《Malec one shot》Don't leave me


magnus fell to the ground and hugged his knees to his chest as tears streamed down his face. all he could hear was alec sobbing at the corner and his ocasional murmurs of 'i'm sorry' , 'i don't deserve you' and at last a 'i'll go away'.

alec got up to leave before magnus asked him to. he knew he messed up and he messed up bad. going to camile was a terrinble idea and he knew it. but before he could walk away magnus grabbed his hand

"don't leave me" magnus begged with a horsy voice and alec crumbled beside him his tears going double there rate.

"after what i did how could you still want me?" alec asked in a chocked tone

"even if your a stuborn idoiot your my stubborn idiot. i can't...i can't do this with out you. i can't..." magnus sobed alec warped his arms around magnus and they both cried into eachothers necks

"i'm sorry" alec wispered after a few minuted

"i know" magnus replied

"are we ok?" he asked his tear stained hazzel eyes boring into magnus's green gold cat eyes

"we will be" magnus replied

"i'll be better. i promise magnus. i try to be better" alec wispered

"you better or next time it'll be you who turns into a rat and i won't be so kind to turn you back" magnus jocked and they shared a wattery smile.

and at that moment they knew no matter what they had eachother.

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