《Return to Ninjago (Book 2 of the Enchanted DVD Player tetralogy)》17


Lloyd's POV

I stare at the letter on the dresser, feeling like this 'Skylor' is significant, but I don't know why.

I hear a whimper from y/n, and rush to the side of the bed.


She turns her head and opens her eyes. "Lloyd?"

I sigh with relief. "You're awake!"

Y/n tries to sit up, and with my help, she succeeds. She swings her legs off the bed and stands up.

"Whoa, take it easy," I say, holding out my hands for her as she sways a bit.

"I'm fine," she protests. She takes a few shakey steps forward, and her eyes land on the letter and the picture. She shrieks at the sight of Scarlet's daughter, and jumps backwards as if she had just seen a spider.

"Holy sh*t! Where are we?!?!"

"In a village just off the coast from the plane crash. This lady—Scarlet—let us stay until Jay gets here."

Y/n pick up the letter and reads it. "I never knew Skylor's mother was still alive," she mutters. "But Chen doesn't have the elemental power of amber, so Skylor must have received it from her mom... which we just so happen to be staying with?!"

"I have no idea what that means."

"Never mind," she mumbles. "When will Jay be here?"

As if on cue, Nya speaks up. "Lloyd, can you hear me?"

"Yup! And y/n's awake."

"Good. Jay just landed outside the village. Think you can get to him?"

"We're on our way."

"Wait, shouldn't we thank Scarlet?" Y/n asks.

"Oh, right," I respond, feeling stupid.

"Uh, Ms. Chen?" Y/n calls, leaning her head out of the door way.

"Yes?" She says, approaching us, but then she frowns. "How did you know my last name?"

Y/n and I look at each other, both thinking the same thing: busted. I don't think Scarlet will appreciate us snooping through her stuff.

"We... uh... saw it on your mailbox!" Y/n says.

"We did?" I mutter.

"Oh! Wonderful, I'm glad you noticed; I just painted it."

Wow, I think. I can't believe she bought that.


"Thank you for your hospitality," y/n starts. "But we really must be going."

"So soon? Where to?"

"A friend is picking us up."

"Alight; as long as you're feeling better. I'll accompany you out."

"Oh, that's not necessary," I protest, but y/n elbows me in the ribs. "Ow!"

"That's very kind, thank you."

"What are you doing?!" I whisper to y/n. "She can't know who we are!"

"Just trust me!"

Scarlet allows us to exit the house first, and then closes the door behind us. "Where is your friend waiting for you?"

"Over there," y/n says, pointing behind a hill.

"How can you tell?" I ask.

"There's smoke coming out of the engine."

—————-y/n's POV———-

Lloyd and I rush to go find Jay. I really hope he isn't hurt.

"Jay?" I call. "Did you crash-land again?"

"Heh heh," he says from the other side of the plane, scratching the back of his head.

"Can it still run?" I ask.


"I'll take that as a no."

"How are we going to get back to the others if we can't get it off the ground?" Lloyd asks.

"With her," I say, nodding my head towards Scarlet.


"Using your power of amber, you can absorb Lloyd's golden power and help us make a dragon."

"H-how did you..."

I put my hands on my hips. "Do you want Skylor to be single forever?"

"When did you find out about my daught—"

"Well?" I ask impatiently.

"Of course I want Skylor to find someone," she says plainly.

"Then please do as I ask," I say, knowing that if we don't get back to the team, things won't play out the way they should, and Skylor won't ever meet Kai later on.

"Wait, how is this plan going to work if I don't have my powers anymore?" Lloyd asks.

"You may not have your golden power, but I have some," I say, holding my hand out to Scarlet. She takes it, and I feel a strange pulling sensation as she absorbs the golden power i somehow have.


"H-how?" Jay exclaims as Scarlet creates a golden sphere using the power I just gave her.

"I'm not quite sure how this is possible, but I somehow also have golden power," I explain. "I'm not trained, so I can't use it, but Scarlet knows how to use all of the different elements, so she can help us out."

"Yes... but I may be of more use than you realize," Scarlet says. "You're right about one thing; I know how to use all the other elements... but that's because I possess the power of almost all of them."

"Really?" Lloyd asks. "But... we've never met you before... so how could you absorb our powers?"

"Your generation wasn't the only one born with elemental gifts," Scarlet answers. "Your golden power was the only one I haven't collected over the years of working with the original elemental masters."

"Whoa," I mutter. Scarlet might just be one of the most powerful people in Ninjago, and yet she's never used for evil.

"And one thing many do not know about me is that I don't just absorb power, I also expel it."

"Expel? As in, give away?" Jay asks.

Scarlet nods. "I think it might be time the grandson of the first Spinjitzu master has the ability to wield all of the elements."

"No, wait," Lloyd protests. "I don't want them."

"She literally just offered you every single element in existence! How could you possible say no?!?!?!" Jay shrieks.

"I shouldn't be given all that power; the overlord is already after me, so I shouldn't give him another reason to be."

"But to defeat the overlord once and for all, one of you must claim the elements," Scarlet says.

"Then someone else should be given that responsibility," Lloyd says, turning to look at me.

"What?" I question. Why is he looking at me that way.

"Scarlet, if you really want to do this, can you give the power to y/n?"

"Wait, no—" I try to protest, but Lloyd gives me a reassuring smile.

Scarlet nods and takes my hand again. "I've been holding onto these elements for way too long; it's about time someone else takes them."

——————time skip————

"This is so cool!" Jay cries as we soar though the sky on my new elemental dragon.

"Keep it down, Jay! I'm trying to focus," I tell him, steering the dragon as we fly across the ocean.

"I still can't believe you now possess all the elemental powers in Ninjago!"

"Yeah," I agree. I start worrying about Scarlet, since she told us to leave her behind, but then I shake my head. Now is not the time to be concerned about her; we have a city to save.

"Lloyd, come in!" A voice says through the communicator in Lloyd's gi.

"Pixal?!" I exclaim. Yes! I say in my head. Zane's gonna get a girlfriend!

"How do you know my name?"

"I, uh... ask Zane to explain. He must have grasped the whole foretelling concept by now. Speaking of which, where are the others?"

"They're all with me in Mr. Borg's secret hideout. I will send coordinates to Jay's vehicle—"

"Heh heh, about that..." Jay interrupts.

"Damn it. I knew I should have sent Zane," Pixal mutters, probably guessing that Jay crashed the plane.

"Hey! I can still hear you!"

"Lloyd, I will act as your navigator to get you to the location."

"Got it," Lloyd confirms, and waits for our first set of instructions.

————-another time skip—————

"What are you doing?! She said to go left!" Jay yells at me.

"This is left!"

"No, you just turned right!"

"Sh*t!" I cry, realizing he's right. I tug on the reins and reroute.

"Pixal? You still there?"

"Your destination should be directly in front of you."

"Finally!" Lloyd sighs. I don't blame him; it's been a long flight.

"Come on, get inside!" Jay orders as we jump off. The other ninja see us coming and open the door for us, but close it directly after we enter.

"I see the overlord has already taken over the city," I say, referring to the nindroids marching through the city.

"Unfortunately, yes," Sensei says.

"Sister! You're alright!" Zane cries as he runs over to give me a hug.

"Yeah, but unless we come up with a plan soon, the rest of the city won't be faring as well."

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