《Mrs. Maximoff》Eleven


My second day at Oleg Resources was way less eventful than my first.

When Jules and I got here we all celebrated her being on the front page, and to think that I couldn't have had the possibility to see her this happy if I had chosen to fill that paper.

Needless to say, I took some videos and sent them to Morgan, and their reaction was the absolute cutest.

Morgan and Jules still weren't officially dating, they wanted to keep the talking/no commitment yet stage for now, but I was sure that it was going to happen soon.

Even though we also celebrated Oleg Resources' new era, Wanda was nowhere to be seen. Some said she didn't even leave her office all day.

Could it have been because of what happened yesterday?

Was it really that bad?

Did she care that much?

Why me out of all the new people?

I never expected for work to be this smooth and calming, but I guess that's what happens when you actually enjoy what you do for a living.

Jules and I both loved our job and the hours flew by whenever we were working together.

Before we knew it our time was up, and just when I was packing my bag I heard my phone ring.

Did I secretly hope that it was Wanda? Yes, But I wasn't ready to actually believe that I did.

The name on the phone though, that made me smile.

"River! I haven't heard from you in so long!"

"Hiya little sis! Sorry I haven't been around much, I'm just very busy at the store and the studio."

"It's okay Riv, I'm just glad you finally got time to call. So, how are you doing? How is Ezra?"

"I'm doing okay, and Ezra also is, we've been apartment hunting, we want to move in together!"


"Riv, that's amazing! Ugh, tell Ezra that I miss him!"

"Oh, thank you, Y/N/N. I'm going to pretend I wasn't offended by that."

"You know that I miss you too, don't be such a baby."

"Yeah, about that. Do you want to join us tonight? The store is having a small event at one of our local bars, all of the workers are going to play something. Ezra and I are playing a James Arthur song, I know how much you love his music!"

"Well, I can't miss it then!"

"Does eight thirty work for you?"

"It sure does, I promise I won't make you wait."

"You better not. See you tonight, trouble."

"I am not seven anymore."


"Bye Riv, see you tonight!"

I didn't have Stewart drive me today, so I took the bus instead, or at least that's what I wanted to do.

I was waiting at the bus stop when I saw a big black car in front of me with the windows rolled down.

And this is the part where I get kidnapped.

"Y/N." The voice was too familiar, it honestly would've been better if I actually got kidnapped.

"Mrs. Maximoff, hello. I didn't see you at all today." I tried to be as indifferent as possible, and it didn't sound too bad.

"Yeah, I had lots of work to do. Anyways, you want a ride home?" She asked, it was like she had completely forgotten what happened the day before, and I didn't know if I was grateful that she did or not.

"Don't worry, I'm sure the bus will be here any minute now."

If I couldn't stand being in the same room as her separated by a desk, how could I when we were sitting right next to each other?


"It won't, I checked, it's gonna be late." She claimed as she opened the door so that I could get in.

"Okay, creepy."

"You're gonna have to tell me where to go, you know that, right?"

"How do I know this isn't just a way for you to know where I live so you can kill me in my sleep?"

"Are the rumors that bad? You don't believe them, do you?"

"I don't know what to believe anymore." Cringe. Why did I say that?


We stopped talking, the only times which we were was when I had to give her the directions to my apartment.

I assumed her playlist was playing in the background and I was surprised to see that we shared a similar music taste, which made me smile.

"What made you so happy all of a sudden, huh?" She teased me.

"Nothing, I just really like these songs. Take a right here." I mumbled and she did what I told her.

Now she was the one smiling.

I just had to give her a few more directions and I was home.

"Thank you." I started, getting out of the car. "And Wanda?"


"I don't believe the rumors."

She softly chuckled and nodded her head in "thank you".

I really couldn't believe how quickly she changed from being a tough CEO into this.

I just wondered if I was the only one to witness it.

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