《Huh....... neat. (Apocalyptic Realm x male "Latino" reader)》Chapter two


Y/n: I wonder what I should do today?

Y/n is seen sitting on his couch fixing up his phone and earbuds. Alfred then floats by

Alfred: well you could always go out and get more fuel.

Y/n: why I thought we had enough fuel already?

Alfred: well we did.... until someone used it all up.



Y/n then stood up and went to his room while we are still looking at Gaige.

Y/n: *screaming* HIJO DE PÚTA HOW DID YOU USE IT!?!?

He then came back out with his trench coat on and his mask and hand in his hands.


Alfred: well how didn't she use it, First she burst all over the bunker, then she started experimenting with it, and finally she turned it into some kind of lu-


Y/n: Alfred when I come back please have this place cleaned up.

Alfred: right away sir.

Y/n then started walking out of the door putting on his mask and hat.

Y/n: maldíta séa its so hot.

Y/n: oh thank god.

Y/n: let's see hopefully there's some fuel.

He then gripped the Handel and some fuel came out. He became happy... until five seconds later it suddenly stopped. He looked at it and took it out the jerry can. He then held the handles and looked down it. He shook it and saw no fuel in it.

Y/n: *deep breath*.....PINCHE MADRE!

Y/n: *panting* fuck.*Punches dispenser one last time*

He then walked away from the station pulling out his phone and one earbud.

Y/n:*pissed* listen here you sons of bitches I'm not in the mood so if you want to fight then let's go.

They didn't move.

Y/n: fine.

He began to walk past them but all the cazadores prepared to attack him. He ducked all their stingers causing them to fly over him. Before they could react he punched all of them in one swing bursting thin the guts.


Y/n: alright you all started this.

He took up a fighting stance as the rad roaches started to crawl towards him. He stomped on two of them and picked up the last one throwing them at the radscorpions as one of them stabbed it getting it stuck. The other one pinched at his feet but he dodges and stomped on one it's claws breaking it. It backed away then tried to sting him but he grabbed its stinger and stabbed it through its head killing it. He turn his head to the one that just got its stinger unstuck. It tried stinging him but he also grabbed it but this time hi picked up the radscorpion and ripped its stinger off along with its spine.

He dropped the tail and pulled out his earbud.

Y/n: *phew* I needed that. Now back to...

He looked back at the jerry and saw it was spilled over.


Y/n:*crying* mother *sob* fucker.

Y/n: thank fuck The jerry can is full now time to go home.

He put some rope on the jerry can do he can carry it on his back. He put it on his back.

Y/n: oh its not that heavy.

Y/n: oh wait, while I'm out here I might as well look for a gun.

Y/n: oh these ones are cool.

Y/n: Dios mío that's a big one... heh that's what she said.

He broke the glass and took it. Then he went in the store and took the ammo for it.

Y/n: how's this thing work?

He turns the gun around until he saw a small switch near the barrel.

Y/n: oh maybe that's like a safety switch.

He flips the switch as he felt a small prick on the handle into his palm.

Y/n: Ow!

He switched hands and looked at his right to see blood coming out. He sucked on the blood and shook his hand.


Y/n: ok that was painful.

He looked at the handle and saw a small needle go back into the handle. He reluctantly gripped it with his right hand and started to aim and put his finger on the trigger and started making pew sounds.

Y/n: pew pew pew hehe this is fun pe-

Y/n: Mierda!

Y/n:.... yep you're a keeper.

Last timeskip.

Y/n is now walking through out a abandoned vault looking around for any signs saying armory. When he found it he found this weird looking gun.

Y/n: huh.....that.....looks...... dangerous.

He picked it up and saw a dial on the side. He turns it to low and electricity starts to go through it.

Y/n: whoa now that's cool.

He turned it up to medium and the gun started to change form and it hummed lightly.

Y/n: woah that's even cooler.

he then turned it up to maximum as it humming increased.


Y/n: alright I think that's enough. Let's recheck everything, pistols.

He pats the sides of his thighs.

Y/n: check. Explosive launcher /shot gun.

He pulls out the black gun from his back

Y/n: check. Explosive lighting rifle.

He puts back the shot gun on his back and pulls out the black and orange gun.

Y/n: check. And finally three in one tesla gun.

Y/n: check. Alright I think I'm-

(1:46 only)

He turns around and see a glowing deathclaw



The deathclaw chased him and when it got close to him it would strike towards him but y/n dodged. They started to enter an abandoned city full of feral ghouls. Y/n kept running and punched any ghoul that got infront of him. He looked back and saw the death claw was getting distracted by the ghouls so he took this as a chance and hid in a building.

Y/n: *panting* fuck *grips chest* my heart can't handle this.

He peaked out the side and saw the death claw still distracted by the ghouls. Then he suddenly face palmed himself

Y/n: dios mío how dumb can I get.

Y/n: good night putos.

He pulled the trigger and instead of it hitting the deathclaw it hit a ghoul infront of it causing a chain reaction of guts and blood going every where. Until the last ghoul died then the electric round headed for the death claw. It ran towards you but this time you didn't move. It's claw was right infront of your face until it suddenly exploded. You stopped aiming the gun and put it back on your back. You then started to collect whatever you could.

You got a lot of good loot as in a lot. You were about to leave until.

???: wait!

You draw your pistols from your waist and aim toward the voices location and saw a man who was holding a laser rifle.

Y/n: hold it.... drop the gun.

???: actually you drop yours.

Just as he said that 4 other men wearing almost the same as him piped out of nowhere aiming their guns at me.


And we are done hopefully this will satisfy you people. And also I need help with the name of the guns so if any of you have ideas feel free to share them

One last thing.

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