《Beneath The Surface》Chapter 18: Stepping Up


"How's Jamie doing?" VP Leni asked as Aika took her seat at the dining table.

"She's back to normal, thankfully." Aika chuckled as she remembered the messy situation last week. Luckily, Jamie was back to her hyper state after 2 full days in bed. Although it also meant that Jamie was stuck to Aika like a baby koala, not wanting to let her go home.

"Now you know how hard it is to take care of a sick child..." VP Leni crossed her arms jokingly.

"Definitely, mama. But Jamie was extra endearing too...her tiny hugs, random kisses and just her wanting to be beside me just made my heart melt. Although Nat wasn't happy about being replaced..." Nat had been pouting about Jamie asking him to leave so she and Aika could have girl time.

"Uh oh, it looks like it's a done deal...right, mama?" Jill's voice boomed from the computer screen.

"What done deal?" Aika was confused.

"I'm getting a little niece and brother-in-law sooner than I thought..." Jill joked.

"Know that being in New York saved you..." Aika chided Jill, who playfully stuck her tongue out.

"Jill's not wrong though, I'm going to announce my candidature soon...which means you and Nat will have to work things out." VP Leni sighed softly, feeling bad about the implications of her decision.

"Nat said he was okay with accommodating us. He also asked if there was anything he could do to help?" Aika assured her mama. She and Nat had talked about it before; they wanted to keep a low profile for the time being to protect both of their families.

"Honestly? I actually can't wait to fly back and finally meet kuya Nat and the little sweetie Jamie?" Jill squealed, her excitement obvious from New York.

"If you're thinking about replacing me as the favourite tita, I think you can fold the thought. Jamie and I are besties." Tricia crossed her arm smugly.

"Besties? I thought Jamie and ate Aiks were besties, since when did you come in?" Jill was confused.

"Someone's a ninang now so the bestie position came to me." Tricia winked.

"Thank goodness I have Natalia and Alo. I'm the favourite tita." Jill comforted herself.

"Not so fast there bunso, I object to that statement." Aika shook her head.

"Wow, ganging up on me? Wait till the favourite child comes back..." Jill jokingly threatened.

"Sorry I can't be there for the announcement..." Jill pouted. It was crunch time in school.

"It's okay, darling. Focus on school and we'll see you soon." VP Leni assured her favourite. Aika and Tricia exchanged stiffled giggles.


"What are you reading?" Nat was sitting at the dining table, focused intently on his computer screen. He didn’t even noticed Aika entering the apartment. Yes, Aika knew the password to the door.

"Studying..." Nat replied, his eyes still on the screen.

"History of the Philippines...Politics of Philippines...Jesse Robredo...Leni Robredo..." Aika peered over Nat's shoulder and was surprised at the tabs that Nat had open.


"I studied the political history of the Philippines for a bit in high school back in Singapore but it's all rusty now." Nat was a little embarrassed.

"Why the sudden back to school mode though?" Aika sat next to Nat, noticing the notes he'd written on his iPad.

"Sun Tzu once said, 知己知彼 百戰百勝, know thy self and thy enemy and you will win every battle..." Nat smiled at Aika. Aika loved it when Nat broke into random Chinese phrases or when his Singlish popped up.

"Okay so I'm assuming the self is mama?" Nat nodded. Aika felt her heart do a somersault.

"How do I help if I don't know enough? Anyways, with that being said, could you help me? You are the expert here..." Nat figured Aika would be a way better history and politics teacher than the Internet.

"God, I love you." Aika laughed as she scrolled through Nat's iPad. Nat and Aika spent the rest of the night pouring over his questions and learning about what her mama and papa were fighting for.

"Are you ready for this?" Nat and Aika were done for the night and relaxing on the couch.

"I don't know if I'll ever be ready but I have utmost faith and confidence in mama." Aika shrugged.

"I have 100% faith in Ma'am, actually, 101% after your crash course." Nat pulled Aika into a hug and kissed her forehead.

"Thanks..." Aika let out a soft sigh.

"I'll be here beside you and your family. Whenever you need me..." Nat promised.


Hey, sorry I can't be there today :(

No need to be, I know you're cheering for mama from wherever you are.

Go be the best cheer squad and help me tell Ma'am that Jamie and I are rooting for her!

Will do. Catch you later!

Love you. Gobyernong Tapat, Angat Buhay Lahat🎀

Aika smiled at the video that Nat sent.

"Mama look..." Aika showed VP Leni her screen. Jamie was in a pink pantsuit and matching mask, shouting "Let's go lola Leni!"

"Tell Nat and Jamie thank you..." VP Leni was touched by the support.

"Mama, did you know that kuya Nat has been studying about our history and politics for the entire week?" Tricia brought up.

"Patty, how did you know that?" Aika wondered how Tricia knew what Nat was up to.

"Oh, I bumped into kuya at a cafe the other day and saw him studying. Got a free coffee and cake in exchange for answering some questions." Tricia chuckled as she remembered how confused Nat looked.

"Aiks, this boy sounds like a total keeper..." VP Leni gave her daughter a thumbs up.

"Thumbs up from me and Jill too!" Tricia copied her mama.

"Don't let Nat hear you...his head will balloon!" Aika shook her head, albeit heartened that her family loved Nat as much as she did.


"Boss, your future mother-in-law had just announced that she's running for President!" Gabe, Nat's assistant came running to Nat right after the meeting ended. What was supposed to be a 3 hour long meeting had dragged for another 2 hours.


"In case you haven't noticed, we're trying to be discreet over here, Mr Gabriel Rodriguez?" Nat shushed Gabe. Thankfully, they were the only ones left in the board room.

"Oops...sorry boss. Anyways, you have another meeting in an hour, I'll knock on your door when it's time. I know you're dying to make a phone call..." Gabe gave Nat a wink before excusing himself.

"Congratulations, Ma'am!" Nat had video called Aika the moment he reached his office. The Robredo ladies were all at the newly-minted campaign headquarters.

"Thank you, Nat." VP Leni smiled before she got whisked away by her staff.

"How's it going?" Nat asked.

"Busy. Mama is so busy she hasn't even had a chance to eat a proper lunch...Patty and I are not of much help honestly." Aika sighed. Nat could see the worry in Aika's eyes.

"Anything I can do to help?" Nat felt sorry for being absent.

"We're coping for now. Mama has an amazing team behind her." Aika cheered up at the thought of the people fighting alongside her mama.

"Remember to eat dinner and stick close to your security detail, just in case!" Nat reminded Aika as she waved goodbye.

"Yes sir! I'll see you soon..." Aika laughed as she ended the call.

"Gabe, can you do me a favour?" Nat peeked out of his office and called out to Gabe.


"Ma'am Aika, you have a delivery. It's food." One of the staff tapped Aika's shoulder.

"Delivery? I'm didn't order anything though?" Aika took over the bags of food, perplexed.

"Who sent it? Oh, there's a note!" Tricia peered into the bag and found an envelope.

For the women fighting for the truth and a better future❤️


"Oooh, I think I know who this is from..." Tricia winked as she read out the note. Her gaze landed on Aika, who avoided her sister's teasing.

"Mama, it's a sign for you to finally eat your overdue lunch." Aika held onto her mama and made her sit. Her busy team took their seats as well, Nat had ordered enough for everyone.

"There's even halo-halo for dessert? Remember to tell Nat thank you for me, Aiks." VP Leni whispered to Aika, touched at Nat's consideration.

"How did kuya think of sending food?" Tricia sat next to Aika with her halo-halo in hand.

"I was talking to him earlier... mentioned in passing that mama was so busy that she skipped lunch." Aika bit her lip, trying not to smile.

"And he sent food over immediately? I'm impressed again...Anyways, this was with the food." Tricia handed a paper bag to Aika.

"Cold brew?" Aika fished the cold drink out of the bag with a clear Jessica written on top.

"There's something else inside. I didn't peek, I swear." Aika looked again and saw a card.

Especially for the best daughter, best ate and best sunshine on earth:)


"I...I shall go cry in loneliness with my halo-halo." Tricia instantly regretted reading the note with Aika.

"Go find Stephen if you're jealous!" Aika whispered as Tricia got up.

"You bet I will!" Tricia said without turning back, making Aika laugh.

Taking a sip of the coffee, Aika felt a sense of assurance and renewed vigour. Nat knew just the way to cheer her up. The rest of the day flew by in a flash.

Hey, thanks for the food, mama and the team really enjoyed it.

Glad to be of service, sunshine🌞

Coffee was a life saver

Was praying that it didn't get lost

Patty delivered it safe and sound

Knew I could trust her. Probably owe her another coffee and cake for this.

Have you eaten dinner?

Not yet, the meeting just ended but I have to go over a few things. I'm dying to leave but Gabe isn't letting me...

You worry about my stomach but ignore yours?

I'm not that hungry...still full from lunch

Coffee isn't lunch

Guilty. Sorry, sunshine :(

Don't be sorry, eat. Or I'll get angry.

Yes Ma'am.

5 minutes later, Nat sent a picture of his sandwich to Aika. It wasn’t what Aika had in mind but at least Nat was eating something.


"Can I just say that I'm restricting a huge urge to drive over and see you?" Nat was lying on his bed, calling Aika.

"There, there, muscles...be a good daddy and stay home with Jamie." Aika rolled her eyes. Having spent the whole day with mama, she collapsed onto her bed the moment she finished her shower.

"I should let you go sleep...it has been a long day..." A realisation hit Nat. Aika was silent...

"Babe? Aika? Sunshine? You there?" Still no reply. Nat kept quiet and maxed the volume on his phone, only to hear the soft breathing of Aika through the speaker.

"Goodnight sunshine. I love you loads..." Nat whispered into the phone and ended the call. Looking at the lockscreen on his phone, a picture of him, Aika and Jamie, Nat felt himself drifting off as well.


"Aly, my dear. I think I've found a way." Marco smirked as he watched the news.

"Isn't that..." Aly was shocked to see the coverage of today's filing. Right beside VP Leni was Aika.

"Looks like heaven is on our side..." Marco had a cunning glint in his eyes.

"Marco, don't tell me..." Aly feared that Marco was playing with a dangerous idea.

"You bet, my dear...Let the games begin." Marco broke out into a sinister laugh, sending chills down Aly's spine.

Sorry I took so long😭

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