《Sugar & Spice》Chapter 22
In the morning, Crissy woke to gentle, warm breath against the back of her neck with the weight of Quinn's arms wrapped around her, his fingers laced into hers. His thumb rested against the back of her hand and the solid expanse of his chest pressed to every inch of her back. She smiled and kissed his hand.
"Good morning to you too," Quinn said, his voice gravel rough and deep with the lingering edge of sleep.
She hummed in response, snuggling into his arms even more. "How long have you been up?" she asked.
"A few minutes maybe."
The faint smell of coffee drifted up the stairs and Crissy glanced at the clock – ten minutes to eight. She groaned. She didn't want to leave but Amy already had the coffee going for at least an hour and she shouldn't leave Amy to fend for herself.
"I should go," Crissy sighed.
Quinn tightened his hold on her, peppering her shoulder and the curve of her neck with kisses until she giggled and hitched her shoulder up.
"You're making this a thousand times harder," she said, rolling over to face him.
"Then I have succeeded in foiling your plans and you're mine for the rest of the day."
She groaned again and kissed him long and hard and deep, tasting the linger spices of cinnamon and sugar on his lips. She trailed her fingers over his jawline and along his throat, coasting over his collarbone and down his arm.
"You have no idea how much I wish that was true," she replied. "We should go sledding again as soon as possible."
"I can work with that."
"And in the meantime, there should be lots of coffee and hot pastries."
"I can work with that too." He brushed his thumb over her chin then hesitated for a fraction of a second. "Amy isn't going to kill me, is she?"
"No. Why?"
"I spent the night."
"She's fine with it. I promise."
"You sure?"
She laughed and kissed him one last time before she gently pushed him off the bed and towards the bathroom.
"There might be a fresh apple turnover waiting for you downstairs in a few minutes if you hurry," she said.
Crissy slipped down the stairs and as she turned the corner she spotted Ellie waiting on tables with Amy at the coffee machines, putting the finishing swirl of cream into a mug of black coffee.
"Hey, sugar, there you are," Amy chirped. She lowered her voice and a sly smile tugged at her lips. "How was last night?"
"Nothing happened so you can stop looking at me like that."
Amy rolled her eyes but when she looked at Crissy again, there was a hint of genuine concern in her eyes.
"Everything okay?"
Crissy hesitated a moment, glanced back up the stairs to make sure Quinn wasn't in hearing range.
"When you started dating Manu, how long did it take before he told you he loved you?" she asked.
Amy blew out her cheeks as she let out a puff of air. "God, that was a long time ago. Two years I think?"
"Oh," Crissy said.
"But you have to remember, sugar, Manny was shy as hell. I couldn't even get two words out of him for the first six months, let alone those three magical little words. I told him I loved him after dating him for three months. He looked so panicked, I thought he was going to bolt right then and there."
"But he didn't."
Amy smiled. "No he didn't. I don't know why it has to be such a big deal to say it though. If you like someone, you should be able to tell them. I tell you every day, don't I?"
Crissy nodded, saying nothing, thinking of how those simple words, only three, only short and small, had been lodged in her throat and she couldn't say them back to Quinn.
Amy placed a hand on Crissy's shoulder, drawing her back to the present.
"I'm assuming since this question is coming up that last night went well?" she asked.
Crissy nodded. "Just thinking out loud."
"Well, you're more than welcome to do that any time." She paused and abandoned the coffee, turning to face Crissy. "Sugar, people open up on their own time. Some people, like yours truly, don't hesitate when it comes to these things because we like to jump in head first, heartbreak be damned. Maybe we're rewarded for our idiotic courage and maybe we're not but we're ready to take another jump all too soon because we like the adrenaline rush.
"Others of us, like you, sweetie, are a bit more careful when it comes to taking that flying leap. There's nothing wrong with that. When you take that leap, you know it will be worth it. You know there's going to be someone golden waiting to catch you."
Crissy sighed and rubbed at her forehead. "I just don't want to misjudge the jump again, you know?"
Amy nodded. "And as your best friend, I don't want to see you misjudge that jump again either. It was one of the most painful things I've ever had to go through in my life. Just don't let a good thing pass you by because you're afraid of getting hurt. Sometimes swallowing that fear makes the love taste that much sweeter."
She kissed Crissy's forehead, swept up the coffee mugs and worked her way into the maze of tables and the breakfast rush.
Crissy headed into the kitchen and retrieved the turnovers she had left to rest in the refrigerator the day before and slid them into the oven.
A few minutes later, while Crissy was beating eggs, Quinn joined her in the kitchen, coming up behind her and resting his hands on her hips, brushing a light kiss to her shoulder and trailing up her neck, his lips barely brushing her skin before he nipped at her ear. She sighed and let her head drift back against his chest. He hummed in satisfaction and peered over her shoulder.
"I've been meaning to ask you something," he said.
Crissy opened her eyes and turned to look up at him. "Good something? Or bad something?"
He hesitated with a grimace. "It depends on your perspective I guess."
Crissy stifled a groan and set the bowl of eggs aside. "I'm all ears."
"Ever since the Valentine's Day party, my sister has been pestering me to ask you to come over for dinner," he said. "Meet the family. All that." As he spoke, his gaze slid to the side, fixated on a spot just over her right shoulder.
"That was months ago," Crissy pointed out.
Quinn's gaze flicked back to her, studying her face. "My family can be...a bit of a handful. All the kids will be there. My mom will be there. She lives with Megan, helps with the kids sometimes. And they're all very curious, asking tons of questions all the time. Which can get overwhelming fast if you're not used to it and..."
"Quinn," Crissy said, interrupting his flood of words.
He stopped, raised his eyebrows in a silent question.
"I'd be happy to have dinner with you and your family," she said.
He let out a small breath of relief and squeezed her hand. "You would? Because you don't have to. I wouldn't blame you."
Crissy placed her hand in the middle of his chest. "You never blame me for anything. I like your sister. She was very kind to me. And I adore kids, especially Megan's kids."
Quinn laughed softly. "God, I love you so much," he said as he shook his head then leaned in to kiss her lightly, smiling against her lips.
"Can I bring dessert?" she asked.
"I believe that might be a requirement."
"I'm totally bribing your nieces and nephews with sugar, by the way. And Megan and I will sit and watch as you chase them down when they're hyper."
"You have the face of an angel and a wicked streak a mile wide."
It was a lazy Wednesday evening with tiny piles of snow resting against the window turned blue with shadow and blushed with the last fading golden streaks of sunlight. Ellie was sweeping up and wiping down the counter, cleaning the display case before her shift ended. Crissy and Amy sat in a window booth, Amy's feet propped up on the booth next to Crissy as they wrapped their fingers around steaming mugs of coffee.
"Manu surprised me with a passport this morning," Amy said, tracing her fingertip over the rim of her mug.
Crissy raised her eyebrows and her chest tightened with a flash of panic. "You're leaving?"
Amy looked up suddenly and reached across the table hurriedly. "No, absolutely not. But with a baby on the way, Manny wants me to meet his family in person. Skype is hardly the same thing as face to face."
"When?" Crissy asked.
Amy sighed, shook her head. "June, maybe July. Before I get too big to travel."
Crissy nodded. "They'll love you."
Amy laughed slightly, a faint nervous note to the sound. "I just have to remember to behave myself."
Crissy shook her head, smiling. "That's exactly why Manu fell in love with you and you know it."
Amy rolled her eyes. "Maybe. But I hate admitting you're right so you're not getting anything more than that on the subject."
"It's about time you had a vacation anyway," Crissy said. "And the beaches of Venezuela will be perfect."
"I don't tan, sugar, I burn."
"No you won't, not if Manu has anything to say about it. I can just see him smothering you in lotion and asking you a thousand times if you're all right until you're ready to strangle him."
Amy laughed a little easier this time. "He won't be pleased to hear you have him pegged so well. He hates being predictable. But he's sweet. And I want to do this with him. I do want to meet his family. They've been polite in the few times I've talked to them. I just hope I don't embarrass him."
"I think that's pretty much impossible, Amy," Crissy said quietly.
Amy slid a little further into the booth, pleased.
Movement out of the corner of Crissy's eye made her turn and look out the window. She just caught a flash of Pete's coat as he turned the corner and hurried into the coffee shop, the bell jangling in the silence. Ellie put the broom aside and beamed, looking him up and down.
"Hi, how can I help you?" she asked.
"I'm looking for Crissy?"
Ellie pointed. Pete turned and Crissy waved.
"Crissy, hey," he said. "I have a...slight culinary emergency."
Crissy pushed her mug aside and sat a little straighter. "That happens to be my specialty."
Pete shifted, hesitant. It looked strange on Pete, this unease and lack of confidence.
"I kind of have a date tonight," he said. "I promised I'd make dinner."
"And that's a problem, isn't it?" she asked.
Pete nodded then shook his head. "Well, it wasn't at first. But I managed to screw the whole thing up. I burned the sauce. I burned the meat. I don't...exactly know what to do. And this guy..."
A flicker of panic flashed in Pete's eyes as he realized what he'd just said.
"I mean..." he started.
But Crissy held up a hand to stop him.
"I'm sure Stephen won't care," she said.
Pete blinked, surprised. "How did you know?"
Crissy glanced at Amy with a knowing smile. "Lucky guess," she said. "You two looked very comfortable together when you were her to install my stove. So what's wrong with ordering out?"
He sighed. "I thought about that and I was going to. But I wanted to do something special for him. I wanted to surprise him. Ordering out feels like cheating. Do you think you could just...walk me through starting over?"
Crissy nodded and stood. "I'm all yours. Lead the way."
Pete took her shoulders in a bruising grasp of enthusiasm and kissed her cheek.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you," he said. "I owe you one. Big time."
Crissy laughed and hooked her arm through Pete's elbow as she grabbed her coat.
"Just don't open up a coffee shop across the street when you surpass my cooking abilities, okay?"
Pete pushed the fire station door open and gestured for her to go inside first. The garage was deserted, the two fire trucks tucked in next to each other like sleeping dragons.
"It's pretty quiet around here these days," he said, leading her through the garage and around to a door in the back. "It's not a big town and with the weather starting to warm up a big, people don't use their heaters as often. The guys are probably playing cards in the living room."
"Do you like it here?" she asked, following him into the modest kitchen. "It sounds like you'd get bored without much to do..."
"Oh, trust me, it's worth it. I tried living in Chicago for a few years. It's hard to control fires in tightly packed areas. It gets away from you before you know it. Out here, in sleepy little towns like this one, it's one or two houses mostly. I'm not saying it's easier. It's still hard to watch people lose their homes, their entire lives. But I feel like I'm making a difference here rather than fighting a losing battle. Besides," he added with a grin, "gives me more free time anyway."
Pete swept his hands towards the stove where a rack of charred chicken sat, along with a pot of soup, rice, and green beans.
"The guys won't stop ribbing me about boiling the green beans to mush," he sighed.
Crissy nudged him with a shoulder and picked up the pans, emptying them into the sink. "Then let's give them something else to tease you about. Like your fantastic cooking skills after tonight."
Crissy walked Pete through preparing a meal of pasta with goat cheese and fresh herbs. She showed him how to make the perfect garlic bread, with olive oil, roasted garlic to sweeten the flavor, and a sprinkle of paprika, fresh basil, and parmesan. She watched over his shoulder as he heated the sauce, added a touch of white wine, and not once did she touch any of it, as much as her fingers itched to help. This was his dinner and he needed to take the full credit for it. Pete dipped his finger in the sauce when it was done and tasted it. His eyebrows shot up.
"You are a goddess among us mere mortals," he said. "We don't deserve you."
Crissy laughed. "It's just food."
Pete shook his head. "Out here, we've been living on beans, bad coffee, and stale doughnuts. Nothing as fancy as this."
"Well wait until dessert," she said. "It's going to be stupid simple but it'll look fantastic."
"Teach me your ways, Jedi master," he said.
Again, Crissy showed Pete how to make three different types of mousse and layer them in tall glasses for the best looking effect. She handed him fresh raspberries and a can of whipped cream.
"Don't hold back now," she said.
He poured whipped cream in until it towered over the rim of the glass. Crissy handed him the raspberries and he placed them on top.
"That's all I've got for you," she said. "The rest is in your court now."
Pete took in a deep breath. "Here goes nothing, I guess."
As Crissy helped Pete transfer the dirty dishes to the sink, she saw a flash of dark blue out of the corner of her eye. Quinn stood in the doorway of the kitchen, arms crossed, a slight smile on his face, still wearing his dark blue polo shirt and black cargo pants.
"How long have you been standing there?" she demanded.
He crossed the room and kissed her forehead. "A few minutes. Enough to know Pete has been taking advantage of my girlfriend's talents."
"He needed help," Crissy said. "I was happy to do it."
"She saved my butt, Q," Pete said. "I owe her big time."
"You bet you do," Quinn teased. "Are you two almost done? I'd like to show Crissy something."
Pete waved him off. "Go, go. We just finished up."
Quinn took Crissy's hand and led her towards the kitchen door.
"Good luck tonight, Pete," she called over her shoulder. "And let me know how everything tastes."
Quinn held Crissy's jacket out for her and she slipped it on. He pulled her outside into the biting cold wind and she huddled against his shoulder.
"Where are you taking me?" she asked. "And if you say it's a surprise, I might cause you physical harm again."
"You do pinch hard," he replied. "Not sure if I want to risk that again or not but.... it's a surprise."
Crissy groaned and playfully nipped at his shoulder. They headed south, past the fire station, and as they passed the coffee shop, Quinn shifted and covered Crissy's eyes.
"No peeking," he said.
She inched forward as Quinn kept his hands over her eyes, guiding her steps. He pulled his hands away and pointed to a little house with blue shutters and worn out window boxes attached to the two front windows.
"Good news," he said. "I will no longer be sleeping on my sister's couch with four goblin children crawling all over me in the morning."
"This is yours?"
He nodded. "The payment still has to be finalized and I don't have the keys yet. But I'll have a little place of my own now."
"Is the kitchen any good?"
Quinn laughed and shook his head. "I should have known you would ask that. There's a window around the back. You can look inside if you want to."
Crissy squeezed his hand and hurried around the back of the house. She peered in the window. The kitchen was small, perfect for one person to move around in, cozy for two people. The stove would need a good clean but at least Quinn wouldn't be living with nothing but a microwave. Crissy returned to the street where Quinn waited, his hands tucked in his coat pockets and a smile on his face.
"Did it pass inspection?" he asked, holding his arm out to her.
She stepped under his arm and tucked herself in against his side, sliding her hand inside his coat, searching for warmth.
"I did," she replied. "Will you have a house warming party?"
"As long as you break in the stove for me. I'd like my guests to be greeted by the welcoming feel good smell of apple turnovers."
Crissy tipped her head back to look up at him, one eye squinted shut as she thought about it. "I don't know," she said. "Might cost you."
"Definitely worth it," he said, pulling her in tighter to kiss her warm again.
The lunch rush on Friday had Crissy completely overwhelmed, lost in a cloud of flour as she whipped together fresh batches of croissants and French bread rolls and pastries as fast as they flew off the shelves. The phone rang and Crissy didn't look up, didn't hesitate as she carefully spooned lemon meringue into tart cups. The phone continued to ring and Crissy bit back a growl of frustration.
"Amy can you get that?" she called.
Amy didn't reply. Crissy sighed and set her bowl aside to answer the phone.
"You're seeing someone?" Her mother's voice was a shriek, high pitched and tight with indignation.
Crissy gritted her teeth. She couldn't deal with this right now. She had people to feed and she couldn't fall behind.
"Yes, Mom," she said, forcing herself to be calm. "I am."
"Well you have to break up with him."
Crissy laughed despite herself. "That's not going to happen."
"I already have a date for you for Andrea's wedding. What am I going to tell him? That I lied?"
Crissy stifled a groan. Thank god she could dodge that nightmare at least.
"I'm sure you'll think of something. I'm not dumping him, Mom."
"After all the trouble I went through to get you a date? I didn't have to do that you know. You should be more grateful."
"Okay well, Mom, I have to go. I'm busy right now."
"You think I'm not? You act so self-righteous, like you're so much better than me or your sister. And I won't..."
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When you die, is it eternal sleep that awaits you? Maybe you'll go to heaven or hell and spend the rest of eternity there. Or, just maybe, you'll get... reincarnated.That's what happened to me. I was pushed into another world by a seriously misinformed sphere of light. But I didn't reincarnate as a human. Maybe a lizard? Lizards are cool... I'd like to be a lizard.But no. I was reborn as something much more powerful, much more sinister and frightening. My birth changed the world."Five days of disaster shook the world. Floods, wildfires, earthquakes, tornadoes, and storms covering the sky in lightning. On the sixth day, a eerie silence followed. As the full moon graced the sky, an intense wave of energy like nothing ever felt before by the creatures of the world swept over the land. The moon shined blood red, turning the sky into an ominous crimson.The nine bijuus perked up inside their jinchuuriki. They knew what was happening. They felt it, in the depths of their souls. This was the birth of a tailed beast."_______________DISCLAIMERI do not own Naruto (I WISH), I only own my oc and the concept/eventual changes in the storyline.I also do not own any of the pictures, they all belong to their rightful owners. Credits to VIBIBO for the amazing cover! (Twitter @vibibo_ if I didn't get the wrong creator, which i really hope cuz their work is amazing and they deserve the credit!)If you see your picture on here and want me to take it down, let me know ☺️+ slight WARNINGThis is rather....trash...I apologize profusely in advance..
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