《Claws of Metal | Pietro Maximoff》C h a p t e r 17:


After the Avengers returned from Hawaii, it was close to that time of year again: Morgana's birthday.

As many times as she insisted she didn't want anything, her super-hero family still went all out. Of course all done by yours truly: Anthony Stark.

He knew she would probably start complaining about how they didn't have to do anything. But Tony was being Tony; he didn't care.

So with that being said, on Saturday, Morgana opened the doors to STARK Tower. Earlier that day, everyone was in a rush to do things and practically ignored her.

Even Pietro, who was always talking, was quiet.

"I'm busy moya lyubov'. I can't talk right now." (my love)

"Oh okay....I understand." Morgana just got out of their way and decided to go the park.

However she had to leave because the parents thought she would probably steal their kids. SO, she left and walked around the mall by herself.

It was about three long hours until she received the phone call to go back home. Something about it being important, literally a life or death situation.

But do you want to know what Tony said over the phone? Pietro was supposedly in his room "having a fit" about not getting enough of some old chocolate cake in the fridge, and that Morgana had to calm him down.

Pissed off, she stomped all the way home. Though not before buying a book to slap both Tony and Pietro across the face with it.

Back to when she opened the door- it was literally quiet, as if someone had not occupied the place in years. However we all know that's a lie.

Anyways, Morgana walked around looking for her targets until she found a trail of flowers. Those were the exact ones Pietro got her when they came back from their trip.


Grinning while shaking her head, she followed the red-rose trail around the whole tower. Once Morgana got sick of it, she went to the balcony.

As she opened the sliding door, a flash of blue along with a pair of soft lips met her forehead. Morgana looked up to see the smiling face of her boyfriend.

"S Dnem Rozhdeniya Morgana!" Pietro exclaimed as he picked her up and spun her around. Morgana squealed as the sudden action was unexpected. (Happy Birthday Morgana!)

"You remembered!" She said.

"Of course we did, we couldn't forget the day when Little Miss Pipsqueak was born." Tony replied from behind. Oh as much as she wanted to slap him with The Three Little Pigs, she didn't.

"I don't like you sometimes." She answered, giving the former playboy a hug. "But thank you all for this."

"You're welcome, hun." Natasha said as she hugged her daughter.

"Happy Birthday Morgana." Steve said as he walked away from a small table with a chocolate cake on it.

"Thanks Steve." Morgana replied, giving her friends all a warm smile.

As the guests, of course all their known contacts, started talking and actually having a good time, Morgana sat down and started eating.

"Hungry, aren't you?" She looked up and saw Pietro smirking.

"I haven't ate since yesterday." The female replied.

"I don't know vhy you don't eat." The speedster sat down in front of her and stared at her.

"What? Is there something on my face? I swear Pietro, if you start laughing, I'm gonna get mad at you." She warned him.

"No, No. It's nothing, I just can't believe it's your birthday today." Pietro laughed as he held his hands up in defense.

"Oh well, in that case let me finish eating." Before she even got to take another bite from her food, a little tap was heard.


Morgana looked down to see Nathaniel lightly smacking her leg. She smiled widely and picked him up, pushing her plate out of the way to sit him on her lap.

"Why hello little one." The girl said with a bright smile. "You're adorable!"

"Not as adorable as me.." Pietro muttered.

"Be nice!" Morgana glared at him. "He has an adorable baby face."

"Here, let me carry him so you could eat."

"You're just jealous." She commented.

"Am not, I just don't vant you to starve to death."

"Sure Pietro."

Pietro held the baby in his arms and started making faces at him. This made Nathaniel show a toothless smile as he grabbed the Sokovian's face.

Morgana watched in amazement at how Pietro was handling the baby.

"You know vhat vould be really nice, Mishka?" Pietro suddenly asked out of nowhere.

"And what would that be, Maximoff?" Morgana replied as she saw the baby still giggling in her boyfriend's hold.

He swooped down to her ear, carefully still holding Nathaniel. "If ve had a Pietro and Morgana Jr."

Her eyes widened in bewilderment as she pulled back to look at him in the eyes. "A-Are you serious?"

Pietro innocently looked back at her. "Of course I am."

"Since when?" Morgana was still shocked.

"I don't know, though it vould be nice."

"But we aren't married yet, but just a few minutes ago you were acting all jealous because of a baby." She pointed out.

"I just realized vhat a gift a child could be to a family. So let's get married! It could be anyvhere, but I vant to marry you."

"You never take things slow do you, Amor?" Morgana asked. (Love)

"There's a reason I'm the speedster, Mishka." Pietro cocked an eyebrow.

"You're too much."



Hey guys! So I feel so bad for not updating in like a month, but when high school starts, your time for social life is barely available. Unfortunately, this is the second to last chapter of the Claws of Metal fanfic. I have been running out of ideas to do so it'll end shortly. I just want to say thank you all for reading my story since the beginning; you guys are awesome! Have a good day :)

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