《Enchanted ✓ || D.M》• S E V E N •



DRACO AND Y/N WENT THROUFH THE DOORS, they were at Draco's work, and he was late.

They walk to the elevators, but Y/N stopped when she saw a big woman on top of a rock

The blonde noticed she wasnt following, so he looked back and sighed, "what are you doing?"

"she looks lovely" she answered

Draco shook his head and dragged her, "she's a statue!"

They reached the elevator, Draco pressed on the fourth floor button.

The elevator ride was quiet, and finally, the doors opened, Draco walked up to the desk, Y/N following rughr behind him, but she saw a tank filled with fishes, and her eyes lit up

She walked towards it and said hi to the fishes

"how long have they been waiting?" Draco asked Sam as he fixed his crooked tie

"do you want to know?" his secretary asked, glancing at the door where the couple who's getting a divorce were at.

Draco shook his head, "i dont want to know" then he glanced at Y/N, "but i need you to handle something, see that girl?" he tilted his head to Y/N

"who's she?" Sam asked, furrowing her eyebrows

"no idea, but i'm pretty sure she's from out of town", Draco said, fixing the end of his sleeves

Sam tilted her head, "what do i do?"

"find out where she's from, and book her a ticket. Make sure it's cheap too, cause i'm paying for it", Draco walked towards Y/N, "Y/N, come here"

She followed as he dragged her to the desk, "hello" Sam greeted her

"Y/N, this is Sam, Sam, this is Y/N." Draco introduced the two

"nice to meet you" Y/N greeted the secretary with a smile

The Malfoy sighed, "i need to go" he said, straightening his suit, "take care of her" he told Sam, and the secretary just nodded.


Draco walked towards the door, sighing, then entering.

• • •

At a fast food restaurant, Peter snuck in the kitchen, he heard the queen's voice in here somewhere. He cant be wrong.

"Peter! Peter!!" he heard

The man opened almost each and every pots, and finally, he found the queen's reflection in one.

"your majesty" he said

"finally! It's hot in here!" the queen said. She was in a pot of boiling soup, of course it was hot, "have you found her yet?" she asked

Peter shook his head, "i'm afraid not, my lady"

The queen squinted her eyes in anger, "we cant risk my step son taking that girl back here!" she said in frustration

"he wont, my queen. I promise you that" Peter responded

"you better.", Marissa then smirked, "and i intend to make sure of that"

Peter furrowed his eyebrows, "but how-", before he could finish, three red shiny apples floated on the liquid's surface. Peter's eyes widen, "poison apples? You want me to..?" he gestured his finger slicing his neck.

He touched the apple, and when he realized it wasnt hot, he got the three of them, putting them inside his pockets

The queen smirked, "yes, when she eats this, when the clock strikes twelve, she'll be gone. I want you to do whatever it take-"

Marissa didnt get to finish her sentence, a chef scooped up some soup, making the queen disappear

"your majesty?" Peter said, but the queen was long gone. Although, he did see

He saw Pip's reflection, making him look up. He tried to catch him, he ran around the kitchen, receiving foul words from the people around the kitchen

The chipmunk ran out of the kitchen, and in the main eating area. Peter followed him, and Pip stood on prince Fred's table


Peter's eyes widen as he saw the chipmunk try and say something to the prince, but the redhead just couldnt understand. Peter sat infront of Fred and grabbed the chipmunk

"sire! I beg you, dont listen to this-"

The prince held his hand up, "please, Peter, let him speak"

Peter glared at Pip and hesitantly put him down. The chipmunk dramatically coughed, and when he recollected himself, he started to ramble wich just turned out as squeaks

"slow down, Pip." Fred laughs. The chipmunk looked around, and ran to the prince's drink, he sat on the mout of the cup, and pointed at three cubes, he then took one and went down, dancing gracefully, "oh! Y/N?" the prince guessed

"es!" Pip happily exclaimed, then he held the apple up, trying to be an old lady, "apl?" he changes places, "no fenk yu" and once again changed places, "is gud", he acted gracefully once again, "okei!"

He then bit into the ice, and pretended to fall dead. He then stood up and motioned that he was done, but he only saw the prince confused

"you feel that you'll die without me here?"

The chipmunk sighed, there was no way the prince's gonna understand what he's trying to say.

Draco lead Pheobe and Ethan out of his office, they were finally done for the day

Sam, Draco's secretary, motioned for him to go to the desk, and the Malfoy did

"i cant find Andulasya-" Sam was cut off by the blonde

"Andalasia", he corrected

Sam sighed, "yeah, well, i called every ticket agency and all, but they think i'm joking! They say Andalasia is not a place", she stopped to breathe, "i asked her, wich wasnt help. She said it was just, let me phrase it, beyond the meadows of joy" she said, copying Y/N's dreamy voice at the end

Draco ran a hand through his face, he talked to Sam more, saying that maybe she skipped some travel agencies, but she didnt. She then looked behind the man, she saw Y/N walking towards Pheobe. Her eyes widen, she gestured for Draco to turn around, wich he did.

The Malfoy's eyes widen, and he immediately walked up to them

"you have very lovley hair!" Y/N told Pheobe, then added, "you're beautiful"

The older lady smiled at her, "why, thank you."

Y/N smiled at her, "the man who holds your heart must be very lucky"

Pheobe's smile turned upside down, "well, why wont you try to tell him that"

"i'm sure he already knows"

Ethan raised an eyebrow, "excuse me?"

Y/N piped up, "oh! Are you him? You're very lucky! Just look at how her eyes sparkle!"

And Draco had enough, he mumbled an apology to the couple, who was not exactly a couple because they're getting divorce, and pulled Y/N to the side

"it's not like that anymore between them." Draco said, smiling awkwardly at his two clients, who was glaring at him, "they're not together anymore"

Y/N's eyebrows furrowed, "i dont understand?"

"they're getting a divorce, they're separating" Draco sighed

The girl gasped, "for how long?"

"forever." the blonde said

Y/N's eyes widen, "forever?"

"yes, so now if you'll excuse me.", Draco then went to the couple and apologized, leaving Y/N sad and confused

If it was true love, why did they have to split up? Forever?

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