《Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted (Vitaly X Neko! Female Human! Reader)》To know/info about the female Reader, (Name)



I wanted the female readers to get to know (Name) in the story.

Also, for the "Reader Key" for the female readers, I edit it to have (Name) to be reunited with her parents or just mom or dad.

(Name) (Last Name) was born as a half neko and half human girl because of the genetic mutation gene from what the doctors have said.

This caused (Name) to be bullied a lot in school growing up until graduating high school at the age of 19 years old and got a job at the zoo where she first meets Alex, Marty, Gloria, and Melman.

(Name) considers the four zoo friends as her second family like her first original family since she can speak animal because of her being born half neko and half human girl.

She go with Marty to Grand Central Train Station while on the night shift since both of them feel like they don't belong in their home.

(Name) eventually goes with Alex, Marty, Gloria, Melman, the chimps and the penguins to Madagascar where they meet King Julian, Maurice, Mort, and the rest of the lemurs.

After wanting to go back to New York, (Name), Alex, Marty, Gloria, Melman, the chimps, the penguins, King Julian, Maurice, and Mort first plane crash in Africa where Alex was first born.

(Name) and the gang meet Alex's parents the animals in Africa and eventually, the five friends, King Julian, Maurice, and Mort stay for a little while longer in Africa while the chimps and the penguins are on their third vacation in Monte Carlo.

The gang eventually go to get the chimps and the penguins in Monte Carlo to take them back to New York, but eventually plane crash again after escaping from Animal Control.


The final plane crash make the plane unfixable, which resorts the group to hide out with a circus called Circus Zaragoza, which was later renamed to Afro Circus/Fur Power Circus.

Throughout the course of traveling to Roma and getting chased out by an angry Roma mob, (Name) begins to have a special bond with a Russia grumpy tiger name Vitaly.

Soon, the two fall in love with each other before they are off to London to impress a circus promoter to send them to New York (A.K.A. USA, according to Stefano).

Right after the circus performance, French animal-control officer Capitaine Chantel DuBois reveals that the Zoo gang aren't circus animals, but just zoo animals before she is shot out of a cannon with her animal control posse.

This makes Vitaly mad at (Name) for not tell him and sends his little crush and her friends out of the circus for lying to the circus animals.

Just as (Name) is about to be shot at with a poison-filled dart from a gun by Capitaine Chantel DuBois, the circus eventually comes to save the group from the animal control officer.

(Name) and Alex eventually work together to do "Trapeze Americano" to defeat Capitaine Chantel DuBois and send her and her henchmen in crates to Madagascar like how the five friends were in their first adventure at Madagascar.

(Name) promises to visit her family in New York whenever she comes around to the best of her advantage or spare time after touring around the world with the circus for family time.

After going on tour, (Name) eventually buys two rings, a ring that fits her ring finger and a ring that fits Vitaly's ring finger.

(Name) proposes to Vitaly and they both agree to get married in the same spot before they had headed to London for their circus performance.

After getting married, (Name) gives birth to twin neko human kids, a son and daughter named (Son's Name) and (Daughter's Name).

End of Backstory!

That is all I have for (Name)'s backstory and I hope everyone enjoyed it.


"Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted" characters and movie belongs to DreamWorks

You belong to yourself

Added/given dialogue/actions given to the reader, (Name) belongs to me

All rights reserved

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