《hear - k.akaashi》LOCKED



i listen to the sound of the rain droplets hitting the ground, keeping my umbrella above my head.

the pattering of the rain slowed down and sped up, soft thunder sounding in the distance.

i sigh as i continue to walk down the sidewalk to my house.

i step in a puddle, the water soaks straight through my shoes. i groan and pick up the pace, not wanting to be out in the rain anymore.

i spot my house and speed walk to the front door. i reach for the handle and try to open it.


it's never locked.

i rush to the window and peer inside. my mother sits in the kitchen, Yuki is nowhere to be seen.

i bang on the window. my mother doesn't even lift her head.

i curse and sit down on the front steps. i keep my umbrella over my head, while clutching my bags to my chest.

"this is the first time i've been locked out. i guess our fight last night was worse than i thought." i think.

"you're locked out of your house? are you okay? is everything alright?" my soulmate questions.

"yeah i'm okay, it's just raining out i'm getting a getting kinda wet." i reply.

"please let me know if anything bad happens, try to get inside as best you can okay?" he sighs.

"i'll try. my sister would be able to let me in, but i think my mom locked her in her room." i say.

we sit talking for awhile, the rain continues to fall and eventually the lights in the house go out. i'll be sleeping out here tonight.

"i think i'm going to go to sleep now." i say, rubbing my eyes. i stare up at the dark sky. the star weren't in sight, the dark storm clouds covering them completely.


"did you manage to get back into your house?" he asks.

"no.." i admit. "but i live in a safe neighbourhood i promise i'll be okay."

"okay.. just please stay safe." he says.

"i will i promise."

with that i laid down on the wet door step and lowered my umbrella. the rain soaks through my clothes, soaking my body.

i shiver as i hug myself for some form of warmth. i dose off into sleep.


this chapter is really short but ngl i kinda like it.

another chapter will come out soon i'm sorry for the wait, i just haven't been feeling very motivated

okay bye ❤︎

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