《》Hello again


Posted: June 8, 2021 (for reference)

Hey, so if you've seen my previous author's note (which is now deleted), you would know I had considered rewriting or deleting this fic.

But don't worry, I'm not deleting this. I have simply decided that I will slowly — painstakingly so since this is not a high priority — rewrite this fic. And not just the minor edits like I have been doing, but actually posting a brand-new chapter.

I say I'm gonna "rewrite this fic", but honestly, most of the revisions will focus on the first two years. Unfortunately, I am not sure if this will extend to the bullet-point chapters. Highly doubt it, but we'll see.

"Brand-new" is also somewhat misleading. The story will still be the same, but it'll be written better. Hopefully. Revised chapters will be marked with an asterisk (*).

Why am I doing this, you may be wondering? Because, quite frankly, this fic isn't my best writing. Some of the characterization, for instance, make me cringe. Not to mention, when I first started, I rushed it to the point I was just telling you what happened instead of showing it through dialogue and/or character interaction. So I'm hoping to make it more like an actual story and not just... whatever it was before.

Also, I'm hoping to add a few Fred and Harry moments prior to them getting together so it has some buildup. However, it will not be explicitly romantic for the first two years due to Harry's age.

Revisions may be posted out of order (e.g. I may revise a chapter in Year 4 before I even reach Year 2 chronologically), but again, since the story is still the same, it shouldn't be too confusing.

Edit: If at any point the chapters appear out of order, please let me know. In the past, there seems to have been this glitch where it looks fine to me but not to some readers.

That's the plan, anyway. We'll see how well I stick to it.

Edit July 25, 2022: For the most part, revisions are finished. So what you read is what you get. I apologize for any inconvenience moving forward.

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