《My Husband》25
Яг одоо би ямар шийдвэр гаргах ёстойгоо тааж ядан зогсоно. Үнэн гэвэл надад Жуниныг орхих зориг алга гэхдээ энэ бүхний эцэст түүнийгээ зовоох хүсэл ч бас надад алга.
Бүх зүйл яг долоо хоногийн өмнө болсон юм. Тэр нэг гайтай өдөр Жүхёнтой уулзчихаад гэртээ ороход хэн нэгний хашгирах дуу болон алгадалт сонсогдоход би гайхширсан. Харин гэрт минь Сүжон ирчихсэн Жунины минь зүг хашхирч байсныг мэдээд би сэтгэлийн өвдөлт гэхээс илүү сэтгэлийн зовлонд унасан.
Сүжон түүнийг минь арчаагүй, хулчгар, хариуцлага хүлээх чадваргүй гэж байсныг санаж байна. Удалгүй тэр Жуниныг минь алгадаж орхиод уйлсаар гүйн гарсан. Түүнд ч бас хэцүү байж гэдгийг би тэр үед л мэдсэн Сүжоноо уучлаарай та хоёрын дунд саад болж буй намайг. Би л та хоёрын жаргах замыг хаан дунд чинь байгаа.
Гэхдээ Сүжоноос илүү Жунинд хэцүү байгааг би түүний уйлахыг хараад мэдсэн юм. Түүнийхээ уйлахыг харахад зүрх зүсэгдэх шиг болж харууслын нулимс нэг нэгээрээ дуссан. Түүнд минь ийм хэцүү байсан юм гэж үү.
Эр хүний уйлахыг харна гэдэг байж боломгүй хэрэг шүү дээ. Бурхан минь гэж би түүнийгээ ийм хэцүү байдалд оруулж хайртай хүн болон хүүхдээс салган дэргэдээ байлгаж байсан юм билээ.
Өөртөө уур хүрч байна. Яаж би Жуниныг тэр хэдэн өдөр үзэн ядаж чадваа. Хонгор минь намайг уучлаарай. Хайртынхаа зүг явдаа. Би чамайг холоос болтугай харж сэтгэлээ дэвтээж чаднаа. Энэ л миний шийдвэр түүнийгээ тавьж явуулах.
Үр минь чи ээжийгээ ийм арчаагүй байгаад уучлаарай. Чи ирээдүйд бүхнийг ойлгох болноо. Намайг ямар том золиос гаргаж аавыг чинь явуулсныг...
Миний энэ өгүүллэгийг уншдаг хүндэт уншигчид минь сайн уу. Хичээл нь ороод гоё байна уу. Удаан хугацаанд алга болсонд уучлаарай🙂 ЗОХИОЛ МААНЬ ДУУСАХ ДӨХӨЖ БАЙНА ШҮҮ.
The Devil King
This story is a Frame Story (story within a story), and as such will contain two summaries to denote both. A man was summoned from his home world to another to serve as a Hero for the desperate Human race. Where, in between the worlds, he is tortured whist obtaining specialised abilities and a Class. However, just as he enters this new world, he is slain by way of dragon fire. Afterwards, his soul is picked up by a Goddess called Azazel and strikes a bargain with her. For a new life upon her world, he will give her entertainment. Unbeknownst to himself, she has more plans for him than simple “entertainment”. Ah, but the Universe has its own plans for the man who was summoned. Be it for good or for ill, the worlds will note the rise of something more. ***** Sarah, the Goddess of Iridescent Colours, is the Goddess Queen of the Terran Pantheon after marrying a being called the Ageless who is the God King of said Pantheon. However, after many a century of being together, and giving birth to their only child, she has come to suspect her husband of breaking the oldest laws set aside within the Universe. Tampering or re-writing a being's Story. Of which contains a being's everything; from birth to death, everything is written within their Story. Tampering with such books would not only mark the being, but cause the Librarians who take care of such items to fly into a rage and slay the perpetrator. However, with the Ageless being the fifth strongest being within the Universe, she doubts if she could find a Librarian strong enough to slay her husband for the crimes he has committed. How did she come to suspect him? Her own story contains many pages which were re-written, and the one who has access to it is both herself and her husband. Therefore, she searches for answers, and has been given the story titled The Devil King in order to find that which she desires. Even if the cost is to read the whole book before she could act fully. Special thanks to Hot-Gothics/Agelyn Starr for the cover art. If you would like to view the full artwork, click here. This can also be found on a website run by a good friend and fan of my work. One that I've both bought and given my blessing to run. https://terranlibrary.com/
8 155Call of Carrethen
Posting chapters of Book 2, Lord of the Flame, until it releases on Amazon. Contains spoilers for Book 1!.? For more news, check out http://stephenroark.com Now, full book available on Amazon! https://www.royalroad.com/amazon/B07FP7XDWY Call of Carrethen—the world’s first real Virtual Reality game. Growing up broke in The Sprawl, I knew I could never afford one. But then I won a contest and the next thing I knew, I was diving into the most incredible world living out my wildest fantasies. But now I’m being held hostage with no ability to log out, and the penalty for in-game death? My soul will be lost forever in the “electronic void.” The world has been taken over by a black knight calling himself The Ripper. I don’t know him—but he definitely knows me. He turned the entire server red and returned everyone to level 1. Everyone but me. He’s gifted me 20 levels—with one single, deadly caveat: anyone who manages to kill me gets a free ride home. I'm a marked man. In order to survive and to get back to my family, I have to level up and defeat The Ripper. But with more than half the server out to get me, that’s not going to be easy.
8 142Scabbard
This is the tale of a man named Michael, or Mika for those who knew him in his last days. Michael was not a very interesting man, nor had a very interesting life, some would argue he didn't had a life at all, at least not up to the beginning of his journey on a strange new land. This is the story of how such a man helped shape a whole universe.
8 100Debts Come Due!
As a child orphand in the war and left with no one I was taken in by the church and trained to be a paladin. My father being a warlock and mother being a witch left me with only two things. The first is the name of a succubus that only asks that in life you do as you will but serve her forever in death. The second was the good sense to question everything that is ever said and never take 'because I said so' as a reason to do anything. After my training was done I could not stay at the church which had forced this fate on me nor could I turn my back on those that needed help and do nothing so I decided to become an adventure and go were I pleased helping whoever I wished on my way. What will my destiny become and where will I go from here.
8 473slip | vkook
in which a teacher and his student get closer once a student slipped. -Started⁎10.15.17Completed⁎1.20.18Status⁎completed -⁎lower case intended ⁎Honestlyoongi©️
8 62Kehidupan Sempurna
Simpang siur kehidupan dan mencari erti kasih sayang yang sebenar. Ada kalanya cinta itu hadir tanpa dipaksa dan ada kalanya datang kerana dipaksa. Dan cinta yang sempurna akan datang dan tidak akan pergi dan itu juga sebaliknya.
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