《three idiots》Few quotie woties pt 6😍🌈⭐️




Alex, afraid with tears in his eyes:*sob* don't say that...


Mickey to their alarm in the morning: I was literally sleeping but go off I guess.


Elliott: the path to inner peace begins with four words.

Elliott: Not. My. Fucking. Problem.


Someone: I'm ambidextrous.

Alex: that's whats up bro love who you love


Elliott: do you believe in the moon landing?

Alex: how can the moon land if its always in space?

Mickey: what the fuck


Mickey: your smart, funny and attractive. How are you still single?

Kasey: I'm overqualified.


Michael: what do we say when we're anxious?

Elliott: your mum.

Alex: oh no *dies dramatically*

Mickey: my anxiety is chronic but my ass is iconic.



Elliott: what time is it?

Mickey *picks up phone*

Alex:(looks at microwave that has 53 seconds left on it)

Alex: 53?! Fuck it's late.


Mickey: it's 8:30(pm)...


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      To Be Continued...
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