《The dark hiding in the light {KiriBakuKami}》chapter 2


kirishima put away his pocket knife and wiped blood off his face "i can't wait until the sports festival for U.A high then we will be able to make kidnapping plans!" kirishima thought "but first i have to clean myself i'll let other people find this girl i don't have any traces so i can't be tracked" kirishima was about to walk outside when he saw the ash blond from earlier by the window with wide eyes. the ash blond walked inside and went past kirishima into his victims kitchen and returned with a mop and a trash bag. the ash blond put on gardening gloves and grabbed the dead woman by her arm and put her in the bag. kirishima— grabbed the mop and cleaned the rest of the scene. "why did you fallow me?" kirishima asked "a villains work doesn't concern you because you're not a villain." "i fallowed you because i noticed you weren't at the attack the villains preformed on U.A a few days ago so i figured you must be new."

the ash blond went through the back door,disposed the woman's body,and came back. "we better leave just incase i wasn't your only witness"the ash blond suggested "can you climb buildings?" kirishima asked as they walked out the door "no if i could i would have fallowed you on that building and taken you to the pro's" "then why aren't you now?"kirishima asked.the ash blond looked away with a small blush on his face. "i'll leave you alone now and head back to the villain hideout i don't want to get you in trouble if your seen with me by the pro's or police i hope you do well at the sports festival"kirishima said with a wink making the ash blond blush even more covering his face with his hand to hide it.


- - - - - - - - - - -time skip- - - - - - - - - - -

kirishima went inside the rundown building and handed tomara his file, and gave toga the capsule of blood from the woman he had to kill she had asked for. tomara gave him another file then told the everyone it was lights out. kirishima went into the bathroom and cleaned the blood from his arms and tie,then went into the room tomara assigned him,and laid on the bed he took his cracked phone from the table by his bed and found multiple texts from his parents and the group chat his bully's made with all the people that hated him.he sighed and read them

mom:where did you go we can't find you!

mom:eijirou kirishima you get your ass home right now or your in for a serious beating when we find you!

mom:you worthless piece of shit!

mom:the pro's said they found you but you were with a villain if you're a villain and you kill someone imma kill you!

"i don't even want to open the group chat" kirishima thought as he got another message from it

then he got a message from a unknown number

unknown:hey dumb hair

kirishima:who are you?

unknown:the kid that chased you down a alley dumb ass

kirishima:the ash blond?


kirishima:okay no need to shout,what's your name by the way

unknown:katsuki bakugou

kirishima:okay sweet i'mma go now i have to kill another person tomorrow morning for tomara.

katsuki bakugou:stay safe

kirishima lay on his bed feeling comfort seep in to his body knowing that someone finally cared for his safety,and how he finally got to show someone how he felt for the first time glad he could do it again in the morning


- - - - - - - - - - - time skip- - - - - - - - - - -

kirishima put the blood bcapsule in his pocket toga gave him and went out the front door with his file. 'tora kjiri,her first name means tiger so i may have to be alert, she lives a block from U.A so i'll need to be alert for hero's,heros in training,etc.,this will be tricky.' kirishima kept walking and soon enough he was a mile from U.A high because he could see hero's and their students.kirishima kept walking minding his own business and successfully got away from U.A (sorry some of my keys are broken so if it is irritating you that i am not using a couple of keys i'm sorry)

- - - - - - - - - - - time skip- - - - - - - - - - -

kirishima wiped blood off his face as he staired down at his victim as she asked him desperately to let her live,aimed a gun at her head and fired,he didn't feel bad for the brutal murder he just committed he felt....content by it as he walked out of the hole in the side of the house he made and saw eraserhead,midnight,and all might walking down the road in their hero uniforms with a few students one was only gloves and boots one was bakugo and the other had six arms, he staired for 5-11 seconds until bakugo saw him and mouthed him to run/hide,kirishima tried to do so but all might saw bakugo mouth to kirishima and nudged the sleep deprived hero and all of them except bakugo chased him down the road.kirishima eventually was able to slip down a alley and jump up the walls.kirishima pirched himself on the edge of the building to see again all might fallowing him up the wall,he jumped over the top of a few other buildings then slid down the side of one of the making all might fall off the edge onto the side walk kirishima kept his quark activated so he could cling to the side of the building and look down at a motionless all might. he clung there looking down at the three students and their hero teachers circling all might whispering to each other as midnight called a ambulance,he noticed bakugo looking up at him with a proud/disappointed expression on his face. kirishima mouthed him a 'i'm sorry' then leaped back up the building and to the villain hide out

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