《Roommates with Secrets (BoyxBoy)》No 22- "Who are you?"


Its been 4 day's since Alex has been in surgery. Ive only returned to our dorm room to either changed or tell the teacher about him. I haven't attended any classes because Ive been by his side every single day.

When I returned to the college I ran into Callum to find out that he was the one that served him his final drink before he took off. Callum came back to the hospital and spent the day with me. He could tell I was hurting and left me alone knowing I was needing space.

Ive been sitting in the same chair everyday waiting for Alex's dark blue eyes to flutter up but they haven't yet. I started to think that maybe his not going to wake up. Every time that thought crossed my mind I would start tearing up.

I was slowly falling asleep in the chair next to his bed when I was jolted back awake when a bunch of people came through.

"Oh my god" I heard a women cry. I looked over seeing a women, a male, a teenage boy around my age and A small little girl. Wait could these be his family.

The women made her way over to his bed but when she saw me she stood half way. She grew worried.

"W-who are you?" She cried into what Im assuming was her husband arms. I swallowed the lump in my throat and coughed.

"I-im K-keegan, His roommate" I stuttered out, standing up from the chair. The family made their way over to his bed and all circled around him.

"When did it happen?" He's mother looked over to me. Why was she asking me and not the doctor but I answered anyway. "uh on sunday night" She spun back around to face Alex.

"Mummy whats wrong with Alex" The little girl in a yellow daisy dress asked tugging on her mothers coat. Her mum look down with a sad smile.

"Alex is just sleeping for a bit sweetie" She kissed her daughter cheek, the little girl smiled and hugged her leg.

"Were you there?" A deep voice broke me from thought. I looked up seeing I think it was his brother, talking to me. I shook my head.

"N-no I was back at the dorm room." I said quietly he nodded. I took the chance to look everyone over.

The mother had long black hair, same shade as Alex's and the same dark blue eyes. She wasn't very tall either. The father was tall with Short brown hair and greyish eyes.

The cute little girl in the daisy dress some how had blonde hair with blue eyes. Finally His brother, He was fairly tall, taller than me, Longish black hair and the same eyes. He was a lot like Alex but his face looked meaner.

"When did they say he'll wake up?" His brother looked back over to me, he seemed to care a lot about his brother, they must be fairly close.


"They don't know could be days,weeks or months" I finished looking back down. I felt awkward and out of place here.

His family was obliviously scared about him and was wanting to be alone with him. I headed over to the door and slipped out slowly and shut the door quietly.

I headed out the front entrance of the hospital into the fresh air. I looked down at my phone seeing it was 12:52pm. I headed back to the campus and up to my dorm room.

On my way there I saw Hannah standing in the hallway next to my door.

I made my over ignoring her presences and opened my door. Before I entered the room I felt her grip my wrist, I wince since the cuts still haven't healed yet. I looked her in the eyes giving her a warning glare.

She let go and backed up slightly. "What!" I hissed at her. She swallowed before she spoke.

"Where's Alex,I haven't seen him" She replied softly. Like she actually gives a shit. Well she's about die of shock.

"In the hospital" I said emotionless. Her jaw dropped.

"What!" She yelled I wince from her ear piercing whine.

"He had a accident because I told him about your affair" with that I entered the room and slammed the door shut. Not caring if she's out there crying.

I rubbed my face and made my way to the bathroom needing a shower since I haven't had one in like 2 days. I stripped of my clothes when a card fell out of my pocket of my jeans. I bent down and picked the card up reading it carefully.

It was a Number for a counselor. Maybe I should go to the counselor, maybe it could help maybe. I thew the card on the sink and jumped in the shower letting the hot water glide down my back.

After 25 minutes of standing under the warm I shut the water of and wrapped a towl around my waist before exiting the bathroom. I walked over to my closet grabbing out a new set of clothes to change into.

After I was done I walked over to Alex's bed and laid down curled up in his blankets. I laid there in his blankets staring at the white ceiling above me.

"What if he doesn't wake up?" I mumbled to my self. Ive known him for what a few weeks now and I feel like his the only reason why I wanna wake up everyday. Being around him my me feel wholesome and if he doesn't wake up I wouldn't cope.

If he didn't wakeup Id have to live knowing Im the course of it. I couldn't be here with out him, If he goes I go to.

I felt a tear escape my eyes as I closed them softly, feeling the warm tear slide down my tear onto his pillow.

I fall asleep shortly snuggled up in His Blankets.


I woke back up at 4:23pm and Decided to head back to the hospital.

When I finally got back I saw his brother sitting out side of his room. I walked up and stood there awkwardly. Since his family is there I couldn't just walk into his room now because it'd be rude.

I glanced down at his brother just as his looked up at me.

"You can go in, Im the only one here" He spoke softly nodding his head towards the door. I nodded heading for the door before turning back around.

"Whats your name?" I asked quietly but loud enough for him to hear. He looked up in my direction.

"Im Dylan" He offered a small smile, I returned it shortly after. "well Im Keegan as you know" I chuckled, Dylan slouched back in his seat.

"Are you gonna come in or-" He shook his head with a sad face. "No I don't enjoy seeing my baby brother like that" His tone was depressing. Baby brother.

"Yeah baby brother" Did I say that out loud. He chuckled. "Im 3 years older than him" So he's 21 huh he doesn't look it.

I nodded and headed into the room. I walked over to Alex and sat beside him. I took his hand, it was so cold and lifeless I didn't realise how much I was shaking.

Suddenly I felt A twitch. I looked up then back at his hands. He index finger twitched again.

"A-Alex" I stuttered out. I looked over to his face seeing his eyes moving under the lids. I stood up, still holding his hand.

"Alex" I spoke softly but louder than before.

His dark blue eyes opened up. He blinked several times, squinted at the blinding white light above him.

He looked over and his eyes landed on mine. I smiled thanking god that we was alive and awake. I went to speak but he bet me to it.

"Um w-who are you and w-why are we hh-olding his hands" I felt my blood run cold from his words. Did-did he just ask who I was. He took his hand out of mine. His voice was horse and choked.

"Alex you're joking right" My words came out in a shaky tone. This can't be happening.

"Whose A-Alex?" I stepped back from the bed He can't be serious. I left the side of his bed and rushed over to the door.I opened the door and Dylan lifted his head up to me. He saw my expression.

"What?" He grew worried. "He doesn't remember" was All I said. "What" Dylan repeated He raised from he's char, standing up tall.

"He-Alex doesn't remember me or himself!" I snapped, my breath was hitched in my throat. Dylan stormed into the room over to Alex.

"Alex" Dylan sounded desperate. Alex shook his head as we were wrong. I called for the nurse who came in, in 15 seconds.

"Alex you're awake" She chirped but Noticed him shaking his head. I spoke up loudly.

"He doesn't remember anything" my voice was shaky.

Her face went sour then sad when Checking her clip board. Then his parents came through, they both noticed our sad faces but she noticed Alex was awake and she rushed over to him peppering sweet on his cheek, he sat still not moving.

"Alex honey you're awake" She kissed his cheek repeatedly. She Looked over to the nurse and her expression dropped.

"What's wrong Nurse" His father spoke up. "Im sorry but your son seems to have small case of amnesia" It felt like my heart broke, he doesn't remember anything about himself, his home or me.

"What does that mean?" His mother pleaded, the look in her eye was like she had lost everything.

"It means because your son had a injury to the skull it impacted the brain causing him amnesia, he's lost memory of the accident and everything before it" She took a breath before continuing.

"His memories will come back shortly but you will need help him, talk to him about past memories, things he enjoyed anything will help." The nurse left shortly leaving us with Alex.

He's mum just stared at Alex in a sad loving way. She sat next to him. Alex looked over at everyone and stopped on me. It hurt knowing he doesn't know who I am.

"Alex honey Im your mother, My name Is jane, This is your farther Robert, Your brother Dylan and-" She looked at me before telling him who I was. I don't even think she knew exactly who I was properly,All she knows is that Im his roommate.

"And this is your Friend Keegan he's also your roommate, you're a Student At Yale university" When she mentioned me being his roommate his eyes flickered over to me. I couldn't read what emotion they held.

"Why am I here?" He's voice sounded dry from the lack of water. "You had a accident almost a week ago" He nodded laying his head back down.

I couldn't stand seeing him with so much confusion and sadness written on his face. It made my heart fell like it was gonna burst from my chest, I felt my eyes water but I fought the tears back.

"Ive got to go" looked over to everyone seeing Dylan nod understanding.I met Alex's eyes once more it was sad, it was like he wanted me to stay but couldn't remember me.

I basically ran down the hallway and out of the front entrance into the park out front. It was getting on night time and the cold breeze bit at my bare skin.I walked over to a free space of grass.

I dropped to my knee's and laid on the grass.Staring up to the sky like we did the first night we met each other. The memory brought a smile to my lips. Maybe I could help get his memory back.

This isn't fair, he doesn't remember his family or me because I couldn't keep my lips sealed. He lost all memories because of me, So now its my job to get them back.

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