《Hockey Imagines》Tyler Seguin ~ DS


"Oh come on Y/N, are you sure you want to do this? I mean, your brother is Sidney fudging Crosby." Tyler gripped the steering wheel, his knuckles almost turning white. You rolled your eyes and replied,

"You played with him in the World Championship this year, Tyler. He's not going to kill you."

It took about 37 hours to get to Cole Harbour, plus an overnight stay in NYC. So it took about 1 1/2 days to get back to your childhood province of Nova Scotia. You were back in Canada to tell your family about your engagement to Tyler. You were on your phone when you got a text from Sid the Kid.

"Hey sis, are you bringing Segsy with you for the trip?" - Sid

"Yeah I am Sid. Why?" - Y/N

"You know we're hockey bros. Plus, just got to talk with him about a few things. What time are you coming home? Mom and Taylor dying to see Tyler again even though they saw him last month in Czech."

"Wow, love you too Mom and Tay. Jk, we're at the ice cream shop you and I used to go to. So we'll be there in about 5 more minutes."

"Alright, btw, tell Tyler I brought Cabbie along with me."

"Hey Ty, how would you feel if Cabbie was also there?" You joked, ready to text back Sid his reaction.

"He's still done to me, you know what he did to me and Jamie on Mother's Day!" Tyler laughed and I texted back Sid his reaction. "It was just a joke, Tyler, Cabbie's not there." You stifled a laugh but couldn't hold it in. Tyler rolled his eyes before parking in the driveway of your family home. You and Tyler got out of the car before you rang the doorbell. The lock jiggled and Sid was at the door."


"SIDNEY!" You hugged your not-so-tall brother but still was taller than you.

"Y/N! I missed you so much sis." Sid kissed your forehead before moving on to Tyler.

They talked for a while before you went to the kitchen, seeing your mom working in the oven, you decided to pour the lemonade onto the glass when your dad saw you.

"Y/N, you're here!" Your dad walked into the kitchen and hugged you. Your mom heard the conversation and she gave you a hug.

"Taylor, your older sister's here!" You shouted up the stairs, walking into Taylor's room, where you saw her singing and dancing to "Stitches" by Shawn Mendes when she froze and saw you standing in the doorframe.

"DON'T SCARE ME LIKE THAT! You're finally here! Did you bring Tyler with you?" Taylor ran up to you.

"Nice dancing and singing skills, might as well be Shawn Mendes." You sarcastically said, "Tyler's downstairs with Dad and Sidney."

"I'm gonna talk with him, you can unpack in your old room." Taylor walked downstairs and you went downstairs to get the luggage from the car. Tyler saw you struggling to bring the heavy bags inside, so he, along with Sidney, came outside and helped you bring them inside and up the stairs to your room. You and Tyler unpacked your clothes you brought along with you for the next two weeks . You and Tyler went downstairs again and saw that your parents, Sid, and Tay were sitting by the game table, getting ready to play Family Feud. You sat down by Taylor, sisters ganging up against the hockey bros.

Tyler saw you fiddling with his Nana's wedding ring and mouthed to you, "Tell them, it's nothing to be afraid of."

"Mom, Dad, Sid and Taylor, Tyler and I have an announcement to make."


"Oh god, there's no mini Seguins involved are there?" Sidney asked with worry.

"What no! Tyler and I are engaged. He proposed to me on our 2 year anniversary 2 weeks ago." I shot a glare at Sid and raised my left hand so my family could see the ring.

"Aww, congrats you guys! Looks like I have a hockey bro to talk to!"

"And another hockey bro to deal with." Taylor playfully rolled her eyes, "Just one question..."

"Yes Taylor?" You let her continue.

"Is that our Nana's ring or his Nana's ring?"

"It was my Nana's ring. I'm glad I gave it to the girl of my dreams." Tyler kissed your cheek.

"Looks like my older daughter's all grown up!" Your dad and mom had tears in their eyes, hugging you from across the table.

"I'll always be your little girl." You hugged them back.

Tyler held your left hand in his right hand and you heard him whisper,

"Can't wait for the day I can call you Mrs. Y/N Seguin. Has a nice ring."

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