《Huh....... neat. (Apocalyptic Realm x male "Latino" reader)》Chapter ten


Sorry about not publishing last week I was caught up with some family business but I'm back and I've got a new chapter. Also due to some requests I have decided to put a sort of translation text. it will look like this

Anyways onto your story.

Y/n pov

Y/n: *groan in pain* where am I?

I open my eyes and see a familiar looking ceiling. It was the ceiling in my room.....at my......bunker.......how did I get here again?

I sit up and see I'm in my room. I get of my bed and see I'm not wearing a shirt and I'm also covered in bandages again and....some..... weird slime like substance.

Y/n: Alfred? Are you he-

Y/n: *deep breath*....AAAAAAHHHH!

Y/n: *points at one creature* AHHHH! *points to other creature* AHHHH!





Y/n: WHY!?!?

The creature tried to get closer making me get startled.



I get raised up upside down and start swing the frying pan wildly.


Y/n: NO!

I keep swing until one of the creatures gets annoyed and snatches it from my hands aggressively.

Y/n: *raises hands in defense* ok I'm calm.

She throws the frying pan back into the kitchen.


I look at her.

Y/n: well I mean I'm covered in bandages, I'm being held upside down causing all my blood to go to my brain, and I'm surrounded by these....I'm sorry what are you guys?

Y/n: yeah I didn't understand that.


Y/n: like the movie? And aren't those called graboids?

All three of them nod their heads.

Y/n: huh....makes sense. Anyways and I'm being surrounded by "graboids." So I'd say I'm pretty ok....now can you put me down in getting light headed.





Y/n: alright yes I will be calm.

Y/n: Gracias

They all tilt their heads.

Y/n: oh. I said thanks.

They nod and I turn back to Gaige.

Y/n: so sense when have you been able to translate?


Y/n: ok that's pretty smart but where did you find a translator?


Y/n: yeah why?


Y/n: Gaige.....why do you have to steal?

Gaige: *nervous giggle*

Y/n: que?

She growled and then held a hand out.

Y/n: oh....what?


Y/n: oh, no I should be apologizing for being a dick right now.

Y/n: i-is their somthing else you want? Water or-

she hugs me and caught me by surprise.

Y/n: ooooookay......um..... I guess ill just.... um...

Y/n: ok Gaige I'm gonna need you to translate everything they say please.


She lets go of the hug and walks back to the other two.she then points too the one on her right and growls.


Y/n: nice to meet you Mia.

Mia:*happy growl*

She lets go and walks back as Mia is pointing to the other graboids and growls.


I can see that Olivia is way taller the both grace and Mia by a foot or two. She walks up to meet and I have too look up. She hold her hand out and I shake it.

Y/n: nice to meet you Olivia.

Olivia: *purrs*

She walks back towards her friends and I look at them but I suddenly remember.

Y/n: hey Gaige where are Alfred and colonel?


I walk towards the door and see the stair case going up but the top closed. I go to my room and get my mask. I come back to the stairs and pull the cover back to show that it was morning. I step up the stairs and see Beatrice and Veronica along with Alfred and colonel but they where turned off.


Beatrice was nervously pacing and Veronica was trying to calm her down so they didn't notice me.

Y/n: *ahem*

Y/n: hey girls.

Beatrice runs towards me and hugs me very tight.

Y/n:*straining* ow.....bones.....still....broken

She lets go and tries to apologize but before she's can Veronica comes up to me and gently picks me up. She then hugs me gently pressing me against her armor. She puts me down as Gaige floats up to me.


Y/n: um....

Y/n: getting out of the hole in the ground.


She floats to where Alfred and colonel are.


They both light up and hover.

Colonel: reporting for duty!

Alfred: oh sir y/n is awake.

Y/n: yep also Gaige.


Y/n: do you still want to transfer bodies?

She stayed quiet but I could see her getting all fidgety.

Y/n: I'll take that as a yes.

Timeskip A/n POV

We see y/n typing into a old computer his mask beside the keyboard. Beside the desk was a table with Gaige and her new body on it with wires and cables sticking in both of them.


Y/n: *typing* not long, as long as you don't mess with something I should get you in the new body in around.....now.


He pressed enter as her optical sensors went dark and limp. Y/n turned to the body as the optical of the assaultron turned on. At first it was red but then it's slowly started to turn green. Y/n walked closer as the optical fully turned green.

Y/n: Gaige? *Waves hand infront of optical* Hellooooo?


Y/n: you can't do that....you don't have a stomach or a mouth.

She looked at her arms.


She tried to get up but the cables on her back kept her there.

Y/n: *chuckle* hold on.

He reached around her and

Gently pulled out all the wires and cables. When he finish he stepped back as she jumped of the table.



Y/n: careful. Your still not used to the new body.

He wrapped one of her arms around his shoulder to help her. He looked at her as she looked back at him.

Y/n: ok ready?


Y/n: okay. Left foot.

She raised her left foot and moved it forward. She then painted it on the ground and looked at y/n.


Y/n: okay now right foot.

Y/n: now repeat that until you get used to it.

She repeated the action for a couple of seconds until she got used to it.


Y/n: great now for the final test.

He walked her to the other side of the room and unwrapped her arm from his shoulder. He walked to the other side near the door.

Y/n: walk towards me and you'll be good to go.

He held his arms out as she walked towards him.


Y/n: come on your almost here.

She was a couple of steps away from him and when she was in front of him he smiled at her as she looked at him.

Y/n: good job Gaige. I'm proud.

She stared at him for a while causing him to feel uncomfortable.

Y/n: umm.....Gaige?



Y/n: no problem Gaige.

Anyways I'll start on the high school story today but that's all I have for you people.

So Until next time.

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