing to whatever Alec is saying.

‘Okay, I’ll ask Magnus to join as well.’

It’s frustrating that Magnus doesn’t know who’s on the other line. But given Alec’s change of tone, makes Magnus believe it’s not something Alec loves to hear.

‘What does that mean?’ Alec’s frown is seeping through his voice.

‘Dad, really I’m getting tired of this. You should talk to mom, she understands it.’

Silence again… And Magnus already knows what kind of conversation this really is.

‘Magnus IS family, dad. If you invite me, you’re inviting him as well. If you don’t, it will probably be an empty table, given Izzy has the exact same feeling about this.’ His angry and defensive tone kind of gives Magnus butterflies, although he really won’t admit that.

‘Okay. But if you say one wrong thing to him, you can be sure you’re not seeing my face again. Understood?’

Then a short moment of silence, before Alec cuts the conversation off.

‘Yes. See you then.’

Alec turns around with a frustrated, loud sigh and his look of frustration turns into surprise when he meets Magnus’ gaze.

‘I didn’t mean to listen to that.’ Magnus immediately apologizes. ‘I just heard my name and the tone of your voice. And it didn’t sound good.’


Alec shrugs when he walks over to his boyfriend and gives him a sweet peck on his lips. ‘I’m sorry you had to hear that. I hope you still want to join?’ He asks with a weak smile. ‘Please don’t feel not welcome on the dinner party. Izzy and I want you to be there. And Max too.’

It warms Magnus’ heart how they even make him feel more welcome now, although they think he feels the opposite. And it doesn’t really matter to him that Alec’s dad has a different opinion. The most important thing to him is something Alec said in the conversation.

‘You told him I was family too.’

And that takes Alec by surprise. He even chuckles after hearing Magnus say the words as if he didn’t know. ‘Of course you are! I love you, you are my partner, so of course you are my family.’ He smiles, having the little lights in his eyes. Something he often gets when he looks at Magnus.

‘It’s been a long time since I had a family.’ Magnus states softly. And Alec’s look softens when he notices how important this really is for the warlock.

‘It’s an absolute honour to have you in my family, Magnus.’ He whispers when his lips come closer again. And when they find each other in a kiss, Magnus couldn’t help but feel the exact same about having Alec as his family.

The best one he ever had.

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