《Dusk & Dawn》Chapter 35


Mason and I jumped apart as quick as we could, even though we weren't doing anything wrong, it just felt like we were caught in an intimate moment.

"Uh, good. It was great. I'm hungry. Are you hungry? I'm hungry?" I stammered jumping up from the couch and clambering around in the kitchen cupboards, hiding my head in embarrassment. 

"Quinn, there's a plate of cookies here on the table..." she giggled to herself.

"Um, I know that. But I feel like something savoury..." My eyes probably looked like a deer in headlights right about now. I'm shift my clothes, suddenly feeling suffocated by all the eyes on me.

"Nice sleeve. Glad you're finally showing it." Zach pointed.

"You knew?" I shot a look at Lexi. She shrugged.

"It just slipped out, sorry." She said apologetically. I waved her off, not really caring. It didn't matter now anyway. I was too flustered to think straight.

"I'm just glad I don't have to hide it anymore."

"So what gave you the sudden burst of courage to whips out those guns?" Zach asked, his arms wrapped around Lexi's waist.

My eyes wandered over to Mason. I didn't want to share just yet, afraid that I would ruin the vibe of the night. If I spoke about what happened tonight I'd surely burst into a blubbering mess.

"Quinn's shirt got caught on a bush and tore a little. I noticed the awesome ink and it went from there." His soft smile radiated kindness as he glanced at e across the room. I smiled a small thank you for the small white lie he told for me.

"So what do you guys wanna do? I don't wanna go to bed yet. I was this day to last." Lexi spun around whimsically and in love. I could beg to differ. This day went on long enough already. All I wanted was for it to end. Apart from 10 minutes ago with Mason... That I wish would have lasted.


"Oh Zach, you wanna show the girls our new cover?" He winked, a small smile playing on his face. A small laugh escaped me. Watching Mason was amusing. He could go from sexy to cute in a heartbeat. Lexi squealed and clapped her hands in approval. I couldn;t wipe the smile off my face. Any opportunity to hear Mason sing.

"Just gonna go get my guitar." Zach called as he jogged to his bedroom. Mason went over to the kitchen panel to dim the lights. Stupidly my heart fluttered a little.

"Uh, so how did everything go with your parents?" I asked Lexi, still trying to shake off the embarrassment of being seen so close to Mason.

"They loved him Quinn... like, a lot. They even invited him over for dinner... but enough about me, what was going on with you two before?" Her voice hushed while the guys plugged in and prepared for us. Preparing for US. my stupid heart skipped a beat again. Am I going to have to go into palliative care after this? I don't think my heart can take anymore.

"He was just looking at my tattoos... and I sort of liked it." I covered my mouth at the quick impulse truth that had just spilled from my mouth. Lexi's mouth gaped.

"Oh My GOD Quinn! Just so you know I 100% approve! Zach has told me so much about him, and how he gushes about you when you're not around. It's honeslty the cutest thing ever." I glance over at the guys and they were talking in hushed whispers as well. I wonder what they're talking about?

"You girls ready?" Mason asked, taking a seat on the bar stool while Zach took the edge of the couch. Mason's eyes raked me up and down and he licked his lips. His cheeky smirk spread warmth down my stomach and to... that place again. What is this guy doing to me?


But that was nothing until he opened his mouth to sing. No mic, just the air between us.

Every word he sung oozed sex. They way Zach's eyes were plastered to Lexi, playing solely for her, Mason's gaze was set intently on me, making my face burn with heat. 

"All that I've got, Skin to skin, Oh my god, Don't you stop girl..." He sung as he reached his hand out towards me and guided me up from the couch. Lexi gave me a thumbs up, grinning her cheesiest grin as she sauntered over to Zach and stood behind him, her hands on his shoulder, swaying left to right in beat of the song.

"I'm gonna make you feel like a dangerous woman..." Mason sings as his hand wrap around my waist as he takes might right hand and we slow dance in the living room. I was so embarrassed all I could do was look down at our feet moving in time. I'd never received this much attention in my life, let alone in front of other people.

I sneak a peek at Lexi and she's overtaken with the music, mouthing the words in Zach's ear.

I dared to glance up to Mason and his heavenly voice serenades all my fear away. Replaced by a white hot need for him.Mason spins me like he did back at the beach and I let a smile sweep over my face.

As the song came to an end Lexi and I clapped in unison, smiles beaming.

"That was... SO good guys. I really think this one will get scouts looking at you. You should add it to your set." I suggest, trying to shake off the thick sexual tension between Mason and I.

"So you liked it?" Mason asked, voice low and so close to me I could smell the mint on his breath.

"Yeah.. It was... great... I loved it." I avoid his eye contact, afraid that if I looked at him all self control would dissolve in me. I don't know why I'm still fighting this feeling. Is it because deep down I'm holding onto the hope that my parents will one day accept me? And... I'm scared.

"You guys were great, really," I smile a tired smile over to Zach and Lexi. My mind was reeling from the course of events over the day and I needed some time by myself to sort out my emotions before I went dragging Mason into my mess.

"I'm going to take a shower. I'll talk to you guys later. Night!" I said walking to the pool house trying to avoid looking at Mason in the process. 

After the display of affection with that song, I needed to clear my head.

I felt a pang of longing for Mason as I walked through the garden and to the pool house, leaving him standing in the lounge room rubbing the back of his neck.

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