《Blue Friday》Alone
Note: I don't normally do this. Posting story that isn't mine or what but I've read this story and it blew my mind that it wasn't posted here in Wattpad. This story deserves to be read and to be recognized, it's that good. All credits goes to the rightful writer, redchocopanda. Thank you for this beautiful story!
Now, if only Beca Mitchell knew that way back when she was still a young, tiny fool then maybe she could've spared herself the pain every tiny and foolish baby lesbian experiences. To her defense though, even the not so tiny, young and foolish still commit the same mistake so what chance did she have of being spared from a broken heart?
But that's the thing of the past. Beca, now with a stable career in one of the biggest digital music service companies has learned, through the hard way—that falling in love only causes disaster and will surely throw you in a pit of endless misery. It's pathetic and is the number one 'must never do' in Basic Lesbian 101.
Which is why, Beca has ultimately sworn off relationships. All of them, be it with a confused straight girl or not. Completely opening yourself up to someone, body, heart and soul where you let the person have so much power over you that's either they catch you or let you fall and die?
Hell, no.
Extreme as it may be, the twenty seven year old producer of live events has stuck to this belief since she vowed never to fall in the same trap again. The trap which she had unfortunately dove down embarrassingly three times — not counting the fleeting unrequited girl crushes which mind you, also stings but just a little bit.
Unfortunately, the source of the problem, as it seems, is that the brunette has had the misfortune of being attracted to a specific type, the feminine straight girl type to be exact, and despite all the warnings before the clumsy 'fall', she had still stupidly crashed down, hard.
Three times.
And before anybody tries to judge her, it really wasn't entirely her fault that girls are so beautiful— and act all clingy and affectionate around her despite the general knowledge that she's definitely not straight. It gets even worse when she's been made as the 'experiment'.
To elaborate further, let's revisit the past, most specifically, mistake number one.
It seems that there will be a time that straight girls would try to 'experiment' with their 'besties' because 'hey, what's the harm in kissing your female lesbian friend— who is secretly crushing on you— for experiment anyway?'
It's like the sort of achievement that once unlocked would suddenly make you cool, wild, or talkbes about when it really isn't. It's wrong and it makes you feel used. Beca hates that feeling the most because she's been there before.
Three fuckin' times, remember?
How about lgbt++ friendly bars, some might say.
Well, not everyone in a gay bar is gay just like the fact that not everyone in the bar downtown is straight, take note of that because Beca certainly did after mistake number two. There's just something about straight girls with their innocent-yet-comes-out-as-flirty smiles, their captivating, beautiful, soulful eyes and their comfortable— too comfortables— and naturally affectionate gestures.
It's a trap so before you engage, abort mission! Abort!
Because right at the end, you're just a friend— or worse, sister— to them and you'd be left in a corner once a 'cute guy' comes along. Okay so maybe that second was more of her fault for hoping otherwise— as all lesbians do with the straight girls they fall for— but still, she can't help her heart.
Now the third mistake, well, that was definitely not her fault. Sexual confusion is normal to those who are suddenly realizing that they're preferences might actually be different than the norm. This third one had been confused and Beca had become the source of said confusion. It was supposed to be heading in a good direction, the feeling is seemingly mutual and she thought maybe this could be something— or a beginning to something.
Turns out, mistake number three who still happens to be confused and still in the state of 'experimenting', deemed their relationship a mistake— along with their nights of endless passion. In the end, she wanted picket fences, biological children and a husband that her religious parents would be proud of. As if Beca would never hit the mark on any of those— okay, biological children from two women is still impossible but there doesn't mean that there isn't a way.
The story is longer than that and is sure to create headaches but bottom line is, Beca's learned that three mistakes is enough and should never, ever, be repeated. She's done and out.
Her life is good without any of those complicated relationships or catching those stupid feelings anyway. She has an awesome job which she loves, a high-end condominium unit all to herself, a brand new car, her precious cat, Bella, and unlimited amount of freedom to do whatever she wants.
What more does she need?
"Hi! My name's Chloe. Chloe Beale. I'm the new promotions assistant. It's a pleasure to work with you," a chirpy voice breaks her intense scrutiny over the initial plans for the upcoming project they will be hosting next month.
Beca looks up to meet dazzling bright blue eyes, glossy auburn hair and a smile that could melt the polar ice caps— which would then be the end of the world, her world.
A hand is offered towards her for a handshake and Beca stares at it for a few seconds before lifting her eyes back up to the painfully beautiful stranger named Chloe.
One look, that's all it takes for Beca to figure this one out. From head to foot, this woman screams straight girl vibes and therefore, belongs to what Beca labels the extremely dangerous zone and should be kept at a safe distance away from her— a million miles away from her. She knows better now, which means, steer clear from danger and form a barricade in order to protect thyself.
By now the hand in front of her wavers a bit at the uncomfortable— hostile— silence yet remains there as the redhead speaks again.
"You're... Beca Mitchell, right? The over-all producer for live events? They told me to report straight to you," the uncertain tone is unmistakable yet Beca does nothing to alleviate the discomfort. She has zero intentions to do so too.
It's part of her rule book of protecting thyself.
Lifting up the folders from her table, she hands them over to the redhead's outstretched hand and without missing a beat, replies in monotone, "Review those. I've compiled them all in order so it won't be that hard. We're having a meeting tomorrow. I would have given you more time but you're reporting in late for the festival season and we are in a rush. I'm expecting fresh ideas and punctuality," she finishes in a tone that clearly means business before motioning over for her assistant producer, Jesse.
With that, she gets back to her papers as Jesse, already sighing and internally shaking his head, quickly comes to the newbie's side. He adjust his tie out of habit, a signature of his among their workmates. Jesse's neckties are one way to let everyone know what kind of mood he is in. Today seems like a good day with the vibrant yellow tie designed with what looks like robots.
"Assist her," she orders him without looking back up and based on experience, Jesse proceeds to follow the protocol for situations such as this.
He gives a stunned Chloe an apologetic smile before handing a couple of papers towards Beca that would require her signature.
The redhead looking like she's still trying to process the fact that Beca doesn't seem to have no emotional capabilities or basic human social skills, tries to speak but Jesse's warning grip on her arm and eyes signals hinders her from doing so.
Well, friendliness is simply not in Beca's blood and it's just best not to tap into her bad side if pushed further.
"Contract from the energy drink sponsor," Jesse explains the papers he handed over to her before ushering the newcomer further away from Beca's work station.
Given the chic and creative vibe of their company, she doesn't really have a private four-walled office. Instead, she has her own space, distances from the group of just the way she likes it. There's a fully equipped snack bar with good coffee, ming-scented comfort rooms, a cozy area on the far left filled with plush cushions hammock for those trying to find inspiration, artsy decors all over the place and of course most importantly, everything and anything related to music from popular artists to indie bands from all over world.
She glances up at the direction of the newcomer who is still talking to an ever enthusiastic Jesse as he gets her acquainted with everything. Maybe even teaching her that approaching one Beca Mitchell is supposed to be done with caution and that she should never expect any sort of emotional response when within with confines of their office building— and maybe even outside of said building.
Beca values professionalism to the core and is a strong believer that work and pleasure must never mix. Besides, she's always been more of a reserved type of person unless it's meeting with clients and sponsors. Socializing has never been her biggest strength ever since her school years and had been described along the lines as aloof, quiet, shy and awkward but in the business she's currently in Beca has learned to hide her introverted personality behind the position she holds. Now she just comes off as the strict and cold woman in charge— Rule number 2.
Besides, it's better that way. People are quick to follow her orders and commit less mistakes in fear of being reigned down with her wrath. Sometimes, you just need that sort of discipline to keep them from slacking and it works. Once you start letting your guard down and getting emotionally attached that's when they start abusing you.
Very much like those three damn mistakes she made in her life.
Beca's day ends late. The office is already as quiet as a church with most of the staff heading home when the clock strikes five, Beca, on the other hand, only calls it a day after seven. Amy, her friend who proudly introduces herself as 'The Fat Amy' also known as Beca's favourite friend— which isn't entirely true but Beca's not going to tell her that out loud— calls her irregular overtime in work an old maid's mentality or 'the great drought' as she also describes Beca's romantic life. But then Beca only shakes her head and throws back something sarcastic or the nearest object her hands could reach.
Tonight is no different. The clock reads seven-twenty and Beca is shutting off her computer. Stretching her neck a bit, she exhales before getting up to grab her things and head home.
With her car keys in her hands, she is greeted a pleasant night by the security who opens the glass doors as she heads out. She walk towards her car, a black Lexus, and that's when she notices the blue Ford Escape parkes opposite her. It wasn't exactly the model of the car that made Beca notice it but the occupants of the said car.
It's the redhead promotions newbie with the most probably her boyfriend, who typically seemed like the type of guy to post work-out photos on his instagram page with his chiseled face, impressive jaw line, broad shoulders and all. From the looks of it, whatever conversation they are currently having doesn't seem to be going smoothly, not that Beca really cares.
Entering her car, she naturally turns on the radio before strapping on her seatbelt and bringing the engine to life. Adjusting the rear view mirror in a perfect angle, an irritating habit of hers according to Cynthia-Rose who slaps her hand every time Beca does it because 'That's what serial killers do,', her eyes somehow flit down to the car parked across from her to find that the argument seems to have ceased and her presence— or her headlights— might've been the cause.
When she's found the perfect song choice for the night, she hears a car door slam closed and looks up to find that the newbie had left her grumbling boyfriend— who now looks like a dog has pissed on him— is now walking towards the street seemingly opting to grab a cab instead— or Uber.
But again, that's none of her business so she drives without stopping, passing by the troubled newbie. She's just glad that she's not into the relationship thing because, well, that looks like a headache, a really huge unrelenting headache.
By the time she reaches her apartment building, the newbie and her personal problems are the last thing on Beca's head. The receptionist greets her like clockwork and Beca just gives a light nod like always, her heels tapping against the marble floor as she heads for the elevator.
When she enters her apartments, she gives a huge sigh of relief. It's quiet and peaceful at least. With her shoulders slouching, she kicks off her shoes tiredly and hangs her coat by the door before hearing a familiar little sound. It instantly brings a smile on Beca's face, the only genuine smile she's ever given today most probably.
"Hey baby," she coos as she kneels down to gently touch her cat's head, lifting her up a bit to plant a soft kiss on her nose, an act of people in her office would never have thought she was capable of— with the exception of Jess and Cynthia-Rose, of course.
She slips on comfortable cotton slippers on the way to her kitchen, her cat following right behind her. Bella, her beloved cat-child, is a gray Scottish Fold which Beca got as a present from her best friend, Stacie Conrad— who actually gave it to her with a joke that is as green as the inside of her brain but then what's life without Stacie and her sexual innuendos?
Music naturally drifts through the walls of her apartment as she turns on the microwave to heat up frozen pizza which is most likely her dinner for tonight. In the meantime, she pours herself a glass of red wine before padding towards her sofa to sit, a relieved sigh escaping her lips as she does. Nothing is ever going to top these quiet moments of bliss. Propping her legs up, Bella jumps up the sofa and curls on the opposite side, tail tickling Beca's feet. She looks out to the city lights scattering all over the buildings nearby and leans back contentedly.
And really, she'd never ever trade her serene nights for noisy, messy, stressful relationships that will only make you age thrice as fast than the average rate and give you heart problems, figuratively and literally.
She doesn't understand how people would trade freedom for pain or torture when you can live a life without any of those.
Love? That's just a temporary thing until the shit storm takes over.
Mornings are only complete when there's coffee.
Beca, a certified coffee lover, strongly believes in those words and takes her coffee, black with a little bit of sugar while she gets some snuggles with Bella— who doesn't always like snuggles because that's just how cats roll. It all depends on her mood, to be honest, which is why seeing her cat always snuggled up against Stacie Conrad is something which Beca deems unfair because somehow, her cat seems to love her best friend more than her. So naturally like any decent pet owner, she tries to break them apart.
Before anything else, it is important to highlight that in spite of her infamously cold and distant personality at work— or life in general, Beca actually has a best friend— also a group of friends too— and they go way back in college, freshman year, right at the time of Beca's second mistake.
Stacie is gorgeous with those long legs that seems to go forever and oozing sexual appeal that if made equivalent to electricity, could power a whole nation. It's easy to say that everybody is attracted to the tall brunette. Even Beca, before they thad gotten close, admittedly had a small crush on her. Yet when Stacie catches Beca throwing heart eyes at her the second mistake and is ready to offer her soul for the sake of unrequited love, she stages an intervention because as she says, 'Been there, done that. Girl, that's never gonna do you any good'.
Nonetheless, when Beca gets drunk beyond the point of no return for the first time due to heartbreak and has embarrassingly done things that are.. too embarrassing to mention, Stacie is there— to literally drag her out of the dumpster— and after that they seem to have formed some sort of brotherhood which ultimately wiped out every trace of attraction she had for the tall brunette. Besides, they are terribly alike in so many ways that they might as well have been brought up in the same home. Now, it makes her cringe to think that she ever had a crush on Stacie to begin with.
"Don't forget about Friday,' Beca catches her best friend saying and doesn't hold back a groan of complaint.
Stacie rolls her eyes at that and sharply flicks her on the forehead with her fingers in response.
"Ow! Why? Why do you always do that?" She protest, rubbing the sting.
"Because it pisses you off and distracts you momentarily from heading down the path to eternal singlehood,' her best friend simply states before snatching Bella away— again— from her and craddling her in her arms fondly.
Childishly, she retorts by lightly kicking Stacie's precious red Loboutins that had been neatly placed on the white carpet floor of her living room while Stacie herself perches on her black leather sofa. Everybody knows that Stacie's heart belongs to her shoes or as she calls them, her 'babies'. It's only fitting that she works as a top fashion designer, she looks like a model herself with the way she dresses up.
"I'm holding your child, if you haven't noticed," Stacie threatens as she strokes Bella's fur and plants kisses on her head— while her traitor child purrs contentedly.
Obviously, the threat doesn't weigh anything just like the billions of threats they had thrown at each other through the years and just makes Beca sighs in defeat.
"I don't need girlfriend,' she finally lets out, sitting down the other side of the sofa and this time it's Stacie who sighs out loud.
"You do,' her best friend counters and Beca already knows what's to come next. "You're all work, work, work. Hell, you'd even go to the office on weekends and on holidays if we don't drag you in the opposite direction! Your dedication is amazing, Becs, but it's starting to become very unhealthy,"
Beca knows that somehow, Stacie is right and that her closest friend only worry about her but it's easier said than done. Love isn't her priority right now— probably not ever but they don't have to know that— and she's simply better without it. No more one-sided attractions, no heartbreaks, no complications and no problems. Besides, successful she becomes with work.
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