《》Chapter 7


Rex sat in his room, completely jealous of his brother. He'd found his mate just by the woman stepping foot onto their land. How had that even happened? He and Gunner had been going out twice a month to clubs and bars in the area, trying to meet women, but none of them appealed to their bears.

Rex knew he'd never be that damn lucky. No one ever came out to their property unannounced. Drake better treat that female right, or Rex would kick his older brother's ass. They all knew the oldest of the Morgan Clan had never liked humans. Hell, Rex and Gunner understood why, but they didn't share the disgust for them like Drake did.

"Hey, bro," Gunner said after knocking on the door frame. "Want to go to that cat bar and have a beer?"

"Yeah," he said, standing up from his desk. "Do you think this female will make Drake less bitter toward the humans?"

"I really don't know," Gunner sighed. "He may never get over the death of our parents."

Their mother and father were killed eight years ago by a human male who was strung out on human illegal drugs. He'd broken into the office of their farming business early one morning. The male tried to rob them but ended up shooting them point-blank when he realized the business didn't have any cash on site.

Drake, Rex, and Gunner were left the business, barely knowing how to run it successfully. Drake was twenty-eight at the time and ran the machines that harvested the corn crops. He didn't know anything else. Thankfully, the three of them worked hard over the next two seasons to keep the business alive. Today, they were the largest corn growers in the area.

"Let's give them some space and see what happens," Rex suggested.

"You don't think he will hurt her, do you?" Gunner worried.

"He may hate humans, but he would never hurt a female...no matter her species," Rex answered.

The two of them quietly walked out of the tunnel leading to Rex's room. When they entered the living room, Drake was pulling his mate up from her chair. He cupped her face and kissed her hard. Rex smiled and turned to Gunner. "See, he's going to spoil her."

They slipped out the back door on the other side of the living room and walked around the house to jump in Rex's truck. They'd give Drake some time with his mate. Rex was hopeful he and Gunner would get lucky at the werepanther- owned bar, The Deuce.

Tessa gasped and pushed at Drake's chest. He released her as soon as she began to struggle. "What the hell are you doing?"

"You're mine, Tessa," he vowed, taking a step back. Drake's eyes were bright and his fangs were long in his mouth. "As much as I hate humans, my bear has chosen you."


"Well," she scowled, "I didn't pick you, and why would I when you tell me you hate humans?"

"I need to mate with you," he replied, and made a face as if he were in pain. Tessa looked down and blushed when she noticed an obvious erection through his denim jeans.



What the hell was wrong with her? This man...this beast wanted to claim her for his own? How did that even work? Why was she so turned on by him, and why was she considering it?

"If your idea of mating is what I imagine it to be, there will be none of that today, Mr. Morgan," she said, standing her ground. She barely knew this man, and every interaction she'd had with him over the last few days had been less than acceptable.

"Ms. Ward," he smirked, the corner of his full lips pulling up on one side. She could still see one of his extended fangs, and she shivered from the sight. "You can't leave my land. You must stay here and let me explain things to you."

"Are you holding me hostage?"

"Only if you're into that sort of thing," he shrugged, but betrayed himself when his eyes heated.

Does he like the idea of holding me prisoner?

The thought of playing with him awakened a need inside her...a need she hadn't felt in some time.

"Are you demanding I stay?" Tessa asked, baiting him to see if he was as dominant as she was starting to believe he was. That would explain his sharp commands the first time they'd interacted.

"You have your own free will, but I'd prefer you to stay," he said, offering her a way out.

"I will consider it," she heard herself say.

Holy hell? What is wrong with you, Tessa?

Drake fascinated her. She wanted to know more about him, but not in any way that she'd ever tell the humans about him.

No, this sexy shifter man called to her in a way she'd never felt before. When they touched, she felt something strange. It was a feral need to be protected by him. Her body betrayed her, and the ache she felt between her legs was a dead giveaway of how much he affected her.

"Call Tulley and tell him you delivered the part," he ordered, his eyes heating with his words. "Also, call the diner and tell them you won't be in tomorrow."

"I have to work," she replied. Drake wrapped his hand around the back of her neck again and with his touch, her body relaxed into his hold.

"Maybe I can change your mind," he offered right before his soft lips crashed down on hers.

Tessa felt wetness pool between her legs as Drake kissed her forcefully. She hadn't had a response to a man like that since she'd first met her ex. Drake was so much different than Bradley. Where her ex was tall with lean muscle, Drake was nothing but bulk and pure strength. She should be afraid of Drake, but something inside her fired to life when he touched her. He was an animal...a shifter. She didn't know much about the paranormal, and she didn't know if he had any powers like what was written about in some of the romance books she'd read.


"Are you making me feel this way?" she whispered when he finally released her lips. Tessa tilted her head to the side and ran her fingers over his soft beard. She never cared much for men with beards, but it worked for Drake.

"I'm not." He shook his head and cupped her face. "Shifters find their forever mates by the first touch. My bear knows you are to be ours, and I don't expect you to understand. There is a lot you don't know about us, but I assure you, I have no power over your thoughts."

"Can...can I see him?" she asked, her voice shaking as she asked. "Can I see the bear?"

"You are very curious, huh?" he grinned. "Very," she breathed.

Drake inhaled deep, releasing his breath at the tail end of a long sigh. His eyes flashed a golden hue, and he leaned in to bite her bottom lip softly. "You smell delicious."

Tessa couldn't even answer. The blush that painted her pale cheeks was so bad she could feel the heat from it without even having to look in a mirror to confirm. She couldn't decide if the blush was from embarrassment or her need for him.

"I will show you, but in return, I would like to have you stay tonight so I can feed you breakfast in the morning."

"I have to work at the diner tomorrow morning," she frowned. "I don't even have my uniform with me."

"Can you take the day off?" he asked.

"Oh, no," she shook her head, "I need all the money I make to pay my rent and utilities."

"I'd want you here," he complained. "It's safer that way."

"Safer?" she asked, fear running through her veins. "Are you in danger?"

"We are not accepted by the humans," he growled. "They will do anything to harm us and our families."

"Drake," she said, dropping back into the chair. "Sit down."

"What is it?" he asked, his brow furrowed in worry, but sat down in the chair across from her.

"Humans don't hate your kind," she offered. His eyes narrowed and flashed that golden color again.

"Humans killed my parents," he barked, standing up from his seat as quickly as he had sat down. "You know they want us all dead, right?"

"Not all of us," she said, standing up from her seat. She placed her hand over his heart and smiled. "Not all humans are bad."

"Yes, they are." Drake's mouth parted with a snarl, his fangs were growing in his mouth again, and his hand clamped down on her arm. She was about to jerk away when the pressure became too much, but Drake released her with a curse. "Maybe you should just go home, Tessa."

"Okay," she agreed. "I think that would be a great idea, too."

Jesus Christ, what the fuck was wrong with her? She'd just met him, yet the thought of leaving him sent panic through her veins. Knowing he was pissed off at her made things even worse.

"I'm sorry," he sighed, running his hand over his long, dark hair. "I just don't trust humans. My mind and bear are at odds because you are one of them."

"I assure you," she said, gritting her teeth. "I have no problem with the shifters. I would never hurt one. I've been through enough pain in my life that the thought of hurting another person disgusts me."

"You are a special human," he replied, reaching up to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear. Every time he touched her, she felt it deep in her soul. "Not all of them are like you."

"Most of us are good people," she argued. "I'm sure that in your world you have bad shifter people. It's the same in our world, Drake. Not all shifters are bad, just like not all humans are bad, either."

"Have you seen what happened when the panthers were outed to the humans?" he barked, his mood turning sour. "They captured us and tried to study us!"

"Those were the bad humans, Drake."

"They were human," he continued. "I stick to my own kind, because we are peaceful until we are given a reason not to be."

"Then, maybe you should keep doing that and hiding," she snarled. He was the most frustrating man she'd ever met, and she'd met many over her short twenty-seven years. "I'm leaving."

Drake walked over to his door and held it open wide. "I'm sorry, but you can't convince me to trust humans."

"And that's very sad for you," she sniffled and walked past him, ignoring the growl that rumbled from his chest.

With that, she ran to her car and waited until she closed the door to let the tears flow from her eyes. She'd possibly just met the man of her life...a man she didn't even know she was looking for, and he couldn't look past the fact she was a human.

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