《Enchanted ✓ || D.M》• E I G H T •


they walk and walk by the sidewalk, arguing.

"what in the world is wrong with you?" Draco asked furiously

Y/N furrowed her eyebrows, "what's wrong with me?"

"yes, you! Why would you do that?" the Malfoy ran a frustrated hand through his face, "i could've lost my job because of you!"

The girl looked at him in disbelief, "they're seperating! Forever! One moment they're married, and next they're not!", Y/N sadly looked at Draco, "what kind of awful place is this?"

"it's reality."

With that, Y/N stopped talking. This world was a mess. Whatever this 'reality' is, it's not what she thought about when she thinks about love.

The prince, and Peter, were walking for Y/N. They dont know where to look, they dont even know where they were going.

"I think we can cover more ground if we go separately, sire", said Peter as they were on top of some leveled platform, looking around, "you by yourself, and me with.." he pointed at the chipmunk on top of a statue infront of them, "that"

Fred looked at him, and raised an eyebrow, "that's a good idea, Peter. Say, where do you think should i look?", the prince asked, looking afar

Peter, then, saw a girl, walking with a blonde man. His eyes widen, as he saw the girl's face. It was her! Peter looked around, trying to find a loophole before the prince sees Y/N

"sire, look!" Peter said, pointing to a lady with the same H/C colored hair, she was getting in a car

Fred immediately looked, his eyes widening in excitement, "Y/N!", the prince then, started to run, catching up with the car, leaving Peter, with the chipmunk.

Peter smirked, he grabbed the chipmunk by the tail and shoved it inside his jumper's inside pocket


Draco dragged Y/N to the nearest park, "look, i'm trying to do the right thing"

The girl nodded, "you've been very kind to me, and i thank you for that"

"and because of it, i might lose my job.", the blonde said, sighing, "look, Y/N, the thing is, i cant help you anymore, okay?"

Y/N froze, "what?"

Draco took out his wallet, grabbed a few bills, and gave it to her, "here's some money, i want you to take it. Call your prince, and tell him to pick you up or something."

The girl looked at the money in her hands, and looked at Draco with a sad smile, "Draco-"

"just go." the blonde said sternly

Y/N slightly jumped at that, but she put on a smile and said, "i'm so sorry for causing you all this trouble. You've been a great friend when i had none. And i would never want to make you unhappy", she said, then sadly sighed, "so, i'll go. I wish you every happiness", then she turned around and started walking, but stopped, and faced Draco once again, "you have a good heart, Draco. I hope you know that", and she continued walking

Draco was left there, standing. He did feel a bit sad that she already left. Sighing, he turned around to go back to his work, but before he could even take a step, he looked back again, where Y/N went

He saw she was talking to an old woman, and Draco saw that Y/N gave the old woman some money

Draco sighed and shook his head, and walked towards them

"yeah! He tried to kill us in the bus earlier!" said the old lady

Y/N gasped, "he would never do that", she said

Draco walked towards them, "hi, excuse us please", he then took Y/N, and walked with her, leaving the old lady with her birds and bird feed, "what were you thinking? You cant just give people money"


"well, you gave me money?"

The blonde shook his head, "that's not the point."

Y/N pouted, "she was being very helpful. She said she saw Fred earlier!"

Draco sighed. He dont think that there will be someone kind enough to help Y/N, so why not him, instead?

He cleared his throat, "so, what's the deal with this prince of yours?", Draco asked as they walk around the park, "how long have you been together?"

Y/N thought for a moment, "uh, about a day."

Draco was taken back. He raised an eyebrow and chuckled, "you mean it feels like a day because you're so in love?"

"no, it's been a day." Y/N said bluntly, as if asking if there was something wrong with it.

The Malfoy furrowed his eyebrows, "you're kidding me right? A day? Like, one day?"

The girl nodded, "and tommorow, it will be two days!", she said, excitedly

"you're joking"

"no, i really am not"

Draco huffed in disbelief, "you're seriously gonna marry a guy after a day, because you fell in love with him?"

"yeah." Y/N said

"i dont get it, how can you talk about loving some guy you dont even know?"

Y/N smiled at him, "my heart tells me.", with that, Draco just raised an eyebrow, "anyways, what about you? How long have you been with Hermione?", the girl asked

The blonde thought for a moment, "four years"

The girl's eyes widen, "that long? And yoi haven't proposed?", Y/N giggled, "well, no wonder why she's angry!"

Draco tilted his head at her, offended, "well i-"

"hello, nice lady!"

The blonde was cut off by a guy wearing a vendor's apron, who was holding a caramel apple

Y/N smiled at him, "hello, sir!"

The vendor offered the apple to Y/N, "would you like a caramel apple? No charge for you, of course"

Draco raised an eyebrow in suspicion, "it's free?"

The vendor looked at him and smiled, showing his crooked teeth, "well, of course! It's free caramel apple day!

Y/N took the apple and sniffed it, "thank you, good sir.", she said, making the vendor nod, with a hint of smirk on his face

Draco put a hand on Y/N's back to guide her away from the vendor, he was pretty sketchy.

As they started walking again, Draco said, "you know, most people get to know eachother before they get married. They date"

Y/N looked at him, confused, and her apple still in her hands, "date?"

"yeah, a date. They go to some place special, maybe talk over some dinner, and they get to know each other.", said Draco

The girl giggled, "you have such strange ideas about love"

"well, maybe you should give it a try. You meet, have dinner, then get married", Draco said

"oh! You forgot about Happily Ever After!", she said excitedly, throwing her hands up in the air, and accidentally letting go of her apple, making it fly somewhere, "oh my!"

Draco looked at where the apple went, then shrugged. He thought for a moment, then said, "forget Happily Ever After, it doesnt exist"

Y/N stopped as Draco kept on walking. She cant believe that someone would think that a happily ever after doesn't exist.

It exists.



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