《I can't seem to let you go (A story I thought was Style but isn't)》Chapter 17


Kyle looked at the ceiling and huffed. This trip was the fucking worst. His phone got fucking ran over ,cause his cousin thought it would be funny hide his phone in front of a fucking car, and his mom wouldn't let him use her phone to text Kenny or Stan. "Oh quit whining." Ike said, scrolling through his phone. "I'm going through serious shit Ike. You wouldn't understand." Kyle said, sitting up. It was obvious his body wasn't going to allow him to nap anytime soon.

"Really? Let me guess, you feel bad for breaking it off with Kenny, even though you think it was the right thing to do. But at the same time you didn't want to because you love him, but you also love Stan and you don't know who you actually want to date. Did I cover everything?"

"You... you also forgot that my phone's broken."

"And your phone's broken. Now will you stop whining?"

"Well I..." Ike had hit all the marks. Ever since he broke up with Kenny he's been having this moral debate of if it was the right thing to do or not. On one hand, Kenny and Butter's were good for each other, Butter's is pure and naive while Kenny is perverted and playful. They were a perfect relationship trope. But on the other hand Kyle wanted to keep Kenny for himself, though it made him feel selfish. Kenny wouldn't want that. "Well, what do you suggest I do Ike?" Kyle asked, crossing his arms.

"Date Stan."

"I can't do that."

"Why not?"

"Because he has a girlfriend."

"A girlfriend you said he was unhappy with."

"Still, he has a girlfriend."

It was true, Stan was dating Wendy, even though he admitted to being unhappy with her. Kyle know's Stan had used his emotions, hurt him emotionally with a pain he couldn't even describe and yet Kyle loved him. He didn't know why, but something always brought Kyle back to Stan. Kyle didn't wish any harm would come to Stan, maybe when the wound he left was still fresh but not anymore. They've both made their peace with what's happened. It was behind them now. Ike huffed and sat his phone down, looking at Kyle from his own bed.


"Okay well then date Kenny."

"I can't do that either.

"What is it this time?"

"He loves Butters."

"Okay well then here's an option. Don't date anyone! You don't need a boyfriend. Live your life and find someone who won't actually cause you this much drama!" Ike said, getting up from his bed. "I'm gonna go get some water." He said, leaving the room.

Kyle sighed, he tried to focus his thoughts on one person. Maybe that would help him?

Kenny with his gap tooth smile and dirty blond hair, silver eyes that would shine so brightly in the moonlight... moonlight... moon... Stan of many moons... that was a stupid game we used to play... Stan... Stan's ability to stay fit and be lazy was amazing. His dark blue eyes would pour into his soul and make Kyle swoon. His strong hands holding Kyle's waist and they held each other close...

This shit was useless. Kyle frowned, glancing at his broken phone. They probably messaged him over a thousand times. Kyle groaned, his aunt's house didn't even have a landline. What house didn't have a landline?! All the houses in south park did. Kyle couldn't believe he was saying this but he actually missed that shitty mountain town.

"Hey Kyle. Someone's at the door for you." Ike said, walking back in. "For me? What in the..." Kyle made his way downstairs, confused as hell as he opened the door. "Hi, how may I help you... Kenny...?"

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