《My Husband》24
Шөнө дунд хажууд хөнжил сөхөгдөн хүйт даахад би юу билээ? гэсээр нүдээ нээлээ. Гайхсаар босох гэтэл хажууд нэг л хоосон оргиж Жунин босоод явсан байв.
Түүнийг ус уухаар явсан байх гэж бодон буцан унтах гээд хэвтсэн ч нойр хулжаад нэг л болсонгүй.
Нилээн удсан ч Жунин орж ирсэнгүй, би юу болсон юм бол? гэж бодсоор доош чимээгүйхэн бууж очив. Шатан дээр очин харахад тэр утсаар ярьж байгаа харагдана. Ажил дээр нь асуудал гарсан юм болов уу? гэж бодсон ч эрхлүүлсэн янзын хоолой сонсогдоход би бүхнийг ойлгож эхэллээ.
Яг энэ мөчид би өөрийгөө маш ихээр өрөвдөж байна. Түүнийгээ явуулах зориг надад байгаа гэж үү? Би яах ёстой юм бол. Өөрөөсөө болж бас нэгэн хүүхдийг эцэггүй болгомооргүй санагдсан ч өөрийнхөө хүүхдийг эцэггүй болгохыг ч бас хүсэхгүй нь.
Гэхдээ хүүхэд бид хоёр энэ бүхнийг даван туулж чадна тийм биз дээ. Одоо яг энэ цаг үед би Жуниныг үзэн ядах ёстой тийм биш гэж үү?
Түүнийг үзэн ядмаар байна. Хоёр эмэгтэйн дунд явах нь ариун явдал гэж би бодохгүй байна. Ойлгохгүй нь ээ үзэн ядмаар байвч чадахгүй энэ сэтгэл ээ.
Одоо надад яах ёстойг минь хэлээд өгөөч. Жунин ирээдүйд ч гэсэн энэ янзаараа надад юу хэлэхгүйгээр ингэж нууцаар уулзаж нууцаар ярьж нууцаар халамжилж явах юм уу?
A/N Би ер нь яаж яваад энэ өгүүллэгийг эхлүүлэх болсон юм бол хха
: Znbo Qn, Lily Lauren request yvuulaarai.
- In Serial32 Chapters
The 13th Essence
In the Tower of Metris, a babe is delivered on the doorstep of an orphanage. This is an all too common tale in the Towers of Kahlea. As Adventurers die braving the dungeons of the Towers, the children left behind are stripped of their home, their possesions and their name. What might seem cruel will sometimes be the only way that the orphans may survive. Dante is such a child. His thirteenth year is upon him and he must now leave the orphanage to become a student of the Academy, where the skills of an Adventurer are taught. Dante, his class and all others in their thirteenth year, will be entering a new life. From their new affinities of magic to the political power plays of the upper tier citizens, will Dante and his friends even survive before they make it to the dungeons?
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Hack and Slash (LitRPG)
A new life for Gwen. One that begins up a tree, hiding from a monster. The world of After was supposed to be a sanctuary from a reality in which the sun is destroying the planet. National leaders mashed together a dozen video games and added the ensuing virtual reality to a cryogenics system big enough for a billion people. And then shot the lucky minority into the void on a space ship. This was the best plan they had. Only, it turns out there are monsters in After that want to destroy humanity too. And as a Half-Elf Hunter, Gwen has found herself in the middle of a hoard of them.
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Too Many Humans
Too Many Humans is a dystopian horror web serial which updates every Tuesday. Series one will run until December. It takes place in the near future where the results of over-population give rise to questions with brutal and disturbing answers. It contains gore, profanity and scenes which some readers may find disturbing.
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Vritra [A Dragon Evolution LitRPG]
A death of holding no memory of the previous life into the new. An error in the system led to the birth that changed from the desired chosen reincarnation. Mixed of a spider and a dragon, born from the womb of a mother who'd immediately abandon their children. What life awaits the Spider Dragon as they level up into different stages and live in a new world of Sorcery and Sword, and now Monsters?! Trying out a LitRPG, this time more focused on building up the character and their power. Considering my initial failed attempt on a former series on a different site. Will be my main focus in releasing chapters more than once per week. The other fictions will release once or less a week considering they are shorter based stories as this one is intended for more content than a short and brief few novels. Thank you readers for checking out Vritra. Please give feedback on ways that I can grow my form of writing to fit in your engagement and understanding. Trying to get better and soon will have more time to type down words compared to these past weeks. Inspired by: Kumo Desu Ga Nani Ka?, Salvos, Danmachi, Sword Art Online, Mushoku Tensei, and a few select others CoverArt by Asviloka https://www.royalroad.com/profile/108594 *CoverArt is a depiction of how Vritra envisions himself one day*
8 138 - In Serial13 Chapters
Mia is a bounty hunter—ok, fine, that's a lie. Mia wants to be a bounty hunter, which didn't quite work out in the past few years, but now she finally received her first proper job. Her mark is a fugitive drug dealer called Lara Milbourne, and she has three days to find her. Easy. ---------------------- This book is written by two queer women, for queer women and anyone else that may take enjoyment in it. New chapters will be added every Monday. (Yes, we're giving you a reason to dislike Mondays a little bit less) Do you want more now? We are 7 chapters ahead on Neovel. Just Google "Clusterfuck Neovel" to find it!
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Roadtrip Gay One Shots
*discontinued* Sexy/Cute short stories about the boys of roadtrip! boyxboy
8 101