《shards - pietro maximoff》chapter twenty-four ; time travel and tacos
"Okay, so what kinda drugs did he do to get like this? Because I'm not sure if I want you to keep them far away from me or hand them over, honestly."
Dahlia and Pietro had gotten a ride with the other Avengers, wanting to observe the adventure they were embarking upon, but what they were met with was nothing like they had known. The Hulk, at least in their memory, was an angry, ravaging monster, who hated Bruce Banner and destroyed everything in his path. So what the hell was sitting in front of them?
It looked as if Bruce was midway through morphing into Hulk, for his face still held the scientist's features, a comforting smile, and a shirt, which was an odd sight. However, he was still large and green, so they had no idea what was happening, if he had maybe had an accident, or would turn into the monster they knew, any moment now.
"I'm so confused." Scott definitely spoke for all of them as they stared at the Hulk/Bruce that was demolishing a plate of food before them.
"These are confusing times." Bruce looked dead serious.
Scott's mouth continued to hang agape. "Right. No, no, that's not what I meant."
He continued to eat as he spoke. "No, I get it. I'm kidding! I know. It's crazy. I'm wearing shirts now."
"Yeah! Wh- How? Why?" Scott spluttered.
"Yeah, what he said." Pietro gestured to Scott.
"Five years ago, we got our asses beaten. Except it was worse for me. Because I lost twice. First, Hulk lost, then Banner lost. Then, we all lost."
Natasha, though still a bit freaked out by his appearance, tried to comfort him. "No one blamed you, Bruce."
"I did," His face fell but began to lift as he continued. "For years, I've been treating the Hulk like he's some kind of disease, something to get rid of. But then I started looking at him as the cure. Eighteen months in a gamma lab. I put the brains and the brawn together. And now look at me. Best of both worlds..."
Three children walked up to Bruce tentatively, looking nervous to ask him something. "Excuse me, Mr. Hulk?"
A smile came across his face as he turned to them. "Yes?"
"Can we get a photo?"
"100%, little person. Come on, step up." He patted the spot beside him, handing the phone to Scott. "Do you mind?"
"Oh, yeah." Scott held up the camera, snapping a picture.
The three kids posed behind him, Bruce throwing up peace signs, thoroughly enjoying this interaction.
"Don't you wanna grab one with me? I'm Ant-Man." Scott said as he handed the phone back.
Dead silence.
He evidently felt embarrassed, trying to cover his tracks. "They're Hulk fans, they don't know Ant-Man. Nobody does."
Dahlia stifled a chuckle and gestured for Pietro to hand her the phone, not wanting this fun to go undocumented.
"Wait, no, no, no, he feels bad. No, he wants you to... he wants to..." Bruce anxiously tried to fix the situation, but only seemed to make it worse. "You want to take a picture with him, right?"
The small boy shook his head vigorously, terror in his eyes. "Stranger Danger."
"Hate to break it to you, kid, but Hulk's a stranger too." Dahlia scrunched up her nose. The kid's eyes went wide, looking at Bruce with fear.
"He's even saying no he doesn't. I get it. I don't want it either." Scott stumbled over his words.
"But, come on, the kid! But he... but you..."
This situation couldn't get any worse, right?
"I don't want a picture with them." Scott huffed like a child.
Well, apparently it could.
Bruce tried to guilt trip him. "He's gonna feel bad," He turned to the man before him. "Sorry, they said they'd do it."
"I don't want it anymore." He definitely did.
"No, no... you feel bad."
"Just take the goddamn phone."
A girl, who looked to be in her early teens, walked up to Pietro and Dahlia. She seemed to be the older sister to the three kids, who was previously uninterested with the scene until she spotted the two. "You're Quicksilver and Belladonna, right? You're the superhero couple? I read about you in my magazine."
"Huh, I don't know," Pietro turned to Dahlia with a smirk. "Are we a superhero couple? I don't think we've ever said that to the press."
"Well, seeing as we live together and have said 'I love you' millions of times, yeah, I'd say so," Dahlia rolled her eyes and looked at the girl. "Don't worry, darling, he's just being dumb. Yeah, that's us. Can I help you with something?"
"Oh, no, I just wanted to say that you're really an inspiration for me... for all young girls, really. It's cool to see a superhero who's just a person... you know? No offense." She turned and said that last bit to Pietro.
"Yeah, none taken. It's not Dahlia's fault she's so much cooler than me." Pietro kissed her on the forehead.
The girl smiled once more and walked back towards her family, leaving the Avengers to talk about the matter at hand. Bruce was still calling after the young kids.
"Dab!" Bruce yelled, awkwardly moving his arms into a dabbing motion.
"Bruce." Steve was trying to get him back on track, but he was still distracted.
"Listen to your Mom, she knows better."
Steve cleared his throat. "About what we were saying."
"Right. The whole time travel do-over? Guys, it's outside my area of expertise." Bruce looked upset that he couldn't help further but it was the truth.
"Well, you pulled this off," Natasha started carefully. "I remember a time when that seemed pretty impossible, too."
"Okay, so I totally wasn't paying attention to this whole conversation, so what's happening? Am I going to star in a badass time heist or what?" Dahlia grinned and propped her legs up on the table, but after a look from Steve, put them back on the ground.
"Well, I think that's up to Bruce." Natasha said, and they all turned to him, looking expectantly.
He looked as if he was contemplating it, and Dahlia took this as a good sign.
"Alright. It's insane, and could possibly end up killing us all, but okay. I'll do it."
"Fuck yeah!" Dahlia cheered.
Bruce's jaw went slack when he noticed the three kids, still standing in earshot.
Dahlia's eyes widened.
"I mean... Uh- Fudge yeah!"
"Nice save."
"Why, thank you."
"So, you're telling me that you can summon an army of ants to do whatever you want?"
Dahlia's mouth was agape, reveling in this newfound knowledge.
Scott laughed. "Yeah, pretty much."
"Can I have one?"
"Please?" Pietro had joined in on the begging.
Dahlia placed her hands on her hips, and Pietro followed suit. "Why not?"
Scott fumbled, trying to think of a valid reason. "Uh- Um- Cause- You can't."
"Tell me one solid reason why not." She tapped her foot expectantly.
"Okay, here we go. Time travel test number one. Scott, fire up the uhhh... van thing." Bruce called over to where the three were stood, giving him a pass from the conversation.
Dahlia crossed her arms and pouted at her boyfriend, who was laughing at her face beside her. "It's such a waste, I woulda dressed it up in a white beard and a hat and named it S-ant-a."
Pietro patted her back comfortingly, grinning at her childlike behavior. He guided her over to where Bruce and Scott were setting up what appeared to be a van.
"Did I miss something, or is this a time-traveling van? Because if so, we need to come up with the a cool van-related name for our movie." Pietro said, tapping his finger on his chin thoughtfully.
"The Van-ishing time machine? Time Traveling on Tour? The wheel-ey fantastic time heist?" Dahlia offered.
Their amazing name suggestions were interrupted by the sound of the Quantum Tunnel firing up.
Steve walked into the room, shirt sleeves rolled up to his elbows, and grease smearing his cheek."Breakers are set, emergency generators are on standby."
Bruce flipped a few switches and spoke casually. "Good. 'Cause if we blow out the grid, I don't wanna lose Tiny here in the 1950's."
Scott, Nat, and Steve gave Bruce a panicked look, while Pietro and Dahlia looked surprisingly calm.
"Wait, where the 1950's where Steve was?" Pietro asked.
"No, that was the 1940's."
"Oh, well, in that case, you'd survive. Though, if it was, I would ask for a picture of Steve in his leotard getup." Dahlia chuckled.
At once, the two burst out into song, taunting Cap with their words.
"Who's strong and brave, here to save the American way?" Dahlia sang.
Pietro put on a horrible Steve impression. "Not all of us can storm a beach, or drive a tank, but there's still a way all of us can fight."
"Who vows to fight like a man for what's right, night and day?" Dahlia marched in place, saluting Pietro.
Steve was not amused. "Okay, okay, that's enough."
Scott still looked horrified from Bruce's comment, which Nat noticed. "He's kidding."
She lowered her voice to a tone only Bruce could hear. "You can't say things like that!"
The giant man smiled sheepishly. "Just... It was a bad joke."
"You were kidding, right?" Natasha hissed under her breath.
"I have no idea. We're talking about time travel here. Either it's all a joke, or none of it is," Bruce raised his voice to call over to Scott. "We're good! Get your helmet on, Scott. I'm gonna send you back a week, let you walk around for an hour, then bring you back in 10 seconds. Makes sense?"
"Perfectly not confusing." Scott gave them a thumbs up.
"Good luck Scott. You got this." Steve said confidently, though he wasn't as sure as he sounded.
"You're right. I do, Captain America." A genuine fanboy smile crossed his face.
Right before Scott was sucked into the tunnel, Dahlia called out to him. "Don't die!"
Steve sent her a stern look but Natasha didn't have it in her to reprimand her, only suppressing a smile.
As he disappeared into the van, Bruce flicked a switch and held his hand over a large green button. "On the count of three. Three... Two... One!"
In a flash, the Ant-man suit appeared in front of them,m, but something was wrong.
Instead of the Scott they knew, a prepubescent teenager was stood in the suit where a man once was.
"Uh, guys? This... this doesn't feel right." The teenage Scott squeaked, his voice cracking in the middle of his sentence.
"Man, Scott, you were an ugly teenager." Pietro recoiled at the sight.
"What is this?" Steve frowned.
Bruce was panicking. "What's going on?"
"That- Who is that?" Natasha looked confused.
Meanwhile, Dahlia was just laughing at the situation, at a loss for breath.
Bruce pushed another couple of buttons, and teen Scott was sucked back in. In his place, when he returned, was an old man.
"Ow! My back!" Old Scott winced.
"He doesn't age well, I guess." Pietro shrugged and Dahlia continued to laugh, holding onto her stomach.
"What is this?" Steve was completely lost. "Can you bring him back?"
"I'm working on it!"
After a moment, another person appeared, but this time, it was a baby.
"It's a baby." Steve deadpanned.
"It's Scott." Bruce countered.
"As a baby!"
"He'll grow."
"Bring Scott back!"
Dahlia, had finally recovered from her fit of giggles, decided to add something to the conversation. "Honestly, I don't care what you do with him, but babies creep me out, so if you keep it, I refuse to babysit."
"When I say kill the power, kill the power." Bruce nudged Nat and she walked over to the kill switch, ready to flip it when needed.
"Oh my god." Natasha muttered under her breath, not believing what the hell was happening.
"And... kill it!"
The room went dark, the emergency lights flashing red as another figure came into view.
Thankfully, it was regular Scott.
"Somebody peed my pants."
"Oh thank god." Steve breathed.
Scott looked deeply disturbed, shuffling around in his suit. "But I don't know if it was 'baby' me, or 'old' me... Or just 'me' me."
"Probably the last one, judging by the look on your face." Dahlia said, a smug smile crossing her face.
Bruce held his hands up in the air proudly. "Time travel!"
Steve was less than enthusiastic, not saying a word before leaving abruptly, shaking his head and exiting through the main doors.
"What? I see this as an absolute win!" Bruce seemed to not pick up Steve's mood, since he was still donning a grin.
"Yeah, I don't think he does." Natasha patted him on the back, though she had to get on her tiptoes to do so.
"Alright, I'm hungry. Who wants tacos?" He evidently wanted to get away from the topic of Steve's behavior.
"Me!" Dahlia and Pietro burst out with excitement.
Dahlia jumped up and down in place. "I want three!"
"Well, I want seventeen!" Pietro said, as if challenging her with the number.
At Bruce's confused look, Dahlia went to explain. "Oh, his powers boost his metabolism to about seven times that of the average person."
"That's fascinating." Bruce looked as if he wanted to find out everything he could about Pietro's abilities.
Dahlia teased him with a smile. "It's fascinating until you live with him, and have to buy a new bag of chicken nuggets every day."
"Oh, you'll regret that." Pietro threatened, but it was obviously lighthearted as he smiled.
Dahlia broke into a run across the compound floor, rushing away from him to no avail, for she was no match for his powers, and he caught up with her in a split second.
He caught her in his arms, but Dahlia was never one to go out without a fight. She writhed and wiggled in his grasp, kicking him to the ground beside her.
"You may have the advantage in speed, my dear Pietro," Dahlia wiped some sweat from her forehead, grinning. "But you should remember, I'm the one who taught you to fight."
He looked at her in awe for a moment, before resuming his classic cocky attitude once more."Pfft, I let you win."
"Tacos are ready!"
She helped him to his feet, the two taking off towards the kitchen."Sure ya did, Speedy. Sure you did."
The two continued arguing all the way to the kitchen, Pietro insisting that he had won the fight, though it was obvious that he hadn't to everyone who had seen it.
"Alright, alright, lets just agree that I won, shall we?" Dahlia took a bite of her taco while smirking.
Pietro devoured his and made a face. "We shall not, I won!"
Dahlia stopped in her tracks, almost causing Pietro to walk into her, at the sight of a raccoon in the kitchen.
"Do we have any more doritos?" The raccoon asked.
"Uh... There are some more in the pantry, I think?" Dahlia leaned back and whispered to Pietro. "Am I going crazy?"
"If you are, then I am, too." He murmured back.
"Oh, I'm Rocket. That's Nebula." The raccoon gestured to the woman beside him, who was bright blue and looked to be partly mechanical.
"Uh, hi?" Pietro said unsurely, his eyes darting to Dahlia, not sure what was happening.
"Oh, I know you guys!" Rocket shoved a few chips in his mouth. "I saw you two in Wakanda, like five years ago. Puny Mabertoff, was it? And Diddly Abercrombie?"
Dahlia laughed. "Close. This is Pietro Maximoff, and I'm Dahlia Anelace. I had no idea you were coming."
"Yeah, we didn't either until Cap called us, talking about some shit like 'Blah blah fix everything, blah blah time travel blah'."
"Wow, he's very articulate." Pietro chuckled, crossing his arms over his chest.
He threw his arms into the air. "Yeah, well, what'cha gonna do. He also said something about getting the other Avengers together?"
Dahlia's eyes lit up. "If I get to see Thor I will die of happiness."
Rocket made some unintelligible noise before pointing to a bowl on the counter. "Is that popcorn up for grabs?"
Pietro held back Dahlia on instinct, knowing she'd attack him if he tried it.
"I wouldn't." He was trying to save him from a painful death.
"Why not? It's right there."
"Don't say I didn't warn you."
And all hell broke loose.
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