《Kansas Kids (Editing)》Chapter 12


y/n: Yes! Yes, I will.

*you jumped on Colby and gave him a big hug and you both laughed. It was now 12 pm. *

y/n: I should go home and get ready then.

Colby: yeah ok, I'll pick you up at 6.

y/n: Ok.

*you got up off of Colby and got your clothes from yesterday and your phone. You then got an Uber to go home. While you and Colby were waiting outside for your Uber, you two were getting to know each other a little before the date because you didn't know much about him and he didn't know much about you. You now know that he and Sam have a YouTube channel that they started not too long ago. You see your Uber in the distance. *

y/n: that's my Uber.

Colby: ok.

*you walked over to your Uber and got into the back seat. Colby signaled you to roll down your window. *

y/n: Yes?

Colby: athletic wear is the best option of clothing for this. ok?

y/n: ok, but can you just tell me where we're going?

Colby: I want to, but you know I can't.

y/n: fine.

*you then told your driver your address and he started the car again.


*when you got home the house was quiet. No one but you was in the house and you knew that everyone was at your aunt's place and would be back in two days. You have never liked being in this house alone, even though you loved your alone time, it's just that you thought that the house was a bit creepy when you were the only person. You then went up to your room to change (picture).

*The only make up that you put was clear lip gloss because you weren't bothered to do your make up. For your hair, you curled it and left it down. Once you were finished you just got your laptop and started to watch Netflix. *


*after you finished watching a bunch of Stranger Things, you heard a knock at the door. You ran down the stairs, past the kitchen, and to the front door. You open the door and see Colby standing there with sunflowers, your favorite. *

y/n: how did you know?

Colby: I asked Tara.

*you giggled because of his stupidly cute smile. Colby handed you the flowers and you turned around to put them in an empty vase that was behind you. *

Colby: sooooo, do you want to go now.

y/n: yeah sure.

*Colby then grabbed you hand and took you to his car. He opened the passenger door for you and then he jogged around and got into the driver's seat and started the car. *

Colby: put this on.

*Colby said while handing you a blindfold. *

y/n: why.

*you said in a whiny voice which made Colby chuckle. *

Colby: because where I'm taking you is a surprise.

y/n: finnnnee.

*you gave in and grabbed the blindfold from Colby. *

y/n: wait. Do you have an aux cord?

Colby: Yeah.

*he said while handing you the aux cord. *

y/n: thanks.

*you then play 'fly girl by lil Snooze'. You then put the blindfold on and Colby started driving. *

Colby: I love this song.

y/n: same, it's one my favorites.

*you then started to softly sing to the song. *

Colby: if your gonna sing, sing loud and clear.

y/n: but I don't like to sing around people.

Colby: you started to sing softly, so what do you expect?

y/n: fine

*you said rolling your eyes. you started singing louder. *

2 minutes later

Colby: damn you're good.

y/n: no, I'm not, you're just saying that to be nice.

Colby: no, I'm not, I'm being serious.

*you felt your cheeks start to heat up because you didn't like receiving compliments, it made you feel guilty for some random reason. After a few minutes of driving, you felt the car stop, and Colby turned off the car. *


Colby: we're here.

y/n: I'm scared Colby.

Colby: don't be, there's nothing to be afraid of.

y/n: can I take the blindfold off yet?

Colby: Nope.

y/n: ugh.

*Colby then got out of the car and went to help you out. *

Colby: hop on my back.

y/n: why?

Colby: do you want to climb rocks blindfolded?

y/n: no.

Colby: then get on my back.

*you jumped onto his back and he started walking. It was complete silence between you and Colby, all you heard were owls hooting and the wind blowing through where ever the hell you are. *

Colby: we're here.

*Colby said trying to catch his breath. You jumped off his back and stood there and waited for Colby to take off the blindfold. *

Colby: you ready?

y/n: I think.

*Colby giggled and then took the blindfold off of you. It took a bit for your eyes to adjust to the lighting. You saw...

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