《The dark hiding in the light {KiriBakuKami}》chapter 3


kirishima walked into the rundown building him and the league hide in to see that kurogiri had rolled a television into the middle of the bar and his fellow league members were watching the news. he sat down at the stool by toga and asked 'what ya watching' 'you're in the news and we're trying to see when the festival starts' toga said still stairing at the tv 'i made all might fall off a building' 'YOU DID WHAT' they all said in unison 'it's not that big of a deal' 'of course it is! we've ben trying to kill/injure all might the past 7 months yet you injured him your second day on the job!howd you do it?'

toga asked 'i was just jumping over buildings the decided to slide down the side of one an all might tried to fallow but his big ol' sausage fingers missed the wall' kirishima said as he felt a buzz in his pocket kirishima grabbed his phone from pocket an saw the notification he got was from bakugo.

katsuki bakugou:yo shitey hair what was the making all might fall off the building about he broke 2 of his ribs?!

kirishima:look bro it wasn't my goal to make him fall off the building

katsuki bakugou:what the fuck do you mean goal!

kirishima:it means my goal was to get away from all might not brake his ribs!

katsuki bakugou:mk i trust you meet me at the park around 9

kirishima:mk i trust you to but if you betray me and i escape prison you got something bad comin your way mister

'who ya texting'toga asked craneing her neck over kirishima's shoulder 'just katsuki bakugou' he answered 'oh okay the- wait a minute did you say katsuki bakugou!' 'yeah what about em' 'omg tomara you didn't fuck up this time' toga said kissing his cheek kirishima shrugged his shoulders and went upstairs to wash the blood off his body and change into a new uniform


- - - - - - - - - - - time skip - - - - - - - - - -

kirishima and bakugo decided it would be better not to stay in one place and just walk down the sidewalk so there was less chance of getting caught by park rangers etc. kirishima didn't want to get to physically close to bakugou so every time bakugou moved slightly closer to kirishima he would move the same distance away from bakugou eventually backing him into a dead end alley. kirishima walked into the brick wall behind him with bakugou way to close for kirishima's comfort. the walls were way to far away from each other for kirishima to jump and if he activated his quark he could run the risk of hurting bakugou. 'umm bakugou don't you think we're a little to close?' kirishima asked with his heart speeding up with every shaking breath he took. the alley was very crammed with garbage,crates,and other random items so bakugou and kirishima were very well hidden. 'b-bakugou are you okay you've been stairing at me for 5 minutes?' kirishima asked in a concerned tone 'yea i'm okay' bakugo said looking kirishima up and down eyes tracing every curve that he had. With a swift movement bakugou slammed this hand on the right side of kirishimas head making him jump. Bakugou leaned in and whispered something into kirishimas ear making him turn deep deep red.

"Young Bakugou!" "Kaccan!" Kirishima looked over bakugou's shoulder to see all might and some other kid with green hair and freckles"young bakugou is that the villain that made me fall off a building!"all might asked "and why were you pinning him to the wall?" Bakugou's face turned red with fury and embarrassment "I was trying to get him to put his guard down so I could take him the pros but then you two dumbasses showed up and now his guards back up thanks!"bakugou yelled at all might and the freckled male "so that's why you backed me into this alley....so you could take me to the pro's"kirishima started "I thought I could trust you! Now the only person I know that cares about my well being is tomara and all for one! Mabey I should have excepted that second quark...SO I COULD BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF YOU RIGHT NOW! I guess you are like all the others..." kirishima hardened his arms,ripping his selves.kirishima punched bakugou's face so hard he flew out of the alley and hit the building across from it knocking him unconscious "I tried to warn him" kirishima climbed the wall of the alley and leaped back to the villain hide out

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