《Kansas Kids (Editing)》Chapter 11


*you woke up the next morning with a pounding headache awaiting you. *

y/n: urgh, why did I drink so much.

*you mumbled to yourself. you finally opened your eyes and you saw Colby. you had your head on his bare chest and his arm around your waist. you notice you weren't wearing anything from the previous night but your fishnet leggings. Colby must have given you one of his hoodies last night to sleep in because you were wearing an unfamiliar hoodie. you tried to untangle yourself from Colby's grip as gently as possible so you didn't wake him up. you successfully did that. once you got up you look back at Colby, then to your phone. you grab your phone, which was at 10% and the time was 10:30. you quickly take a picture of Colby being the cutest thing ever. *

Colby: if you get a picture of me you need to let me take a picture of you.

*Colby said in a raspy voice. *

y/n: fine.

*you said rolling your eyes. *

Colby: if you keep rolling your eyes that back they'll stay back there.

*his comment made you giggle. Colby grabbed his phone off his bedside table and you sat on the end of his bed. you then pose with your hand covering your face. *

y/n: let me see.

*you said while snatching his phone off of him. you look at the picture. it was blurry which made the photo 10 times better. *

y/n: send this to me.

Colby: if you give me my phone back.

*you laugh and give his phone back. As soon as you gave his phone back your phone vibrated. You look at your phone and see a text from Colby. You knew it was the pic so you just left it. You remembered that your phone was low on battery. *


y/n: hey Colby?

Colby: hmmm?

y/n: do you have a spare charger and Advil? I have a killer headache and my phone is dying.

Colby: yeah, the charger is on my desk over there, and the Advil is in the cabinet in my bathroom.

y/n: thanks

Colby: no problem.

Colby: postmate?

*Colby said looking at his phone. *

y/n: sure. What are you getting?

Colby: A breakfast burrito from Guzman e Gomez

y/n: oooh, can I get on too?

Colby: sure. It will arrive in 15 minutes

*you heard a knock at the door, you looked at Colby and Colby looked at you. You both jumped out of bed and ran downstairs. Colby got to the door first and opened it quickly. *

Postmate guy: Here's your food

*the guy said in an unamused tone. *

y/n: Thanks

*you said quickly and then snatched the paper bag out of his hands and ran to the kitchen and sat on the floor. Colby paid the guy and then ran to you and the food. You didn't know how hungry you were until the food arrived. *

Colby: you know we can sit at the table?

y/n: I know but I like it here. Now sit.

*Colby sat down on the kitchen floor with you and started eating. Once you and Colby finished you both went back up to his room and you sat on the floor next to your phone which was still charging and went on Instagram. *

Colby: y/n?

y/n: Cole?

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