《The LOVE of a BETA》Chapter Two: Trouble in Paradise


There was no way I was going to travel ten-hours straight with my pups so I planned it so we would stay in a hotel overnight and arrive at the pack house mid-morning. I wanted them to get a good look at the territory and pack house during the daylight. That and driving in a car with three children under the age of 10 for ten hours is what nightmares are made of.

When the pack house comes into view, I hear Gideon gasp "Dad...it's ginormous! Does it have a pool? How about an arcade? Can we play outside whenever we want?" From the rear view mirror, I could see Seth looking out the car window in awe. Sariah's eyes were full of worry and fear. I smile and gave her a wink, hoping to reassure her. I could feel Katon comforting her little wolf.

"Slow down little bit. Alpha Jack and Alpha Felix are going to want to meet you before anything or anyone else" I reply smiling. Felix kept me on the phone last night for over an hour bombarding me questions about the kids. He had also texted me at least every-hour since we left the hotel asking how much longer until we arrive. He's gotta get a hobby.

"After that can we go exploring?" Gideon asks.

"We'll see Little Bit" I answer.

Alpha Jack and his mate, Alpha Felix were waiting for us when we pulled up. After getting the kids out of their car-seats, I make my way over to Jack and get pulled into bear hug. "It's been too long my friend" Jack exclaims. I met Jack when I was five-years old and we've been close ever since. His parents took me in at the age of twelve when mine were killed in a car accident. He took over the pack from his father almost ten-years ago after he found his mate. Jack is taller than me, about six seven. He wasn't the beefiest of Alpha's but he was muscular and was strong fighter. He was a handsome man, chocolate colored skin with dark brown eyes with long eye-lashes. He started shaving his head bald in junior year of high school and has been ever since.

"Alpha Felix. You look well" I call out over to him.

"Caleb, we have known each other over ten years. What's with the Alpha crap?" he exclaims as he gives me a hug holding on tighter and longer than a normal hug would be between friends.

I hear a growl coming from Jack causing Felix to release me. "Relax Wolfie" Felix says to Jack giving him a kiss on the lips and a smack on his ass.


I smile looking at them. Only the moon goddess could have put them together. Felix was barely five-eight with a slender build with piercing blue eyes. His hair is long on the top and closely shaven on the sides. I think his hair is light brown... he has a history of changing it often. Right now it's green. Felix is loud, honest to a fault, and is the kindness man I had ever known until you piss him off. You never want to get on his bad-side...ever.

"Let me re-introduce you to my pups. This is Gideon, he's ten. Seth is seven and Sariah is almost six" I proudly point to each one of them.

Gideon was tall, wavy dark auburn hair and green eyes. Seth was of average height for a pup his age. He had straight, blond hair that reaches his shoulders and green eyes. Sariah was fair skinned, petite, strawberry blond hair that went to her waist, and green eyes.

"I can see they got their momma's eyes" Jack observes. He bends down and introduces himself to them shaking their hands. Felix well...Felix was Felix. He squeals loudly, "you guys are gorgeous. Look at you Sariah, so cute! I can't wait to introduce Sariah to Daniel. Maybe they'll be mates! Gideon...you and Samuel are the same age. Maybe you'll guys will be mates! Sariah...we can go shopping!"

"Love...breathe and slow down. They just got here. We don't need to be marrying off anyone quite yet" Jack tells his mate pulling him against his hip and kissing his temple.

"Party pooper. Why don't you guys have your chat and I will take the pups around and give them a tour of the pack house? I can introduce you to Daniel and Samuel" Felix suggests his voice full of excitement.

"Yes...please Dad" Gideon loudly exclaims.

"Please...Please" Seth whines.

"Sure. As long as Felix also tells you the rules of the pack house" I state clearly giving Felix a knowing look. He would probably have them rollerblading down the halls if he had half the chance.

He sticks his tongue out at me and turns to the pups. "Let's go exploring!"

I look down at Sariah expecting her to throw her arms around my leg letting me know that she didn't want to go. Instead, I saw Felix pick her up and place her on his hip. Sariah didn't fight it and allows Felix to hold her. Felix is like the freakin pup whisperer.

"Come on Caleb. Let's head to my office" Jack calls heading into the pack house.

The pack house hasn't physically changed much in the last five years but I feel an immediate difference in Jack's office as soon as we walk in. The once calm and welcoming feel has been replaced with palpable tension and unknown scent that has Katon on edge.


He sits down motioning for me to sit as well. "You feel it don't you?" he asks his mood now solemn.

"What's going on Jack?"

"I feel like I am losing control of the pack Caleb. Things have changed since we assimilated with the Blue Mountain Pack. You remember me telling you about them" Jack sighs running his hand over his head.

Jack had called me almost a year ago. They had been asked to help a smaller pack protect their territory from a traveling pack of rogues. The smaller pack had lost its Alpha, Luna, Gamma, and majority of its warriors. Only the Beta, a few warriors, and about forty women and children survived. We lost our Beta in the fight as well.

"I thought it would help bring unity to the pack if I took their Beta, Beta Dane, as my new second. Things have been tense since. The way they treated their pack members, especially the omegas, is much different than us. Beta Dane assured me that they were not physically abusive to the subs and omegas but they were shown their "place."

I have questioned some of the women and omega children from the Blue Mountain Pack. They told me that if they disobeyed the Alpha, Beta, or dominates, they would receive physical punishment. They denied being physical abused on a daily basis but it is obvious that they were not treated or valued as equals. So far the women and omegas have adjusted and are doing quite well. Beta Dane and his warriors have not kept their disdain for omegas a secret during training. A lot of the younger wolves have been taking on his views. I've had some of the parents come to me with complaints that the Blue Mountain Pack kids are bullying their kids at school and in the pack house...I won't tolerate that shit Caleb.

You know the type of pack Felix grew up in. I have spoken to Beta Dane about it. But it's only getting worse. I have tried to be patient during the assimilation but this is my pack and I will not tolerate his blatant disrespect any longer. I would strip him and his warriors of their titles if I didn't think it would start a civil war" Jack frustratedly tells me.

"How is Felix doing with all of this?" I inquire. Jack closed his eyes and lets out a deep sigh. I'm going to take that as bad...very, very bad.

"Not well. I have had to come between the two of them more than a few times. He has hasn't raised a hand to Felix, he's not that stupid. But I am done with him disrespecting my mate" Jack seethe.

"When does Dad and Mom come back?" I ask. The North American Werewolf Council has given them a one-year assignment to assist the Eastern Asian Werewolf Council. Humans are expanding out of the cities into the wild and packs were having a hard time adjusting and they went to try and help with werewolf and human relations.

"Not for another six-months" he answers.

It angered me seeing my Jack like this. I instantly feel disdain towards the Beta. Jack is a good Alpha. He has strict rules but he is kind, fair, and shows mercy when it calls for it. This is not the pack I wanted my pups to return home to. "Where is Beta Dane now?"

"I sent him to Alpha Craig and Alpha Jimmy. They need help with construction of their new pack house" Jack smirks. I could see a smile form on his lips. Alpha Craig mated Alpha Jimmy, an omega. Two of their children also have omega mates including the next in line for Alpha. Alpha Craig's Beta also mated a female omega. They were a strong pack much like ours. Jack sent Beta Dane there to teach him a lesson.

"I need you to keep an eye out for any unusual injuries at the pack hospital. I've decided to move the warriors loyal to him from the Beta suite to where the unmated warriors reside. They will be placed on different patrol schedules. I nearly have enough to take Dane down but I want to make sure that it's enough to convince the Council and majority of the pack. I can't let this turn violent" Jack says.

"I start at the pack hospital the day after tomorrow. I'll keep my eyes open" I tell him "When does Beta Dane return?"

"Three days" Jack answers.

"Well, it seems like you have a lot of work to do in three days. Maybe some stricter rules when it comes to treatment of subs and omegas would be in order. A pack meeting could be held before he returns informing the pack of the new rules. Betas do not have a say in pack rules, only Alpha's. It may also be helpful to have an increased presence at the school and in the pack house. Maybe some of his warriors should be assigned garbage or cleaning duties at the pack house. Even better...meal detail" I suggest smirking.

Jack smirks, "welcome home Caleb."

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