《Kansas Kids (Editing)》Chapter 4


The rest of the day went by fast. Sam, Colby and Kat were basically in all of my classes and now Kat and I are walking to my place to work on a little start of term project for Science.

"I noticed Colby staring at you non-stop today. what do you think of that?" Kat says nudging my side.

"And I noticed Sam staring at you all throughout class. What do you think about that?" I mock.

I turn to look at Kat and see pink covering her cheeks.

"really?" Kat asks, trying to look at anything but me.

"why do you want to know?" I tease.

"I'll tell you why if you tell me what I want to know." Kat says, a sudden shift in her mood.

"what do you want to know." I say, already knowing what she wants to know.

"Do you or do you not, find Colby Brock attractive?" Kat says clearing her voice and speaking in a terrible British accent, making us both laugh.

"I do." I say under my breath, hoping she wouldn't her it. but alas, she did.

"I KNEW IT!" Kat screams out, earning us weirded out looks from passer byers.

"Oh, shut up, will you!" I say, hitting Katrina's arm.

"ow, fine." Kat says rolling her eyes, the grin still evident on her face.

"now you have to tell me what I want to know." I say.

I hear a heavy sigh come from Kat.

"fine. I do." Kat says under her breath.

We both leave the subject behind as we continue our way to my house. I live in a relatively big house which means whenever I bring someone new to my house they always think I'm rich or something, but we're not its just the size of the house. as I'm digging through my bag for the key I can see Kat looking around at the front of my house.


"damn, nice house. you rich or something?"

"Nah, wasn't that expensive."

"yeah cause you're rich."

I stifle a laugh before finding the key, unlock the door and head inside towards the kitchen.

"hey mum I brought over a new friend." I say, seeing my mum in the kitchen just on her phone.

"already making new friends. you must be popular." My mum jokes.

I roll my eyes at my mums statement before walking over to my pantry and grabbing a few snacks.

"haha mom, very funny." I say sarcastically before leaving the kitchen and leading Kat up to my room.


I notice that my curtains have been opened. I don't usually like to have my curtains open but my mum always comes in and opens them while I'm at school. "You need light in your room. you're no vampire." my mum usually says.

"I don't usually have my curtains open but whatever." I say as I throw my bag onto my chair and slump down onto my bed.

"Wow, hella awesome. maybe a bit bright, but suits you." Kat says with a slight laugh as she places her bag on the floor next to the door.

"people usually say it's too crowded with stuff and whatnot." I explain as Kat sits on the be next to me.

"It's not exactly for me, but it totally suits you, which is a good thing." Kat says, making us both laugh.

I get up from my bed and sit at my desk, turning on my pc to start this easy little project as Kat pulls over a little stool to sit next to me. for the remainder of the time she was here, we finished the project and then watched a movie before Kat got a text from her mum.


"my mum texted and said I have to go home." Kat says sadly as she gets up.

I get up with her and walk her out.

"ok, see you tomorrow." I say after hugging Kat.

"yeah, bye." Kat said before turning around and leaving.

Once Kat left I went back to my room, falling on my bed. as soon as my head hits the bed, my phone dings. I turn over my phone and look at the lock screen.

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