《Erin's Escort (MxM)》October, 2015


“Did you sleep well last night?” Mom asks. I think, she's near the living room window. I'm not yet that familiar with the layout of this house. Two days back, I moved here, a second floor apartment on the lake street. Most guys started living on their own after eighteen, I was late in doing so, still mom isn't happy about it.

“Yes, mom.”

“I didn't. I was worried. What if you hit your head at the night? Who would know?” She comes closer with every word.

“The maid, when she comes in. Just like if you hit yours.” I sit down on the couch, it's new. Everything is new except my bed. Mom didn't allow me to move any of my furnitures. She hopes I'll change my mind. She hopes lots of things.

“What'll I do all alone in that big house, baby?” She sits next to me.

I sighed.

“We’ve talked about this. Lydi still comes often. I'll too. I need to try this. You should also try this. It's time you lived your life.”

“Erin…” She doesn't like it when I use her lines on her.

“Isn't it true? You should date.” She hasn't dated anyone after dad.

“Nonsense. Before you spout more of it, I've hot town gossip.” There's laughter in her tone.

“Yeah?” Love for gossip is one thing all Korksovs have in common.

“Mrs.Tragry has plans to sell her place.”

“Fillops? Why?”

“Retiring. She wants to move to Florida. The word on the street is that Niz made an lucrative offer, but she declined.” Mom's voice is laced with glee.


“It seems she said that he wouldn't know the first thing about cleaning a scallop let alone cook it.”


I chuckle, that's true, Niz is a baker, not a cook. “I hope someone continues her legacy.”

“Me too, baby.”

When she's gone, I think about our date in Fillops. Sam called it sticky and stinky, but he loved the food. Our first kiss. I wasn't expecting it.

That night I cuddled with Lydi, while she interviewed me.

“You liked it then?”

“Very much. He touched me like I'm glass. You remember how you taught me to touch butterflies? That I shouldn't press too hard, how they're delicate and their wings will break if I held it tight? He treated me like butterfly Lydi. He kissed me with the same care.”

She wiped my eyes, “why are you crying?”

I hadn't known that I was crying. “I ruined it.”


“He kissed me tenderly, I sucked him out like a water bottle.”

She laughed.

“I'm not joking. It's was like I put a straw and expected to take a little sip. But after the first sip I started sucking until my breath hitched. I couldn't stop. There was no thought of stopping.”

“Didn't he like it? What did he say?”

“He said, ‘Wow’. I didn't think about it then. But now I'm thinking that he may have meant that in a bad way. I ruined it Lydi.”

“I don't think so. Who initiated the kiss?”

I smiled. “I was laughing, he grabbed my head and I thought he was adjusting my beanie, but then he kissed.”

“He was seducing you!” Mom cried from the door.

“Mom… Go away.” Lydi groaned.

“Why are you always listening in on secretly?” I shouted.

“You don't tell me anything on your own. He kissed you without your permission. Why are you talking like he's love of your life?” Mom complained.


“Mom, please.. it's just a kiss.” Lydi said. I was too angry to reply. This was my private time with Lydi, she messed it by eavesdropping.

“But does Erin behave like that? He's floating around the house, grinning and singing. I've never seen so much of his teeth. I'm terrified.” The bed dipped with mom's weight.

“Of what?” Lydi asked.

“This guy isn’t good. He's moving too fast. He’s after your money. I know these kind of jerks.”

“Mom, he is moving fast, because he's leaving next week!” I yelled.

“Oh, did he say that?” Mom's voice faltered.

“Yes, mom. Why can't you be just happy for me?”

“You like no one, but suddenly you like him, he likes you, everything sounds perfect, He's too good to be true, don't you think?”

“MOM!!!” Lydi screamed.

But it was too late. My eyes welled up. “You don't believe that he might actually like me. In your opinion no one can like me. I do wonder what he sees in me, but I’m sure it's not money.”

Lydi hugged me wiping my eyes.

“I'm trying to keep you safe. Why do you make it look bad?” Mom sniffled.

“I want Lydi to invite him for the party.” I said.

“NO. I won't agree.” Mom's voice hardened.

“Enough mom. It's my party, I'll decide.” Lydi's voice too became steel.

“No. I don't want some rake in a family event.”

“You wanted me to get a date, specifically for the party! You were parading guy after guy! What's wrong now! I want him to come.” I shouted.

“I don't trust him. That's the end of the discussion.”

“Mom.. wait. I'll meet him, if he doesn't seem trustworthy then we won't invite. If I judge him to be okay, then you should drop this.” Lydi said.

“How will you know in one meeting?” Mom questioned.

“You seem to know everything without meeting him!” I threw the pillow at her.

Lydi laughed. “Seriously mom, give that guy a chance. I actually want to meet the man who thought Erin is a butterfly.”

I punched her..hard.

“Until then I don't want you to meet him.” Mom said.

“Get out. I don't want to talk to you. Go away! Go! Go!!!” I screamed.

“Sshh. She's gone.” Lydi hugged me.

“Why doesn't she trust him? Or is it me? Because I can't see, am I not a good judge of a character?”

“No baby, she's afraid for you. She's correct you know. You're smiling like a mad man, all afternoon. I couldn't wait for the meetings to get over to talk to you. You behave like you're in love.”

“Is it bad, if I am?”

“When he's not staying, yes.”

“Maybe it's okay, you know? At least I get to experience it, right?”

“It'll hurt more.” Lydi caressed my head.

“I don't care.” I said.

I still don't care that it hurts. Because the memories are good. They're so good.

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