《Claws of Metal | Pietro Maximoff》C h a p t e r 15:


They just heard sobs coming from Morgana's room all night. Even if they wanted to go in there and calm her down, they couldn't. Why? Maybe because she had three illusions of herself as body guards.

"Come on kid, tell Morgana the Second, Third, and Fourth to let us in." Yelled Tony from the hallway, keeping his distance from the claws retracted in front of him.

"Will you not speak to at least one of us Morg?" Asked Natasha, clearly unhappy seeing her daughter cry.

The heard a muffled No! from inside the room.

"You will not even let myself in, Lady Morgana?" Thor had been confused on why his little buddy was crying and demanded to know. "Even if I am your favorite?"

"Sorry Thor but no." And yet again they heard another muffled answer.

"I'm tired of this bull-crap, step aside." Tony said as he had grabbed his Iron Man hand and was aiming it at the girl's door. "If you don't open the by the count of three, I'm exploding your mother-truckin' door. Do you understand Cruz?!"




Still Nothing


And , there went her door.

Pietro ran in using his powers and gently sat on one side of his friend's bed. Facing the wall lied Morgana in fetal position, clutching a small pink blanket while staring into space.

"Oh Printessa, look vhat they did to you." Murmered The Sokovian Speedster as he saw the state she was in.

"Go away Pietro, please." Replied Morgana quietly, still staring at the wall. Pietro looked at the others waiting outside and gave them a look, telling them he would share what happened later.

"I can't do that, and you know that Mishka."

"Yah because you're so stubborn. Do you really want to know what happened to me?" She asked, now sitting up. Pietro noticed how tears were pricking the sides of her now glossy brown eyes.

"Vhat did they do?" He answered stroking his thumb softly on her red cheek.

"After you left, Jason had cleaned up the mess on his shirt and we sat back down. A waiter had came and asked us what we wanted to eat. It turns out that she was his ex." Morgana started, wiping tears off her face. "They started talking and I eventually found out that he was just using me to get that chic back. Both of them called me names, pushed me around, and much more. It was pretty much living with HYDRA again, Pietro."

"Are you still mad at me?"


"I mean you did kinda embarrass, but no, I don't think I could ever hold a grudge against you. Why'd you ask?" Morgana was quite confused.

"Because if I did this you vould probably stab me." He said.

"Do wh-" Morgana was cut off as she felt soft lips gently crash into hers. Immediately knowing what was happening, she kissed him back as he held her waist with a hand.

Sounding a bit cliche', it was as if a million little butterflies were happily flying around in her stomach. Their lips moved in sync as Morgana wrapped her arms around his neck to deepen the kiss.

After what seemed like a century, they both pulled back to breath and smiled at eachother.

"Don't listen to them, do you understand? No one deserves to go through things like that, especially after all that they've been through." Pietro said, his beautiful blue eyes piercing into hers

"Did you actually think I would stab you Pietro? I know I'm a monster, but it's not that bad." She replied, giggling.

"You're claws are sharp, sharper than anyone's instincts."

"Wow man, you're making it sound like I'm actually cool." Pietro smiled and hugged the female.

"I love you Morgana."

"And I love you Pietro." She gave him a peck on the lips and got up.

"How about I take you on a real date, is that okay?" Pietro asked her, grabbing her hand so that she could look at him.

"That sounds nice."

"Then it's a date." When the time came, Natasha and Wanda again helped Morgana get ready.

However, this time they let her wear the clothing of her choice. Of course they did her makeup and hair, but didn't go overboard knowing Pietro wasn't going to judge Morgana on how natural she wanted to be.

He didn't care how she looked

or whether she wore fancy clothing. No, he was in love with her simplicity and that's how it would always be.

So when he waited in the living room for her in a white button down shirt and black dress up pants, his eyes filled with lust as he saw her walking towards him.

She was wearing a long navy blue dress that defined her small curvy body, her shoulder-length brown hair was waved, and a huge smile was plastered on her beautiful face.

"You look gorgeous Morgana." He said in his Sokovian accent, never taking his eyes off her.

"I hope you too have fun tonight, unlike with the other jackass. Anyways, again be safe out in the streets." Tony replied, as the two waved and walked out of the tower hand-in-hand.


Not far was a building, where with the help of the guys from the tower, Pietro had set up a cute candle-light dinner. They walked up the stairs to the terraice and opened the door.

"This is amazing Pietro!" Said Morgana as she looked around.

"I vanted to make our date special."

"And that you did." Replied the girl, affectionately caressing his cheek.

After they ate home-made pasta made by Clint and drank glasses filled with apple cider, Pietro grabbed Morgana's hand and pulled her up to dance.

"What are we doing?" She giggled.

"Dancing Printessa."

"I haven't danced in years Pietro, what if I forgot how to?"

"You don't forget how to Mishka, you just get rusty." Pietro said, turning on the music.

"Some people live for the fortune

Some people live just for the fame

Some people live for the power, yeah

Some people live just to play the game"

Pietro gently grabbed Morgana's hands and brought them to his lips, kissing them carefully as if he was afraid to hurt her. He then put his hands on her waist, as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Some people think that the physical things define what's within

And I've been there before but that life's a bore so full of the superficial"

He twirled her and started dancing with the music, looking at her with loving eyes.

"Cause some people want it all, but I don't want nothing at all.

If it ain't you, baby

If I ain't got you baby"

Pietro pulled her close to him, as she layed her head on his muscular chest.

"Some people want diamond rings.

Some just want everything, but everything means nothing

If I ain't got YOU...yeah"

Their foreheads touched as she smiled at him.

"Some people search for a fountain, that promises forever young

Some people need three dozen roses

And that's the only way to prove you love them"

Pietro grabbed a single red rose from his back pocket and gave Morgana it, making her blush madly.

"Hand me the world on a silver platter, and what good would it be

With no one to share

With no one who truly cares for me"

Once again the Speedster turned her and hugged her from behind, making it seem as if it's them against the world.

"Some people want it all

But I don't want nothing at all

If it ain't you baby

If I ain't got YOU baby"

"Some people want diamond rings Some just want everything

But everything means nothing

If I ain't got YOU....yeahhhh"

As the song slowly came to it's end, Pietro dipped Morgana and kissed her. They stood upright, still kissing, as his hands enguled her tiny figure.

But you know when you got to breath, you got to breath. The two of them pulled back and they smiled at eachother like idiots.

"I'm sorry if I was too blind to see what was in front of me the whole entire time." Morgana said, looking at the ground. "You were right in trying not to make go on that date."

"I knew something bad was going to happen, you don't ask a girl on a date that soon." Pietro replied.

"Oh really? Then when do you ask them on a date?" She answered, messing with him.

"After a long time; specifically after fighting against them, then fighting vith them, loosing your girl, then getting her back. Let's face it Printessa, ve've been through so much together." He said.

"What are you trying to say?"

"Budete li vy byt' moyey devushkoy Morgana?" Morgana stared at him. (Will you be my girlfriend)

"I don't know what that means Coconut Pie."

"Vill you be my girlfriend?" Pietro asked, impatiently waiting for an answer.



"Yes Pietro, I would delighted to be your novia." He eyes widened in excitement as he quickly kissed his new girlfriend and ran around the room. At least twenty times. (Girlfriend)

Morgana watched as she giggled at the childish act displayed in front of her. After that, they had picked everything up and went home. That night, Pietro decided not to sleep in his room.

So after getting dressed into his pajamas, he waited out in the hallway for Morgana to finish changing. As she opened the door a flash of blue and silver past her.

She shook her head and closed the door, turning to see Pietro help make the bed. Once she jumped onto her soft comforter, Pietro immediately pulled her into his embrace and held her.

And they fell asleep in each others arms, him muttering sweet nonsense in his mother tongue.


Mucho Pietrana fluff. (Yes I decided that would be their ship name). Honestly, I think this is probably one of the only chapters that will include cute fluff. But if you guys have any ideas please feel free to share them. However I will not write smut, for it would be too uncomfortable. Oh and the song choice for the dance scene is "If I ain't got you" by Alicia Keys. I hope you enjoyed this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it! :)

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