《Claws of Metal | Pietro Maximoff》C h a p t e r 16:


Three weeks later

The team and I got off the plane once we arrived at the beautiful Hualalai, Hawaii. Throughout the whole time, Pietro kept complaining.

We decided to go on a trip not only to get away from everything but to show Thor, Vision, and the twins amazing places to go. So when they heard about leaving, they were all pumped.

And here we are; grabbing our luggages from the plane and walking down the stairs, only to be greeted by hula girls with leis. We thanked them and continued walking to our resort.

Steve was being followed alot by three girls, which was kinda awkward for him. But I mean god bless America, right?

Anyways, once we checked in and got into our rooms, we changed into our swimwear. Since I was sharing rooms with Wanda, it was pretty calm.

As I wrapped a towel around my tiny waist and put my flip flops on, Pietro started knocking on the door.

"Hold on!" I yelled from inside as the knocks continued.

Deciding to mess with him, my appearance dissovled from the room and appeared near the pool. Tony, Thor, Steve, and Pepper were already there.

I found a lounge chair and took my towel off, laying it down. Behind me, I heard a slight movement of chairs.

Shaking it off, I slowly made my way to the pool. Just when I was walking towards the stairs, I felt a slight breeze and was welcomed by cold water.

Swimming to the surface, I saw grins and stares plastered on people's faces. I looked up to see the smirking face of my annoying but lovely boyfriend.

"You didn't see that coming?" Pietro motioned my wet figure. I gave him a cold glare and an illusion appeared behind him.

"No but I bet you won't either." I replied as his confused face twisted into fear. Taking the illusion's place, I pushed him in the pool and slightly jumped as he yelled.


Wanda appeared next to me and laughed, seeing as Pietro's head popped out from under the water. His white-blonde hair clung to his forehead as he pouted.

"You're so mean Mishka!"

"You started it Coconut Pie!"

"That is vhat you get for messing with Morgana." His twin answered as she too headed into the water.

"Still, that's not cool." He grumbled.

"Oh stop complaining!" I walked backwards and ran for the pool, making a big splash as I hit the refreshing water.

"You are childish you know, childish." Pietro commented, wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

"Gracias, amor." (Thank you, love).

We swam around, as the pool started to get crowded with the rest of the Avengers and the guests of the resort. After playing multiple rounds of Marco Polo and splashing eachother, everyone had gotten a sun burn.

Especially Steve and Thor.

Once we went back to our rooms and took showers, dinner time started rolling by. The dining room had been decorated with many tropical flowers, which made it look gorgeous!

"What time is the campfire at?" Tony asked, taking a swing of his wine-filled glass.

"Later." Replied Pepper, as she slowly took the cup from his lips.

"Noooooooo, just one morrree sip." His words slurred.

"How's your face feeling Cap?" Snickered Nat, as she pointed to his red face.

"Fine thank you." Steve mumbled as he chewed his meal.

"This is good Morgana." Pietro said through a mouthful of food.

"Pietro, please don't talk with your mouth full. Finish that first."

"But I vant more of this!" He continued.

"Pietro! No seas cochino!" I scolded him. It was gross how you could clearly see the chewed up meat. (Don't be a pig!)


"I va-" He didn't get to finish his sentence though.

"Kid, knock it off." Clint said as he held his phone in front of him. "Yes guys, daddy is fine."

Barton decided to go on the trip with us, but kept face-timing his family to check on them.

"The luau will be starting in ten minutes. Please feel free to head over the beach for this event now. Thank you." A feminine voice was heard over the intercom, as families finished their food and gathered everyone.

"Hurry up guys, I want to get there ealry!" Said Natasha, as she got up to throw her garbage away.

"Da let's go!" Replied Wanda, excited.

We exited the room and calmly walked over, as Pietro gave me a piggy-back ride.

"You don't like to valk, do you?" He asked.

"Nah, especially after I ate." I shrugged. "It takes to much work, you know?"

Pietro laughed. "That's why I run."


"Hello, Welcome!" A lady in a grass skirt said.

"Let us sit in the front, Man of Iron." Thor told Tony.

"Go for it buddy." He answered, clearly drunk.

"Do you know how to dance like zhat?" Pietro motioned at the Polynesian dancing displayed.

I giggled. "No, I don't."

"Vut I think Tony does." We turned our heads to see Tony wearing a grass skirt and a coconut bra over his clothing. To top everything off, he was shaking his hips while singing .

To be honest though, it was quite entertaining. Natasha, being the scary assassin sometimes, was actually dancing too.

Everyone was having fun. Steve managed to get alot of leis, along with Vision and started hula dancing around the fire.

"Come on Morgana, let's go!" Pietro exclaimed, as he grabbed my hands and pulled me close to all the dancing.

He then started to do all the movements, opposite of what I was doing. You see I can dance when I'm alone, but never in front of tons of people.

And this was one of those times.

"Shake your hips Morgana, your really stiff." Pietro said.

"Well I'm sorry my hips actually lie!" I replied.

When everyone had gotten tired of dancing, we sat down by the water. It was all quiet until Tony made an awkward comment.

"Man, that damn thing gave me a wedgie!"


Short, but I needed something to update. I'm deeply sorry for not updating sooner, but I've been extremely busy in getting everything ready for school and such. Have a good day and I hoped you liked this little chapter!

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