《Beneath The Surface》Chapter 17: One Step Forward, Two Steps Back


Morning sunshine🌞

Morning muscle boy

The entire house was up early this morning

What for?

Because we were going to pick up a VIP today?

Oh, you have guests?

Yep, a VVIP. A woman.


By the name of Ms Jessica Marie Gerona Robredo

I think you're still half awake

I think I'll be fully awake once I see you

I'm not dealing with this at 8am in the morning

Love you and see you later, Ms VIP <3

Aika chuckled as she walked down the steps. Nat being cheesy was something she both hated and loved.

"Tsk, tsk...what happened to not using your phone while walking?" Tricia was at the bottom of the steps, rolling her eyes.

"Stop teasing your ate, Trish...she hasn't seen Nat in like 5 days." VP Leni laughed as she brought out two cups of coffee for her and Aika.

"Good morning, mama. And thank you for the coffee." Aika gave her mama a hug.

"Has it been 5 days already?" Tricia gasped, realising that it was the longest time Nat and Aika had been 'apart' since they started dating.

"Unfortunately yes..." Aika and Nat both had to travel out of the city for work one after another. Although they had been texting and calling, it just wasn't the same.

"Are you staying over tonight?" VP Leni asked as she bit into her bread.

"Yeah, we don't really need you to." Tricia chimed in while taking a long sip of her coffee.

"Why are you two trying to chase me out of the house?" Aika crossed her arms.

"We're not. You were going to anyways, right?" Tricia shrugged her shoulders.

"Mama, Patty is bullying me!" Aika joked as she sat down with her coffee.

"I won't be back for dinner tonight so both of you can go settle yourselves. I have a meeting with my staff." VP Leni laughed as she caught her older daughters nudging each other playfully.

"Don't you have plans with Stephen too? Weren't you talking about that new Italian restaurant yesterday?" Aika asked Tricia.

"Yep! In fact, Stephen just texted that he managed to book a table tonight, can't wait! What are you two doing with my cutie tonight?" Tricia showed Aika pictures from Instagram.

"Nat says it's a secret so I actually don't know...Even Jamie doesn't want to tell me!" Jamie would usually spoil Nat's plans but this time, the girl's lips were sealed.

"Guess you'll find out tonight I guess. I've got to go, see you tomorrow and say hi to my cutie pie for me!" Tricia gave her mama a kiss before she left.


"Hello? Is this Ms Robredo?" Aika heard a vaguely familiar voice through the phone.

"Yes, may I ask who am I speaking to?" Aika couldn't place her finger on the owner of the voice.

"Great! I'm Ms Nicole, Jamie's kindergarten teacher?" Aika instantly placed a face to the name.

"Hello, Ms Nicole...is there something I can help you with? Is everything okay with Jamie?" Aika was puzzled at why Jamie's teacher would call her.

"Actually, not really. Jamie's been saying that her stomach hurts since the morning. It got better after a while but she started looking sick after her nap so I thought I would call Mr Lee...but he wasn't picking up so Jamie told us to call her ninang at this number..." The teacher explained.

"How's Jamie doing now?" Aika got up from her desk, worried.


"We tried different things but she still seems pretty pale...I was wondering if anyone could come check her out of school?" The teacher sounded hesitant.

"I'll come right now. Ms Nicole, is it okay if you pass the phone to Jamie?" Aika grabbed her bag while waiting for Jamie to come to the phone.

"Ninang...my tummy hurts..." Jamie was nothing like her usual chirpy self.

"Hey sweetheart, ninang is coming to pick you up right now. Hold on a little bit, okay? Love you..." Aika's heart was hurting just from hearing Jamie's voice.

"Come quickly..." Jamie winced.

"I will sweetie, I promise." Aika dashed out of her office. Thankfully, she was almost done for the day. After a quick word with her teammate, she was off.

"Nat, if you get this, call me! Jamie's sick!" Aika sent Nat a voice message. It was a torturous 20 minute commute to Jamie's kindergarten as Aika kept trying to reach Nat.


"Hi, I'm here for Jamie. Ms Nicole called earlier saying that Jamie wasn't feeling well?" Aika had finally reached the kindergarten.

"Jamie's inside the infirmary waiting for you..." The receptionist pointed to the room down the hall. With a quick word of thanks, Aika dashed off.

"Ninang..." Jamie called out as she spotted Aika's familiar figure.

"Hey sweetie, sorry I'm late...where does it hurt?" Jamie pointed to her stomach as Aika wiped Jamie's sweat off her forehead.

"Can we go home? Is Daddy coming to pick us up?" Jamie asked weakly.

"Yes, we can...but I can't seem to reach your Daddy now. How about I bring you to the doctor while waiting for Daddy?" Aika slung Jamie's backpack over her shoulder as she helped the girl up.

"Come on sweetie, let's go..." Aika carried Jamie in her arms. Nodding goodbye to the teachers, Aika carried a drowsy Jamie out of school.

"Ms Robredo?" Aika looked up at the sound of her name.

"Ms Carlos?" Aly was standing in front of Aika and Jamie.

"Is something wrong with Jamie?" Aly noticed that Jamie wasn't looking too well.

"She isn't feeling well so we're heading to the hospital now..." Aika shifted Jamie slightly, the weight of her own bag, Jamie's bag and the girl was getting a little heavy.

"Where's Niel?" Aly was puzzled why Nat was nowhere to be seen.

"Neither the school or I can seem to reach him...I've left messages for him so hopefully he gets them soon." Aika sighed.

"I brought my car, let me drive you guys to the clinic. It's faster that way." Aika hesitated for a split second but agreed since getting to the hospital was of utmost importance.

"Thank goodness for you, Ms Carlos." The trio were on their way to the clinic in Aly's car.

"It's the least I can do...Jamie's my daughter." Aika felt herself pause at Aly's words.

"Sorry, I wasn't trying to disrespect you..." Aika apologised.

"Oh no, if anything, I should be the one saying thank you and sorry. You're doing things that I should have been doing for Niel and Jamie..." Aika didn't know if she was reading too much into Aly's words but brushed it off. She was Jamie's mother.

"Nat? You finally picked up!" Aika heaved a sigh of relief when the call went through.

"Aika, I'm so sorry...I just saw the messages and missed calls! How is Jamie? Where are you now?" Nat was flustered.


"We're on our way to the clinic near Jamie's school, let's meet there. Jamie's holding on well so don't need to worry too much for now. Get here safe..." Aika assured Nat.


"How can I help you?" The nurse at the clinic's receptionist enquired as Aika approached her

"She has been complaining of a stomachache since the morning..." Aika wasn't sure either. The nurse signalled to Aika to bring Jamie into one of the consultation rooms. Before entering, Aika and Aly exchanged glances, with Aly giving Aika a nod.

"Niel! Over here!" Aly called out to Nat as he entered the clinic.

"What...are you doing here? How...nevermind, where's Jamie and Aika?" Nat had lots of questions but figured they could wait.

"Inside with the doctor." Aly pointed to the room.

"Sir, your wife and daughter are with the doctor, can you help me fill up the registration form first?" The receptionist handed Nat a clipboard. Aly sat quietly as she watched Nat, realising that she couldn't be of help.

"Jamie! Aika!" Nat spotted Aika carrying Jamie out of the consultation room and rushed over.

"Daddy?" Jamie was lying on Aika's shoulder when she lifted her head at the sound of Nat's voice.

"Hi Princess, sorry I'm late...How are you feeling?" Nat leaned in to stroke Jamie's back and press a kiss on her forehead.

"The doctor said it's a stomach flu. Jamie is supposed to get better in a day or 2, just keep her hydrated, rested and avoid food that may worsen her symptoms..." At Aika's words, Nat muttered a prayer of thanks as he pulled both Aika and Jamie into his embrace.

"Thank God for you..." Nat whispered before giving Aika a kiss on her cheek.

"We've got to thank Ms Carlos for today as well. If not for her, we wouldn't have gotten here as fast and comfortable..." Aika looked at Aly, who was sitting awkwardly.

"How's she doing? Is everything okay?" Aly asked worriedly as she looked at Jamie.

"You can touch her if you want..." Nat gave Aly a tilted smile, giving her permission.

"Hey, little one. I hope you feel better...seeing you sick makes me sad." Aly smiled wistfully as she gently shifted Jamie's bangs aside.

"How about you take a seat with Jamie and I'll settle the payment?" Nat patted Aika's arm as he headed to the counter.

"Can I carry her for a while?" Aly asked as Aika took a seat.

"Hey sweetie, is it okay if you stay here with Ms Carlos while Daddy and I settle some things with the nurse?" Aika softly got Jamie's permission to transfer her over to Aly's embrace, with Aly giving Aika a grateful nod.

"You're so big now..." Aly was overwhelmed by the feeling of having Jamie in her arms again. It had been four years since she last carried Jamie.

"I'm so sorry, baby...Mummy shouldn't have left you and Daddy..." Aly found herself tearing up. Aly knew she was taking a risk with the word "Mummy" but her emotions got the better of her.

"Mummy..." Aly's eyes widened as she heard the phrase from Jamie. Jamie's eyes were still shut but her tiny hand hand reached out, as if wanting Aly to hold her.

"Mummy's here, baby..." Aly gently wrapped her hand around Jamie's, a second wave of emotions sweeping her.

"Nat, wait..." Aika stopped Nat from approaching. They had been watching from afar and Nat had mixed feelings.

Nat sighed as he looked on. Part of him was relieved that Aly's love for Jamie was genuine but part of him was anxious about having to move onto the next step.

"Let them have a bit of time?" Aika suggested as she softly patted Nat's back. They kept a distance for 5 minutes until Jamie was starting to stir.

"I think we need to head home now..." Nat stood in front of Aly and Jamie.

"I'm thirsty..." Jamie was now fully awake, still sitting on Aly's lap. Aly immediately grabbed Jamie's bottle from her backpack for her and handed it over.

"Princess, shall we go home and rest? The doctor said that you need a lot of rest." Nat bent down to meet Jamie's eye. The girl nodded

"I can carry her to the car..." Aly offered, wanting a little more time with Jamie.

"I want ninang to carry me..." Jamie climbed out of Aly's lap and reached out for Aika. Aika looked at Aly apologetically as she carried Jamie.

Aly decided to walk with Nat, Aika and Jamie to the car. She couldn't help but stare as Aika and Jamie exchanged tiny giggles, Jamie played with Aika's hair and Aika giving Jamie kisses on the cheek. It was as if they were mother and daughter.

"Jamie, say bye to Ms Carlos?" Aika had stepped aside after buckling Jamie into her seat.

"Bye Jamie, see you next time..." Aly smiled.

"Bye bye, Ms Carlos." Jamie waved.

"Thanks for today." Nat felt awkward but he did owe Aly one.

"No worries, Jamie's my daughter too." Aly didn't catch herself before she spoke. Nat turned and headed to the driver's seat.

"Ms Carlos..." Aika called out to Aly.

"Yes, Ms Robredo?" The air was a little tense.

"I just wanted to tell you that I have no intention of replacing you. You're Jamie's birth mother and nothing changes the fact. However, I also wanted you to know that I genuinely love Jamie and if Nat and I decide to settle down, Jamie will always be part of our relationship." Aika had thought long and hard before summoning the courage to talk to Aly. Aika didn't want Aly to see her as a competitor, she wanted to be friends. Loving a child wasn't supposed to be zero-sum game anyways.

"Thank you. I appreciate it, a lot." Aly was truly grateful. Aika had been there for Jamie when she couldn't and from the way that Jamie acted with Aika, it was clear that the last 6 months they've spent with each other was something irreplaceable and precious.

"Ninang...you're coming home with us right? I want you to lie with me like you always do...." Jamie was peeking through the car window. After a tiny nod, Aika got into the passenger seat.


"Marco, what are you doing here?" Aly stopped herself from screaming as Marco appeared beside her.

"Watching a highly emotional scene of a happy family?" Marco rolled his eyes.

"What are you implying now?" Aly sighed.

"The fact that they look like a happy family while you're here alone? That you look like the outsider in this relationship?" Marco laughed sarcastically.

"So what? Jamie is sick and it's about what's good for her. If she wants Ms Robredo, then I'm all for it. Niel isn't against me having a relationship with Jamie and Ms Robredo has assured me that she's not replacing me!" Aly tried to reason.

"By the time you form a relationship with Jamie, it'd be too late! Time is essence!" Marco was frustrated.

"I don't understand. Why can't you take over the company with your own ability, why do you need Jamie?" Aly really didn't understand why her father-in-law wanted Marco to have a heir before passing the company over to him.

"Because...it's complicated but look, your pathetic ex couldn't even pick up his phone when Jamie was sick. He had to rely on his girlfriend. And do you think you stand any chance with Jamie when she's in the way? Dream on." Marco scoffed.

"But...why not co-parenting? Four is better than two!" Aly made a point.

"What for? We are enough? I have private doctors on standby when Jamie falls sick instead of coming to a clinic, I can afford to send her to private international kindergartens instead of a tiny one at the mall, I can give her everything!" Marco threw out every excuse he could find.

"Enough. We'll talk about this next time." Aly refused to continue.

"We don't have time, Aly!" Marco yelled.

"Then too bad!" Aly stormed off to her car.

"Alyssa Carlos, come back! You're going to regret this!" Marco shouted at Aly but to no avail.

"You leave me no choice, dear..." Marco punched his car, leaving a dent. He wasn't going to lose the last chance he had.

Uh oh...

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