《Your Kid~ Itachi x Uzumaki!Reader》We're Going On Vacation With My Friend!


I looked at a calendar, and saw that today was the day. It's been two month's, and today was the day me, Inamake, and Itachi was gonna have a 'family' vacation, it's kinda scary. I'm worried, Inamake might started wondering things. Well let's hop for the best.

I sighed, and walked into Inamake's room. I was dressed and I packed me and Inamake some bags earlier this morning. I walked up to Inamake's bed, tapping him lightly. "Inamake...Wake up..." I said poking him faster and rapidly. "Moooommm." Inamake said stirring. I giggled, and started poking him more. He then opened both eye's and turned to look at me. I smiled, and said "Honey! We're going on vacation with my friend!" I said cheerfully. I would hate to say that I wasn't excited, which I was excited for. I never really get time with Itachi and I want Inamake to spend time with him before I let him know.

He sighed, and sat up rubbing his eye's. "Really?" He asked. I nodded, "So, get ready quickly we're leaving in five minutes." I said. "FIVE MINUTES!" He shouted. I nodded, closing the door hearing him rush all over the place. I went downstairs and towards the door seeing the bags I packed there. I then saw Inamake come running down the stairs trying to fix his hair and put his jacket on. I smiled, and grabbed my bag and handed Inamake his. We then headed out the door heading towards the entrance of Kohona.

We then came close to the entrance, sawing the two shinobi's guarding it. "Hey, Izumo. Hey Kotetsu." I said, waving at them as we approached them. They smiled and Izumo said, "Hey (Y/N), you leaving?" He asked. "Yup!" I smiled. Then Kotetsu said, "Who's this little guy?" He asked. They looked at Inamake. "This is my son Inamake, Inamake these are the shinoni's that guard the entrance of Kohona, really strong men." I said, and giggled. "Hi! I'm Inamake Uzumaki, and I've unlocked my kekkei genkei!" He said excited. "Hm? What is that?" Izumo asked curious. "Oh, two months ago Inamake unlocked his sharingan." I smiled. "That's awesome!" They both said and smiled.

"So, where ya heading?" Kotetsu asked. "Oh, me and Inamake are going on vacation. I hired a carriage." I said. "That's cool." He said. I smiled, and I looked behind them and saw the carriage arrive. "Oh, well there it is. Come on Inamake." I said, saying goodbye to the men taking Inamake's hand and hopping into the carriage. Me and Inamake sat together, as the carriage started moving.


"Hey, Itachi." I said, as we saw my 'friend', teleport in. He was in a casual attire with a jacket. [I'm not gonna bother explaining his outfit] Inamake gasped. "THAT WAS SO COOL!!!" He shouted. "Lower your voice." I said, giggling. He blushed a bit and nodded, calming down a bit. Itachi chuckled. "Hello, Inamake. Is that correct?" Itachi asked. Inamake nodded. "Inamake Uzumaki, proud descent of the Uchiha and Uzumaki clan!" He said, excited.

Itachi chuckled. "Oh, really now?" He asked. "Yea, I'm actually glad my mom met a Uchiha, kids-- Well... A kid say's, that Uchiha's are cursed and evil, but thank's to my mom here! I know that all Uchiha's aren't so bad." Inamake said. "Plus, that kid should be grateful! If Uchiha's didn't exist the first hokage wouldn't have built this village." He nodded, thinking.

"Your mother told me, that you got in trouble in school a few month ago. What happen?" Itachi asked. "It's a bit complicated..." Inamake said. "If you don't I'll tell the story, and I'm pretty sure you don't want that. A story about your mother babying you. Hm?" I said, and smiled at the two. Inamake sighed, and scratched his cheek looking out the window.

"This kid, Rika. He was bullying me. He smashed my food, smashed my head against the tree, said my dad abandoned my mom and me, and said that I was a mistake. He then kept on kicking me, until I had enough. I took a deep breath, I was angry, upset, mad, any word to explain how I felt. Then when I opened my eye's everything was red, I had enough, I grabbed his foot and tossed him. Then he started to try and get the whole class to turn on me, saying abunch of stuff about the Uchiha's. Then I kicked him in the face sending him flying. Then Iruka-sensei came out, Rika tried to get me in trouble, but Sensei knew I wasn't trouble, but we both went to his office, maybe I shouldn't have kicked him and stuff, maybe if I let him just ke--."

"Don't say that..." I said, looking at Inamake. He looked at me confused.

"What you mean?" He asked.

"She means, don't say let him keep beating you, cause if you did then they would see you as a coward. You have to defend yourself, even if you got in trouble." Itachi told Inamake.


"Oh!... Uh mom?" Inamake asked. "Yes, honey?" I responded. "Have you ever been in a situation like I have?" He asked. I sighed, "Yea... I should tell you the story, just so that you learn." I said. Inamake nodded, a bit excited turning his whole body towards me, listening. Itachi looked away, knowing the whole thing.

"It all started, five months after I started dating your father. Since, he was a Uchiha and back then Uchiha's were discriminated for a crime they haven't committed. Word spreads fast, and the word reached to where I lived in Kohona. Then people started to call me words, like a traitor, stuff like that. Then one day this boy, tried to beat me." I looked at Itachi, his hands were balled up into fist.

"He followed me home, my parents were on a mission. I was sitting in the backyard, when the boy jumped at me. He started kicking and punching me , I cried for help, but my boyfriend was on a mission, with the ANBU. So, I knew no one could help me. I then decided to defend myself. He kicked, punched, and called me mean words. I then turned the tables. I grabbed the boy by his throat, and pinned him to the ground. Anger, was the only emotion, also sadness. I punched the boy, as he struggled to escape, I punched and kicked him. I wanted him to feel my pain. Until I finally got off him, his faced bruised as well as his whole body. I was still nice enough to bandage him up, and heal him. I then let him go, but telling him, 'Do not, bother me again. Just cause I'm dating a Uchiha doesn't mean anything. Not all Uchiha's are evil, if I hear that you judge me or a Uchiha. I will come after you.' So, yea that's how it went." I said.

I smiled a bit as Inamake grinned. "Wow! Your really cool! I didn't know that." He said, I smiled and looked at Itachi. He chuckled, relaxing. "She is, isn't she?" Itachi said looking at me. I blushed slightly.

"Oh! How did you two meet?" Inamake asked Itachi.

Itachi laughed a bit, "When we were younger, your mother wanted to fight me. So, we did... Unfortunately, she was sick so we couldn't. I learned that her parents weren't home so I offered to take care of her, at my house." Itachi explained. "Ah! That's nice!" Inamake said excited.

I laughed, as I saw the carriage pull up to a small house. Inamake looked out, "Oh! Is this where we're staying?" Inamake asked Itachi. He nodded. The carriage stop, Itachi opened the door for me and Inamake, letting us out. I was about to grab my bag, as Itachi grabbed mines. "Thanks." I said. He nodded, as Inamake grabbed his bag. "This place looks nice." Inamake pointed. "Mm, yes." Itachi said, leading us inside. I then glanced over my shoulder and saw the carriage leave. I then ran to caught up with the boy's.

I smiled, as I saw Inamake look around the house excited. Itachi chuckled, "Lemme show you your rooms." He said. Inamake nodded, as he led me and Inamake to our rooms. I sat on a large bed, in my room while Inamake layed down, exhausted on his bed. "May I?" I looked up and saw Itachi. I nodded, as he sat next to me. "Are you okay?" He asked. "Yea..." I said. "No, your not." He said. "Tell me, what's wrong." He said looking me in the eyes. "We're gonna spend the whole summer together, all of us. As, a family, but I'm happy about this, I truly am, but I feel as if I don't wanna be here." I said. "Is it cause you think I'll tell Inamake?" He asked. "Maybe..." I said. He sighed, and pecked my lips. "Don't worry, without your consent I won't. For you." He said. I nodded and smiled.

"Cuddle me." I said. "Are you asking or demanding?" He asked and smiled a bit. "When do I ever ask you?" I said and laughed, as I laid down and had him lay down next to me, he pulled me close and I snuggled into his warmth. "Just for two hours or more while, he's napping that's all I need." I said, as he chuckled and nodded.

[I think I did pretty good.]

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