《Huh....... neat. (Apocalyptic Realm x male "Latino" reader)》Chapter one


Btw this will be in the modern area so there will be phones and all that.

A/n pov

The world used to be so beautiful. We had it all, clean water, food, and family...... well I mean that was before the nukes dropped.

No one really knows why they dropped but who survived the blast believe it was either the nations finally beginning a nuclear war or the were set of by accident.

The explosion killed millions but some survived by going underground into vaults. They were kept in the bunkers until the explosion died off.

When the explosion died down some wanted to get out right away and other just wanted to stay in their vaults but they ended up dying either way.

Turns out the nukes left large amounts of radioactive activity causing mutations to the people that stayed out for to long and the animals that survived.

Anyways that that. Now where were we.





He kept walking until he stopped infront of what looked like a mall.

We started walking and pushed the doors lightly trying not to make a sound.


???: shit.

A couple of seconds later the sound of running could be heard out side the store he was in so he quickly hid behind a aisle.

He put them in his coat pocket and kept looking around. A couple minutes later he is seen walking out the store while holding a phone and what looked like a charger.

???: really? *sigh* alright. *raises fists to show gloves* lets do this.

???: *male robotic strict* hault intruder!

???: you are currently trespassing if you don't leave now I will terminate you.

???: stand down colonel it's me.

Colonel: ...... you sure?

???: *long sign* pineapple juice.

The robots optical then flashes green indicating correct.

Colonel: welcome home Sergent


???: Alfred I require assistance!

A couple seconds later another small robot floats near by from a hallway.

Alfred: *male robotic monotone* you called sir?

???: yes I did, I need your assistance in putting the food away.

Alfred: right away sir.

He then floats near the backpack and starts taking all the food out and sorting them in the fridge or shelves. Once he finished he hovers back beside you.

Alfred: also sir you should take a shower you have blood on your neck.

He touched his neck and felt dried blood.

???: alright but first...how's Gaige?

Alfred: you know, psychotic....... as usual.

???: *female robotic voice*

He grabs it 8in the palm of his hand and holds it out near his face.

Y/n: hello Gaige.


He didn't know how to feel because she said that last part very chearfully.

Y/n: it was successful and it was a feral ghoul.


4 minutes later he is seen walking out of the bathroom wearing different clothes. He now has a white short sleeve shirt, some combat shorts, leggings, and sandals. He then walks towards the counter Geige was still on and pulls up a chair.

Y/n: geige you have to stop doing that it's a waist of your fuel.


He sighed and got up putting the robot on his shoulder. He walked back down the hallway but this time he opened the second door to the left. It was showed a normal room with door beds.

You also found some of the vaults that got raided and managed to get some sweet loot. Anyways let's get back to you.

Y/n: hey I'm gonna go train you can keep watching tv if you want.


You get up from the couch and start walking back down the hall way but this time you go to the first door on the right. You open the door and see your weight room. You train for the rest of the day until you get tired and go to sleep.

Well that's that. I will try to make this books chapters shorter then normals so until next time

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