《I can't seem to let you go (A story I thought was Style but isn't)》Chapter 1
"Hey Stan." Kyle greeted him as he got into Stan's car.
Stan's response was short and curt, much to Kyle's dismay. He let out a soft sigh before sitting a cup into Stan's cup holder. "I made your coffee this morning." He tried to start up a conversation, but Stan just nodded. Kyle shifted awkwardly as Stan drove to pick up Kenny. The car was uncomfortably quiet; it left a pit sitting at the bottom of Kyle's stomach.
"Did you finish the homework Ms. Pantsdancer gave us?" Kyle asked, trying again to start up a conversation with his boyfriend. Stan let out an annoyed sigh and gave Kyle a small glance. "I don't really feel like talking today, I woke up wrong and have a headache so can we just... I don't know... be quiet this morning?" Stan asked 'But it's been quiet every morning for the past two months' Kyle wanted to yell, but instead he held his tongue and nodded. "Sure. I love you." he mumbled before taking out his phone. He never got a response.
He watched as Stan stopped in front of Wendy's house. "What are we doing here?" He asked. "Oh yeah, forgot to tell you. I told Wendy I'd pick her up today since Bebe won't be in this morning." Stan explained, giving Wendy a warm smile as she opened the car door. A major contrast to the expressionless look he gave him. "Hey Stan! Hey... Kyle? I didn't know Stan was picking you up this morning." She said, and Kyle wanted to slam his side of the car door back shut. "I ride with him every morning." Kyle said, forcing a small smile on his face.
"Well Stan promised me I could sit in the front of the car, but if you don't wanna move that's okay!" Wendy had said, looking at Stan expectantly. Did she really think Stan would kick his own boyfriend out of the fro- "C'mon Kyle, it's just for one day." Kyle froze and looked at his boyfriend. "You serious?" He asked and Stan nodded. Kyle couldn't believe it. He could stand his ground. Stay in the front and send that bitch to the back, but... what if somehow doing that upsets Stan more..?
Kyle grabbed his bag and slipped out of the car, letting Wendy in the front, and getting in the back. Kyle watched hurtfully as Stan talked to Wendy happily, but couldn't even speak 3 sentences to him. He watched as Wendy took Kyle's cup out of the cup holder and replaced it with her own, sitting it on the ground. Stan had got him that cup when they had started dating. He watched as she showed Stan the coffee she had made him and Stan thanked her immediately.
As Kenny entered the car, looking confused. Kyle just shook his head, knowing he would dread the school day.
As Stan pulled into the school's parking lot, Kyle couldn't believe what he saw. Bebe was at school, so Wendy could've rode with her after all. Kyle watched as Wendy and Stan's gaze lingered on each other for longer than they should've, Kenny clearing his throat and breaking up the two. "Bye Wendy." Stan said with a giddy smile, his face pink, and Kyle felt sick. Wendy giggled and left, leaving the three boys in the car. "Stan, can I talk to you for a minute?" Kenny asked, already stepping out of the car. "Um, sure dude." Stan shrugged, getting out as well.
The ginger haired boy watched them walk off, sitting in the car for another minute or two before picking his cup off the floor and getting out. He wonders what Stan and Kenny are discussing as he walks to class. When he enters Stan and Kenny aren't back, yet, he gets in his seat. 5 minutes later, Stan and Kenny walk into class as well, Kenny looking pissed off and Stan looking nervous.
"Kyle there's something I need to tell you.." Kenny whispered to Kyle, but Stan grabbed his hand and turned him around. "Hey babe, do you wanna go on a date tonight? It's been a while since we've been on one, yeah?" Kyle felt his heart flutter and he nodded. "Sure, that would be nice." Kyle said, and Stan pressed a kiss to his forehead. Kyle didn't understand the sudden change in his boyfriend, but he wasn't complaining. It was nice to feel loved again.
"Kyle, I really need to talk to yo-" "Alright class let's settle down!" Mr. Garrison yelled as the bell rang. Kenny sighed and leaned back in his chair. Kyle was quick to pass him a note that said 'Tell me at lunch'. Kenny nodded and let their homeroom drag on.
Throughout the day, Stan would send Kyle sweet messages that would make his heart melt; he told Kyle what he wanted them to do on their date that night. "Kyle!" Stan called out as he crossed the hall, "Hey, why don't we go get something to eat somewhere else?" Stan asked, wrapping an arm around Kyle's waist. "Stan, I would but Kenny needed to talk to me first." Kyle said, closing his locker. Stan's face turned pale and he stumbled over his words "You're going to ditch me for Kenny?" Stan asked and Kyle shook his head.
"No, Stan, it will only be a minute, then we can go to that place that has that smoothie you like!" Kyle smiled, but the ravinet frowned. "No! Just hang out with Kenny then since your boyfriend doesn't matter to you." "Stan, I don't think this is fair after you've ditched our last 3 dates to go to Bebe's party's." Kyle said, crossing his arms, and Stan's expression faltered. "That you were invited to." Stan said, putting emphasis on the word 'you'. "I didn't want to go to a party, I wanted to spend time with you. Every time I go to a party with you, you get drunk and force me to take care of you!" Kyle yelled, students starting to stare.
"Well, now I'm giving you the chance to spend time with me and you choose to speak to Kenny?!" Stan said, and Kyle huffed. "I don't know why you've been acting like this? First you were the sweetest boyfriend ever, then you barely talk to me, show no interest in dating me, then act like nothing happened and you love me again, now you're acting like a dick! Like everything is my fault!" Kyle yelled, face turning red. "Tch... We'll talk later.." Stan mumbled before walking off. Kyle growled before stomping off to where he and Kenny agreed to meet.
"What's wrong?" Kenny asked as Kyle sat down. "Stan and I got into an argument about me talking to you. He wanted to go to lunch with me and I told him we could after I talked to you. He started spitting some shit about how he didn't matter to me. It was complete and utter bullshit." Kyle frowned, putting his face in his hands. Kenny rubbed his back and inhaled, "Actually what I wanted to tell you has to do with Stan.." He mumbled and moved his hand. Kyle looked up, telling Kenny that he was listening. "When I pulled Stan out the car I had asked him what the fuck he was doing because 1. It was fucked up of him to make you sit in the back and 2. He was totally about to kiss Wendy back then." Kenny watched as Kyle's face turned stern, but he continued. "Well Stan tried to deny it at first, saying they were just joking around, but finally he admitted that he'd gain feelings back for Wendy. Kyle everytime he ditches you guys date's he really going to go hook up with Wend-" "Shut the FUCK up!" Kyle yelled, standing up.
"Kyle I know it's hard to believe but-" "No! Stan loves me! He wouldn't be that cruel! Kenny, why would you even say something like that?!" Kyle questioned as he got ready to leave. "Kyle I know you know it's true in the end." Kenny tried to give Kyle a hug. "It's not, it's not ture." The ginger mumbled, pulling away from Kenny's hug attempt. "You're just jealous for the fact that I can keep a relationship and you have to sleep with the first person you see!" Kyle yelled and Kenny flinched. "That..hurt... but I know you're hurting too.. So when you come to your senses just know I'll be there for you. Despite the words you say..." Kenny said, and Kyle walked away. The pit in his stomach filled up again.
By the end of the day, Kyle's head was heavy with confusion and his heart hurt. Kyle got into the car with Stan quietly and watched as Wendy walked over to Stan's window. "Hey Stan! You coming to Bebe's party today?" She asked in that horrible high-pitched voice. "Wouldn't miss it!" Stan smiled as they continued the small conversation. Once Stan started driving, Kyle looked up. "I thought we were going on a date tonight...?" He mumbled, his voice barely above a whisper. "Hm? Oh shit, that's right!" Stan said, "Can we reschedule it for next friday?" he asked, and Kyle shook his head. "No. No we can't." And Stan groaned. "Cmon Kyle, she won't have a party as cool as this one." Stan said, trying to get out of this date. "You say that every time Stanley." Kyle huffed. "And this will be the last time I say it." Stan hummed. "Y'know what? Go. I don't care." Kyle said as he got out of Stan's car and slammed the door. Kyle went into his house, making sure Stan heard the slam of the door.
Kyle got no text or calls from Stan; he never came to pick him up. Kyle didn't worry , though he knew where Stan was. Walking up to Bebe's house Kyle stopped. What would he do if what Kenny said was true? He'd break up with Stan, of course. But then what? He'd be alone again after that... Kyle shook the thoughts out of his head as he pushed open the door. Liquor, weed, and cheap air freshener filled his nostrils and almost gagged. Not a good combination to smell, especially on an empty stomach. Walking into the house, nobody seemed to notice Kyle's entrance, which he's glad of. Looking around for a moment, Stan was nowhere to be seen. That was the case until Kyle went to Bebe's basement.
There Stan was making out with Wendy, who was sitting in his lap. Kyle felt his world stop as he watched them. Without thinking, he walked over and grabbed Stan by the collar and pulled him back, enjoying the fact that Wendy fell out of his lap. "What the fuck dude?!" Stan shouted, standing up and turning around. When Stan saw Kyle his face go pale, he quickly reached for him, only to be swatted away. "Kyle! I-I can explain-" Stan tried, but Kyle shook his head. "You're a fucking dick you know that? I was giving you everything I possibly could and you do this?! How long have you two been going at this?" Kyle asked, and Stan looked away, ashamed. "How long Stanley?" Kyle asked again, fist clenching. "I...Since the end of freshman year."
The room froze as the loud slap echoed around the room. Stan looked at Kyle holding his cheek. "You couldn't have just broken up with me? Instead you led me on for 4 and a half years?! Do you know how long I wanted to be with you?! I know people change in high school but I didn't expect you to become a cheater? I always thought better of you..." Kyle mumbled about to walk away before Wendy wrapped herself around Stan. "I'm sorry Kyle, I guess you just weren't what Stan was looking for." "Shut your fucking mouth you bitch! Stan may have cheated on me but at least I wasn't someone's side piece!" Kyle yelled. "He wouldn't need a side piece if the main piece was good."
At that; Kyle tackled Wendy to the ground. Swinging his fist violently directed at her face. Wendy clawed at his face and Kyle pulled her hair. "You fucking bitch!" Kyle yelled. Stan tried to pull Kyle off of her, but Kyle punched him in the gut, causing him to double over. Kyle punched harder, not stopping until he heard a crack. Kyle got up, not caring about the blood that dripped from his hand. Stan went to Wendy's side and Kyle glared at him. "Fuck you Stan." Was all Kyle said before leaving. As Kyle walked out of the house, he saw Kenny. "Kenny..." Kyle mumbled and Kenny hugged him. "You were right, I'm sorry..." Kyle mumbled. "Fuck that, are you okay?" Kenny asked, examining the scratches on Kyle's face.
Kyle nodded and sighed. "I'm so angry at him, I don't know what to do!" Kyle said, "Let's key his fucking car!" He added and Kenny smirked. "Deadass?" Kenny asked, and Kyle nodded. They keyed Stan's car, got inside of it, and broke the cup Stan bought Kyle by throwing it at Stan's hood; they dented the doors, and finally walked after breaking one of his tail lights.
"We shouldn't have done that..." Kyle mumbled as he and Kenny sat on his bed. "He deserved it." Kenny said simply. "Yeah but, you know how much he loves that car." Kyle said, watching as Kenny pulled a vape out of his pocket. "You want a hit?" Kenny asked, mainly joking, knowing that Kyle didn't smoke. Kyle looked at him for a moment before grabbing the pen from Kenny and taking a draw from it. Kyle went into a coughing fit and Kenny began to pat his back. "Kyle, dude, no way!" Kenny smiled, continuing to hit Kyle on the back, "You good dude?" Kenny asked once the coughing went down. Kyle nodded and took another hit, his coughing not as bad this time.
Him and Kenny lay on the floor, sharing stories about anything and everything. "A-and then the door opened there was his mom!" Kenny laughed as he finished his story, grabbing Kyle's hand and rubbing his thumb across the smooth skin. Kyle's laughing came to a pause as he looked at Kenny's hand. Tears began to slip past his eyes as he took his hand away from Kenny and held them to his chest. The dirty blonde sat up upon hearing the ginger's silent sobs.
"What's wrong?" Kenny asked, and Kyle shook his head. "It's nothing, it's just that... Stan used to hold my hand like that when we would talk..." Kyle mumbled, "I'm okay... just tired." he added as he got up to sit on his bed. Kyle wiped the few tears that fell as Kenny got up and sat next to him. Feeling Kenny's arms wrap around him made Kyle chuckle. "What?" Kenny asked and Kyle looked at him. "It's always me or Stan taking care of you. How the tables have turned." He said, but Kenny frowned. "Was it me? Did I do something to make him stop loving me? Or was it a lie from the beginning?" Kyle asked, but Kenny shook his head.
"You didn't do shit. Stan is an asshole." Kenny interjected, but Kyle let out another laugh. "An asshole I fell in love with." Kyle corrected, grabbing Kenny's pen again and taking another hit. "That prick wrote songs for me y'know? Made me feel so special. Then it turned out to be a lie!" He said, falling out of Kenny's embrace and back into the bed. "You should get back at him." Kenny said. "Dude we already keyed his car." Kyle reminded the blonde, but Kenny shook his head. "Sleep with someone he's close with."Kenny proposed, but Kyle shook his head. "I never even slept with him, I'm not having revenge sex." Kyle said, and Kenny stopped. "You telling me he didn't tap that ass you had?" Kenny gasped. Kyle cringed at his words but nodded.
"We both agreed to wait until senior year." Kyle explained. "I get that, I get that. But, he must've struggled, I mean look at you. Fucking sexy." Kenny smirked and Kyle let out a chuckle. "Shut up Kenny." Kyle laughed and Kenny smiled. "It's nice to see you happy, you don't deserve to be crying because of this asshole." Kenny said and pulled Kyle to lay against his shoulder. The silence was nice, a change from the day they'd had. Kyle's breathing began to slow, signaling he was beginning to fall asleep.
"Let's date."
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