《Kansas Kids (Editing)》Chapter 3


as the bell went, Kat and I get our things and go to our first class. We make our way into the classroom and to two seats in the back. Once we're in our seats, two boys walk through the door that we just walked through a few seconds ago. My eyes lock with one of the boys. his eyes were a deep ocean blue. we held eye contact for a few more seconds before Kat snapped me out of my thoughts, making me break it.

"Are you even listening to me, Y/n?" She asks from beside me as a I quickly turn my attention back onto her, a slight pink shade on my cheeks.

"sorry just spaced out. it happens a lot." I say with a nervous laugh.

"right? because you weren't just staring at that boy over there." Kat says not convinced whatsoever by my lie as she points at the brunette boy who was now in a seat a few rows in front of us.

"shut up." I say sternly as I smack her arm down, making her laugh.

"good morning class, so sorry I'm late, I will be your math teacher for the year, Mrs. Ruby." the teacher says as she walks through the door, placing her things on her desk in front of the class.

The lesson starts and everyone grabs out their books. as the class went on, I could feel a pair of eyes on me. I look up from my book, my eyes meeting with the blue eyes from before. I found out his name was Colby, well, he preferred to be called Colby rather than Cole. Once he realises I had caught him staring, he quickly turned around, making me quietly laugh to myself.

"why are you laughing?" I hear Kat whisper from beside me.


"nothing." Is all I say as I wave her off, focusing back onto the lesson.

*Colby's POV.*

I quickly look back at my book as soon as I notice that Y/n had caught me looking at her, a slight blush crept onto my cheeks as I tried to suppress the feeling.

"Ooooo, Mr Brock has a little crush now, does he?" I hear Sam whisper from beside me so that only I could hear.

"Shut up." I mumble out as I try to focus on the work in front of me.

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