《A KiriBakuKamiDeku {discontinued}》💋Part 8💋


I got up and ran as fast as i could to get to Ray and Mitsuki, i knew of my daughters issue with being half vampire, well not really just the fact she now had a need for blood but she wasn't pale or faster although she could teleport which is quite strange to see it happen for the first time, back to the issue of Mitsuki trying to stop my little demons thirst. "I should've known" was all I could say over and over, I knew the three others followed me since Kats mom was in danger but not really, u see she needs blood to survive and I forgot but she doesn't need loads since the amount she took from me during the night

I arrived on aunties street, I was a few houses away when I could see her door it was directly infront of me and I had no intention to slow down so I did the opposite and sped up so I had enough speed to run right into the door to bash it open. I ran and ran at the top speed I could and into the door to end up on nearly breaking my shoulder and arm on the wall since I couldn't slow myself down I hit the wall at top speed managing to hit my head making my eye sight blurry but I wasn't worried about that in this exact moment. I shook my head, shaking off the blur to run around the house frantically trying to find Ray, I never noticed kami, kat or kiri stood by the stairs (lemme clear this up - he noticed their hair colours but it never clicked it was them at the time). I stopped dead in my tracks when I heard a crash of a cup or glass coming from the living room area, I rushed over to see Ray on top of auntie. However, Mitsuki was lifting her up to stop the small fangs from latching on. I walked over to Ray and lifted her up leaving auntie to recover from shock of rays small attack, I let Ray latch onto my neck sucking the blood out of it, only was it then when it clicked that the different coloured hair by the stairs was my boyfriend (kami), kiri and kat (crushes), I glanced over ever so slightly to see three out of breath, shocked and confused boys. "How on earth am I going to explain this now" "have I broken my arm or not.. it hurts like fuck" "why did I not think of this before" "have I caused this..but I didn't know it would happen" I was pulled out of my thoughts when I felt Ray pull out of my neck leaving a shock of pain causing me to go light headed and get black spots in my eyes, I reached for my head to hold it since I went dizzy (I do this I don't actually know why it's a reaction I get) only to feel a wet substance, pulling my hand away only to see blood on the side I bashed it on the wall


When Deku ran out of the building with his only words being "auntie". Me, Dunce face and Shitty hair decided to follow him towards the old hags house obviously legging it to keep up with him but when he sped up i knew exactly his plan to run and bash the door in but he has never been able to slow down on his own so I sped up to try and reach him before he could do any sort of damage to himself, permanent or not. I was too late cause I saw him ram his shoulder into the door and I literally watched him fly into the wall on the other side and his head hit it full force "damn that must've hurt" was all that went through my head. I looked to see dunce face almost panicking for their boyfriends head in blood but we all noticed it hadn't even come to his attention of it when he shook off the suspected dizziness and faint that would wash over someone at that force. We finally arrived at my house only to be frozen at the stairs watching izuku run around looking for the little brat of his, when we see him again Ray, I think the name of the brat was, was attached to his neck and seeing he got dizzy again we all spotted that he placed his hand on his head trying to keep up right only to pull away and going into shock from the blood on his hand, shitty hair rushed behind him to keep him up right and so his little girl wouldnt be hurt in any way. I got bandages since I knew first aid and I only know this cause the nerd was always getting hurt one way or another as a child so I knew it would come in handy one day. I checked up on the old hag to make sure she was okay when I was done with zuzu leaving him with kaminari and kirishima, he was in good hands I wasn't 100% worried but i was worried and i never usually do, well this much anyways.. I knew it was bad when I saw the blood on his head.. "why on earth did u do that zuzu, u know the pain u put urself through, why do it" I thought as I sat my mother down seeing she was still in shock

== our trusty time skip to the dorm ==

They all headed back to the dorms, but talking on the way there only izuku wasn't walking since he was passed out on Eijirou's back and Ray was sleeping on Katsuki, leaving Denki to chat for however long that their heart desired since they wasn't concentrating on not dropping anyone or falling over. Once they all got back to the dorms everyone was already in bed, asleep or not, girls night could be happening, no one knows but no one was in the common area. Katsuki looked at the clock only to see it had stopped working so he asked "hey does anyone know the actual time, clock stopped working" only to get the reply from Eijirou "it's only 7:59, we should get to our dorm love" and Katsuki agreed by nodding, no one had realised how late it was, well those that were awake anyways. Denki knew that when izuku slept early it meant he would wake up way earlier than he needed to which meant they got no extra sleep as they wasn't a light sleeper


All three boys. Denki, Katsuki and Eijirou. Got into their beds hoping for a peaceful night once more, but what everyone had failed to notice was that Ray was sleeping no longer and this would later serve as a big problem for Izuku's patience with people. However, for the time being they all closed their eyes and slept since they were all exhausted from running.

I woke up a little before everyone else slept, I got hungry again.. it's getting worse and I know it is since it was never like this "should I wake mama up" I shook my head as a no "he would be mad.. right" I am now stuck for options.. I can't bite the others since mama said no, my only option was just to bite him and hope I have control. I waited a little while to see if it would go away but I didn't so I went with my plan, I let my fangs pop out, I know how to hide them, and I went to moms vein in his neck. I'm getting second thoughts but the longer I wait the worse it gets "come on Ray.. just do it and get it over with, mom won't be angry with me" I told myself over and over, I stuck my fangs in his neck so gently as to not wake him up. I started to drink the blood out of moms neck.. I couldn't pull away it was so nice. "No no no.. I need to stop" was all I could think, I felt mom move slightly and then he went to move his head but when he realised he couldn't, opened one eye but ignored the reason failing to see me..

I finally stopped "how long was that" "is mom alive" "I need to wake someone" I felt myself start to tear up, I moved over to the pikachu and started to shake them in a bad sense of panic. "Wake up pikachu" but nothing so I shake them again harder this time "pikachu!! Wake up" only this time I was gently slapping their face to wake them up, they opened one eye and sat up making sure to not throw me off them

I felt Ray slapping my face, not being rough about it tho but then it followed a harsh violent panicked shake "whoa whoa, Ray what's up darling" Ray looked at me with eyes filled with tears "I was hungry for blood and then i bit mama but he isn't moving or waking up.. pikachu help" after hearing that i shot my eyes towards izu and I knew I was starting to panic not seeing any breathing signs but I remained calm "okay denki.. would would Katsuki do" I say out loud "hey Ray, do me a favour and stand up by the red heads bed and when I say 'now' u wake them both up for help okay" i earn a nod showing she understood doing as I instructed, keeping her calm in the process

I put my two fingers where izukus pulse should be and I could feel it, so I placed one hand on his stomach and it was really slow but he was still breathing, getting slower so I decided to get that plan in action "Ray, now" and I watched her run and jump on to them both shocking Katsuki awake and Eijirou waking up but not so fast "Katsuki help me.. please" he groaned at that sentence "Katsuki please it's izuku, Ray was hungry but she told me she lost control. We need blood for her it's getting worse.. he's losing consciousness as we speak. So help me please" I break down in tears earning a tight hug from Eijirou. I watched Katsuki perform mouth to mouth to increase his breathing, it took 3 minutes until we notice movement but it was only a twitch in the finger, ever so subtle. Katsuki repeated mouth to mouth until we heard an exhausted groan from the greenette.. "oh thank fuck ur awake" the loud blonde spoke "we can talk in the morning, now I'm going back to sleep.. ur welcome pikachu" one angry teen said only to be followed by "Night idiots/guys" Eijirou and Katsuki spoke in sync. I latched on to izu as if I would to let go he would vanish. We both got to sleep and I felt Ray snuggle up on the other side of me trying to not hurt anyone, but we will talk about this at some point tomorrow "problems never seem to end" was my last thought "love you izu" and I fell back to sleep


I hope this chapter is enjoyable. I should really be sleeping since it's like 00:12 but that won't happen. I'm just glad I got a new part out to u guys

Here's a question for u all; how are u??

Read this please - if u need someone to talk to. Message me on this. Stay strong my little listeners💜

💚🧡 I love you ❤️💛

// words - 1977\

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