《The Fading Sunshine》Chapter 10


**Still Hinata's POV

I look up confused. Why was my dads work friend here? Did dad send him?

The rest of the team was staring at us so I turned around with a smile and said "I'll catch up with you guys, go ahead to the cafeteria."

"Okay... Don't be too long, okay?" Suga said with a troubled look on his face.

"I won't i'll see y'all in a minute!" I said as i turned back to Koki.

"H-hey... What are you doing here?" I said with a nervous laugh.

"Well I heard you say something about the training camp so I figured I would come watch, and your dad gave me the address." He said with an blank look on his face.

"Oh, well I hope you enjoy yourself while you're here but I really do need to get back to my team." I said and started to turn around when he grabbed my wrist. I turned around and his face was inches from mine. I could feel his breath on my face.

"You're more than welcome to stay in my room if you would like. I know it's got to be more comfortable than the cramped futons in those team rooms." He said with a sly grin on his face.

This is bad news. I've got to get back tot he team.

"I'll get back to you on that. I'd have to ask my coach. So i'll ask him tonight!" I said with a smile. I of course had no intention of actually asking Coach Ukai about this matter, but it felt like that answer would get me out of here the quickest.

I struggled to keep up my happy act, I was scared of this man. I don't know what it is exactly but something just doesn't feel right about him.


"Good... Good..." He said. "Do let me know, it would be a pleasure to stay with you for the week." He said coldly.

"Thanks, but I better get back to my team. They'll start to worry if i'm not back soon." I said as I removed his hand from my wrist.

"Oh don't worry, I'll see you later." Koki muttered quietly.

I walked into the cafeteria and got my food before sitting down with the team. I sat down and everyone seemed to be looking at me. "What's up with you guys?" I said as I took my first bite of my food.

"Well... it's just... first you show up with bruises all over your neck and then a man that you didn't even recognize greeted you after our match. I guess what we're trying to ask is if everything is okay?" Daichi said with a worrisome look.

"Yeah i'm good, that man is my dads friend Koki from work. We met the other day and he came to watch me play since my dad couldn't make it." I said, hoping they wouldn't ask anymore questions about him.

"So... You met a couple days ago and he suddenly shows up in Tokyo, which is a 40 minute drive from Miyagi, to watch a kid he barely knows?"

Asahi said with confusion in his voice.

"I guess so, I can't read the guys mind. He told me that my dad got caught up at work and he didn't want me not to have anyone to support me, so he came." I lied.

"Okay but what about the bruises?" Nishanoya blurted out.

"Oh these aren't bruises, it's an allergic rash. My dad and I were going through winter clothes to see what still fit and what didn't, and I had an allergic reaction to one of the scarves." I was amazed with my lying abilities in that moment. Even I would have believed that if someone had told me that lie.


"Well... Okay but if theres ever something you need to talk about you know we're here for you right?" Daichi said.

"Of course I know that, you all are like my second family. I know you're here for me." I said through a forced smile.

"Well then, now that that's settled, we only had one game today so why don't we head up to the showers and watch the other teams play." Suga said with a soft smile on his face.

We headed up to the clubroom and we all got our showers. I pulled on an old t shirt and sweatpants and joined the rest of the team in the room. It was only 1:30 in the afternoon so we all lounged around in the room in silence on our phones for a while.

I was playing a game on my phone when I got a text message. It was from Koki.

"Hey sport! Did you ask your coach about staying with me yet?"

I stared at the screen not knowing what to say.

I hadn't asked coach, nor do I plan to. But why won't he stop bothering me about this?

"No not yet. I haven't gotten the chance."

He took a couple minutes to reply but finally said,

"Well you better get on it, I didn't travel all this way to not see you!"

Why was he being so weird? He shouldn't even be here. He's not my parent so why does he care so much about seeing me.

I didn't respond and I hoped that he would get the hint that I don't want to stay with him.

**Time skip to about 8:30ish at night

**And Third person POV

Soon the sun started to set and some of Karasuno's team began to get hungry and antsy. So they headed back down to the cafeteria to eat supper. They all went through the line and sat down together and ate. They talked about today's game and soon The friends from other teams come over to catch up.

**Hinata's POV

When everyone finished eating we all got up and threw away our trash. "I'll catch up, i'm gonna use the bathroom." I said to the others.

"Alright, but I don't feel like coming and looking for you tonight so don't be too long."

Tanaka yelled over his shoulder.

"I won't, i'll be back ASAP." I said as I turned around.

I walked the opposite way as the team and made my way towards the bathroom. As I was walking, I had this strange feeling that someone was watching me. I turned around and looked around but no one was there. I'm probably just being paranoid.

I turned around and started walking again. I hadn't even taken more than three steps when I felt someone grab me from behind.

I screamed but whoever it was punched me in the side and covered my mouth.

"Keep quiet. This is only going to be as bad as you make it."

I recognized the voice. It was Koki.

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